Sterograms are cool ! I've been viewing them for the whole day today .. of course they tend to make me a bit cross eyed and dizzy at times. I've never found any hidden sterograms in public yet but I've heard that they are actually quite common, so the next time you see a poster with random dots hanging at your dentist office give it your best wide eyed, squinting, "my eyes are gonna pop out" stare and you just might be surprised at what might leap out at you.
Don't know what sterograms are ? You're kidding me right ? Where have you been all this time ? Siriuz is forgiven for not knowing, he's been too busy running away from man-eating mushrooms from Mars. If he had taken the time to stare at every clump of random dots he would have been eaten allready. Of course, if he had stopped to stare at the man-eating mushrooms he would have noticed that the random dots on them are actually a sterogram (he..he.. i can actually imagine him squinting at the mushrooms as they gleefully catch him and toss him into a boiling cauldron .. sweet)
Well here's what a website says about sterograms :
"Stereograms are images that at first appear no more than random patterns or dots. When you relax your eyes and stare at the images for a while, 3D images appear. "
Give it a try you'll enjoy it (and at least I won't be the only guy walking around cross eyed and bumping into everything with dots for textures).
Here's a good site that teaches you how to look at sterograms :
.... and here is a small sample, it has two dolphins jumping out of water (couldn't find any sterograms with mushrooms in it so couldn't freak Siriuz out. )
 Until the next post , have fun ! Carpe diem baby ..
-Warlock |