I a into the second day of the week after having made it through one of the worst Mondays since the first Monday of the Holocaust (not in the mood for political correctness). I have some serious doubts about whether anyone still reads this blog anymore, but I've been absatining from posting for awhile so I thought a little update was in order.
So I decided to stay in Seremban on Sunday and come in straight to work on Monday from Seremban by bus. I don't take the train because it takes basically twice the amount of time since I have to take the LRT from the train station to KLCC. There are 5 buses that go from Seremban straight to KLCC. To have any chance of getting a seat I absolutely MUST take the first bus at 6:15am.
Woke up at 5am to get ready and left with my brother rudecrudedude (another non-poster on this blog) at 5:50am arrived at 6:05 at the bus terminal and had to wait for the bus which was 5 minutes late. Trust me when I say tht the Terminal 1 bus terminal in Seremban is so disgusting and keretek smoker loaded that 15 minutes of waiting there feels like a lifetime. After spending time there I feel the need to get a toothbrush and toothpaste and literally scrub my lungs, plus I need a shower too.
Finally the bus leaves and this is the part where I drift off into air conditioned slumber until arriving at KLCC. Only the driver is a complete fucking lunatic. He was one of them cockroach drivers who keep changing lanes and I thought the bus would flip sideways a couple of times. Plus he was speeding faster than the bloody cars. Fucked up. I so would take the train since there's only so much a kampung driver can do there besides stop and move forward, but its impossibly inconvenient.
Arrived in KLCC exhausted, dehydrated and with my nerves slightly unhinged. Had coffee, read the papers, went down and got a massive Chicken Bryani breakfast since I had planned to skip lunch. Thought that the day wouldn't turn out so bad after all.
Then it happened, the meeting from hell. I was summoed for a meeting at 12:30 (meeting was supposed to be at 3pm, but let's say there was a manager with no concept of schedules and respect of other peoples' timetables involved). The meeting started at 12:30 and went on until 6pm, by which point I made up an excuse and left, ran like mad without looking back!!!!
It was the meeting that would never end. On the other hand I have made an interesting discovery in the process. Get enough malays into a room and the resulting time warp totally halts the passage of time in the room. While hours go by in the real world, they are but seconds inside the room. Nothing of importance gets discussed and conversations on who is pregnant/getting married/a datuk/a datin/ a son or daughter or a datuk or datin/gossip....you can see where I'm going with this.
I am not making this shit up when I say that meetings at work involve at the most 10% of the actual purpose of the meeting and the other 90% is bullshit, strategically placed bullshit so that people like me can't walk in, deal with the issues and leave while the rest stay to talk cock.
So with my racism further enforced and sanity crippled beyond recognition, I went home and couldn't even bring myself to game just a little bit. Sleep. Rest.
Another day another dollar, and about 2 million meeting hours. I've got multiple overlapping meetings on top of my real work. I'm keeping myself sane by blogging and thinking about an issue that I need to resolve by the end of the day. There's a meeting at 5pm too, but I'm skipping that owing to a new deadly disease I have developed called Idontattendnomofugginmeetingitis. It has completely crippled my ability to give a fuck anymore.
What is the meaning of life?....is hardly an important question. My great question is should I buy a PS3 or an Xbox 360? Price is not the issue, but while the Xbox 360 can be modded and has a wide variety of games right now, I have been reading about the relatively high 33% failure rate of the Xbox 360 system online and have been scared off. There is a class action suit in progress against Microsoft that they allegedly launched a faulty product to beat their competitors to the market.
Of course games are region free, but movies aren't. If I get a PS3 I am worried I won't be able to play the Blu-Ray movies I rent in the States (voltage is not an issue for the PS3).
I guess its only a matter of time before a region free Blu Ray player is available anyway, plus PS3 can use Linux so programs abound. I don't make a PC comparison right now as the PS3 can be a comp too, just not Vista capable at this point.
