I was listening to the usual mp3s on my computer when something I haven't heard for ages started playing. It was Toccatta and Fugue in D minor , for some weird reason it scared the hell out of me ! The powerful opening was nice and had a really strong impact on you but when the organ starts to play and the stylus phantasticus style becomes more evident the creepiness starts to set in ...
(Stylus phantasticus is a style where the music takes on a brave and adventurous style, based on improvisation)
For some weird reason the song brought a dark mood and a chill that permeated me to the very bones. I started remembering about all those songs that was supposed to be inspired by the devil or imps playing violins and I got even scared. Just when I was starting to really get worked up ( i can get a pretty active imagination at times) Siriuz comes to my room and told me that or some weird reason my guitar string broke of it's own accord .. shiver .. shiver ...
At few songs later Tartini's "Devil's Thrill" came on Winamp .. at around this time freaked out and cleared my playlist and started playing safe songs like Red Hot Chilli Peppers ...
You are probably wondering why " Devil's Thrill " freaked me, you wouldn't be if you know the story behind the song.
Gieuseppe Tartini's Le thrill du diable (The Devil's Thrill) only appeared in print around 30 years after his death ( i think it is 28, 29 or 30 years , can't remember). Legend has it that Tartini hear the song in a dream where the devil came to his bedcahamber and played a song on a violin in exchange for his soul. Tartini supposedly woke up and tried to commit to paper the tune that he heard. It was supposed to be such a perfect tune that after hearing it he lost interest in playing the violin , he allegedly said that if he could have subsisted by any other means he would break his violin because his version of the song was so inferior to the version the devil played. The song is technically demanding and is very hard to play even by modern standards , some say that he had six fingers allowing him to play :P ..the song is 13 minutes long , the really scary part 'the Devil's Thrill' (thrill here refers to a bunch of notes played together in a rapid succesion) comes up at the very end. Go look for it and enjoy ... The Devil's Thrill ..
At 12:26 PM,
Cool I wanna hear!!! Did you notice that Orochimaru's theme has elements of Toccatta & Fugue in D Minor incorporated into in, mostly at the start. For really cool goth style music go download the soundtrack to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Heck go get the game too, playing it for like the 100th time, and its a PSOne game to boot.
At 11:39 PM,
6 minutes u will be in 666. good luck.