I once asked my guy friend,” If I were to accidentally drop my hand phone down from here would you run five floors down to retrieve it for me?" He replied with a zestful, "of cuz!" Then added with a cheeky grin, “Haven’t you women been asking for gender equality all this while? Well, given that you're physically fit, maybe you should go get it yourself!" To be honest, I balked at the thought.There will always be matters we prefer men to attend to or task we feel are more off male responsibility-from the mobile phone retrieval scenario above to the lugging of heavy grocery bags. I'm not ashamed to admit that i like doors being opened for me, having my laptop carried and being able to move along first in a narrow corridor. I appreciate being treated like a lady with those gentlemanly acts that men perform and women except at a subconscious level, whether we're couple, friends or even complete strangers.I wonder if men would like it if we made a point to wrestle them for the bill, even walk them home or attempt balancing acts with our shopping while he saunters around with folded arms!In the ABC of Women Workers' Rights and Gender Equality, ILO, Geneva, 2000, gender equality is defined as "the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal ability and make choices without the limitation set by stereotype, rigid gender roles and prejudices.......It does not mean that men and women have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibility and opportunities will not depend on either they are born male or female...." But is this equality achievable in the double standard world of female.....?I believe that a women should not be victimised just because she is born a women. Being passed over for managerial position or being delegated administrative duties at work because of gender would be unfair. But while we would like to be given equal opportunities at work and rights in the society, do we want to give up our preferential treatment?Gender equality may just mean the death of chivalrous gentlemen. We can say goodbye to all preferential treatment. Maybe the term "gender equality* (*subject to terms and condition)" would be more appropriate. Alternatively, gender equality can be read as " I want it all... the best of both world included!" It appears that we want our cake and eat it too!Well for the time being, what can I say but that it's great to be a women! |
At 8:45 AM,
uhuh nice post(yeah right!!). wow u women r so...so.... TOO dependent on masculine power. makes u feel useless doncha think?no wonder women cant drive properly, vulnerable to snatch thieves n such, cant play computer games(dota, cs, etc). neway 'princess' of eskimos, tc and hope 2cu soon. btw, MAN RULZZ WOMEN DROOLS n ur BRO..... nvm i save my bashing for this weekend. ciao!!
At 12:04 PM,
That is a very thought provoking article.
If you ask me, if your phone dropped 5 stories the female should make it a point to go down and pick it up because relying on others makes you weak. However, if a guy volunteers then she can accept his aid. The guy however shouldn't be condemmened for not offering his aid though. Besides nobody enjoys sifting through broken plastic and electronics to look for a SIM card :P
At 4:15 PM,
I used to believe in gender equality, but i wonder the very idea of it is feasible or not. Male and Female (by mentioning male first, it's not i m trying to make the male seems dominating or leading, nothing of that sort)have their own flaws. We should compromise to each other to make whole. Guys have higher metabolimic activity, Gals are a meticulous bunch in handling paperworks or such. We have different set of abilities to our counterpart. But of course there are cases which girls are as good as guys and vice versa.
Oh, about the story of the phone, I think if they are the person that i care so much, be it guy or girl, i m willing to travel 5 stories down (elevator or staircase) to get the phone, or the very least i could do is accompany them to retrieve it. To those who always see me as transparent, sorry dude, go pick it up urself!
At 6:18 PM,
i love this post, darling ..
but seriously at times i like to just open my own doors and carry my own bags.. i wont break a leg now would i.. :P
and even if one of my girlfriends was to drop the phone..i would run down and get it because i just love jumping down the stairs like a monkey (i think everybody in this blog knows i have monkey instinct at times..dont blame me.. i am afterall ,related to warlock :P )
but really..nice post !
At 8:58 AM,
Girls want to be treated as equals.
Girls want special treatment.
I think this is all I need to say on the matter.....