Additionally the good news is that Sony just slashed the PS3 price by USD100 so I'm wondering when the discount will trickle down to the local market. I'm seriously leaning towards the PS3 but I appreciate any pro-Xbox 360 views.
Also Blu-Ray movies for Malaysia and USA are Region 1 so I can play movies from there on my PS3. Yay me!!!! I'm going tomorrow afternoon to buy so you wanna stop me....you gotta comment.
The Legal Department is going off on an away day/teambuilding excursion to Langkawi next weekend and I am on the committee hence my reaching the point of lunacy due to the endless meetings.
I am being forced to perform multiple time doing ABBA, Grease and other numbers with various members of the department. The only silver lining here is that none of you will be able to see me make a complete arse of myself onstage.
I will be (1) Singing as John Travolta in our performance of 'The one that I want' from the movie 'Grease' (2) Singing 'Take a Chance on me' by Abba in a group. (3) Dancing to the song 'Sway' I think its Rhumba or Mambo and hope to god I get one of the hot girls and not some tudungfied psycho who can't touch the kafir.
Since the previous post was kind of short winded, (like the poppoing of those scented tissue plastic bags at the chinese restaurant when you pop it wrong and its just a little snap sound) and because I am fucking frustrated over it.
You see today we were discussing the cover of the booklet for our away day that's retro themed (Austin Powers style) and they're like 'oooo we can't use the peace symbol its haram' and 'ooo we can have silhouettes of humans, animals etc'.
I felt like saying 'I'm gonna haRAM my foot up your asses'. Seriously fucking annoying. My melayu hate is at an all time high right now. I try to tell myself its not their fault, years of ugama classes has rendered their minds as sterile a eunuch.
I wanted to share this sight with the rest of ou about the peaceful way of life, a site set up by some ex-members of the peaceful way. I didn't post anything from it because I think it can be considered highly offensive to certain sensitive quarters and nickles. Go to
An read the article under 'satire' between the man who died and god. Although it directly targets one religion, I think it is a beautifully written satirical article that should apply to all religions and be read by all believers or all faiths.
Right now I am praying hard and full of zealotry in the hope that I won't get trapped in another nexus of time meeting.
DotA has been suffering the past two weeks without Warlock around in Seremban, I hope the faggot is coming back this weekend because trying to organise has taken years of my life. Try to go
I don't quite understand ho a person can think it is remotely acceptable to request that the timing be postponed for them AND THEN SHOW UP LATE. Don't worry SP3 this isn't targeted at you but to all practitioners of.....
Ok ok *huff* *huff*
Look. People are waiting for you. People took the time to include you in their activities because they consider you a friend. People ask you what time you can make it. So if you bloody commit to a time then stick with it. People ask you if you can be there at 7, if you can say you can, if you can't say you can't. We won't be mad at you, we know you will sometimes have things to do or other commitments. Just say you can't make it, or suggest a later time.
But for heavens sake, don't suggest a time and then show up late. YOU SUGGESTED THE TIME. YOU MADE IT SO EVERYONE HAS TO SCHEDULE AROUND YOU. I mean why don't you just spit on us instead, its disgusting but infinitely less annoying.
Plus the goddam 5 minute rule. Look. I'm going to say this once. If you're 5 minutes away when we ask say you're 5 minutes away. If its fucking going to take half an hour for you to arrive or you haven't even left to meet us, don't be a humongous asshole and tell us you're 5 minutes away.
See sometimes things happen, an emergency, no transport. We can all relate to that, but don't force everyone to stand and wait for you somewhere while you behave like a tardy cheebai. Tell us you will be half an hour or even one hour late, then we can do somewhere for a drink or do something else to pass the time instead of standing around like dumb fucks in the belief that you have even the slightest bit of respect, consideration or empathy for us.
I am heading off to the U.S.A. on the 27th of July and will be back around the 20th of August. So I won't be around for any activities. However once I'm back its business as usual for me with DotA, World of Warcraft and my shiny PS3.
I'm still going ahead with my move, but I am getting damn impatient with the fact that my only update is 'I am going to move...' whenever someone asks me what is going on. I need finality, even if it involves my bus overturning on the way to KL.
So those JAIS motherfuckers are at it again, this time arresting a singer at an entertainment outlet for revealing clothing (covered by the Star strangely enough, I smell an election set-up, don't be fooled). She was basically wearing a sleeveless top and a tiny triangle missing in the back. Its retarded. I hate how these stupid as dog-shit asshole get to go to Uni on my fucking taxes (yes I pay taxes now *cries*) and then come out and get a job with JAIS. I wish they would all get cancer and fucking die....I really do. If I had mutant powers I would kill every last one of them first *see what I did there*
Also, the case of Revathi was thrown out of court because she was 'released' into the custody of her parents and forbidden from leaving the religion of peace because to do so would be 'treason' in the words of the syariah court judge. So a grown woman, married with her own daughter is now a prisoner of her parents (who are complete fuckheads by the way, just go see the Al-Jazeera clip on apostasy in malaysia on youtube) and can't raise her daughter as a hindu.
50 years of independence....its a shame 60% of the faggots here will never know true independence.
This just in PM says that allegations of torture and ill treatment at detention centres for 'rehabilitation' are completely untrue and are 'wild allegations' despite the fact that it is the detainees making these accusations. I'm starting to like the senile old fool more when he's asleep of being ellegantly silent.
If anyone wants to buy my PS2 and stash of games or you know anyone that might want it just let me know. I'll just sell it online at lelong.com otherwise. RM300 flat out half price with all my games controls, memory card etc. (Do you guys think its too high, last I checked the new sets are RM600 for the slim ones that overheat easily) |
At 7:41 PM,
what happened to "im not gonna post here anymore" .. :P
but wow you do sound very sex starved..
i mean very pissed
At 4:23 PM,
i think xbox360 has more games now. but the overheating problem still persist, that is y i m hesitant to get it now. as for ps3, i wait next year, early next year, hahahah, give comments if u got one already ^^ oh, comments on game ^^ i never watched movies with game consoles.
At 4:41 PM,
Blue Dragon, lost oddessey, er......what else ar.....these are few of the xbox360 games that are good. others non-rpg games i not too sure. ps3 has ninja gaiden which is awesome and also ridge racer 7. was it 7 or 6? xbox360 only has the lesser title.
as for the overheating prob, there is a solution, but not a definite solution, just decreases the chances of failure by installing a coolant fan or somethng. but since it's modded, it's highly not redeemable by way of warranty. oh, and playing online games with modded console will get ur console locked and it's troublesome to attend to the console cause u need to let it cool down before u can properly off it entirely.
At 7:55 PM,
Kavi its lame responses like yours that make me rethink posting here. So many topics and this is the only comment you could come up with =P
Well so far the Xbox 360 is cheaper and has more games and is modded. The games that are on both systems are either the same or have better graphics on the Xbox.
PS3 is just perfect in every way except for the limited number of games and the fact that original games are not cheap, all around 100ish.
360 is supposed to have a new chip design for models produced at the end of the year. Plus I hate Microsoft, they keep releasing shitty products. I'm going to buy a PS3 since original games are not a problem where i'll be going and its dual voltage and plays the USA region movies too. Yay for me!!!
Only reason why I might pull out is if the games I can get with the system are really sucky. Then I'll buy the Xbox 360 ^_^
At 10:34 PM,
well it is afterall up to me what i want to comment right.
and being the attention whore that you are, just take it as it comes :P
At 10:32 AM,
well, i can assure u that the games on ps3 will not sucks! oh ok, with some of the major game producers like square enix, namco bandai and others with ps3.
i tend to go with the flow, if these major producers opted for 360, then i will get 360. for me, it's not the console that matters, it's the games. xbox only have few good games only. but of coz, it looks better in 360 than ps3, but with no good games, i dun c the point i wan to get 360. i rather get psp (FF7 crisis core rocks!!). but there are few games for 360 that i really like at the moment, so that y i was considering of getting one last month, but i got scared because of the overheating issues.
At 12:22 PM,
I'm still worried about the overheating issue. I know there's fans and stuff you can buy for the 360, but my worry is that they won't help.
All the articles about the failure rate of the 360 never really clarify the CAUSE. If it is simple overheating then I suppose a fan will help, but if its overheating due to massively flawed design where hot chips are close to sensitive materials then a fan might not help.
I don't want to have to deal with worrying every hour I play that my 360 will burst into flames.
Brother is checking shops at Sungai Wang today on prices, so we'll see how that goes.
At 8:25 AM,
Today is the BIG DAY!!!! Going to Lowyat to see if I can get a good price from the lady my cousin and I went to to get his PS3 before.
I really want a PS3 since overall its the least hassle for me to take to the USA and to play Blu-Ray movies, but if the games that are out now aren't to my liking then there's just no point at all and I will get the Xbox 360.
Have no doubt that I want to play FF13, Kingdom Hearts 3, Lair etc. on the PS3, but all that is for later and I'm sort of stuck with stuff like Oblivion or Spiderman 3, unless they have a decent batch of PS3 games since I can get 2 with the system.
Otherwise its 360, despite the problem of overheating which is not such a big problem because since its modded the warranty from Microsoft is irrelevant, which also means that it can be modded with proper internal cooling ^_^
Wish me luck and happy discounts!!
At 4:30 PM,
Yay Marvel Ultimate Alliance with Heroes & Villians Expansion pack!! Magneto!!! So purty the graphics.
Only played the first 5 minutes of 99 Nights but it looks good. Transformers the game is purty too. Its all purty.
At 8:48 AM,
Ok so all I've reallu been playing is Marvel Ultimate Alliance after downloading the Heroes & Villains pack off Xbox Live.
I've had no problems using my Live Gold account so far, but I haven't actually tried playing with others online, and probably won't since its difficult to connect the LAN cable to the Xbox (too short). Only way is to rearrange some stuff and with the cables just stretched out all over the place...lets just say its a disaster waiting to happen.
I did get one of those cooler fans and while the outside of the case does get hot and so is the air coming out of the back, I haven't got the overheating warning yet. So far I've always been lucky with my consoles and PCs (not counting the PCs my family insists on buying), so keeping my fingers crossed.
I've seen a couple of Xbox 360 games on sale that aren't listed as official 360 games. What's happening is that the pirates are selling old Xbox titles that are usable on the 360 for twice the price as 360 games.
I came really close to buying a PS3 but they just didn't have any really cool games (Ninja Gaiden Sigma was RM300) and I like being able to buy a ton of games since we can't rent titles here. Let's face it, I have no problem with spending RM100-200 on a good game, but using my gigantic library of PS2 games as an example, at least half of them are extremely shitty and nothing sucks more than paying a couple of hundred for a shitty game.
I did hear that there's a possibility of a PS3 mod after E3 in which case I am so buying on. Dark Alex, the main man behind the PSP homebrew OS is in the midst of writing an OS for the PS3..so....time to start saving. *prays for bonus*
No to see if I have enough Live Points to download Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Back to Marvel Ultimate Alliance. We've been playing with Magneto, Hulk, Doctor Doom and Venom (because let's face it, most of the characters from the original game are ghey). Naturally Arvin wants to be a doctor and you all know I have my Magneto fetish. Kid brother is into Venom.
Oddly enough, the Hulk is the most fun to play, he can pick up enemies and use them as weapons. The Hulk beats the living shit out of everything. I absolutely hated playing the PS2 version, but the 360 version rocks. All these heroes are supposed to be 360 exclusive, PC version has 3rd party character mods, but nowhere near as good as the developer designed ones.
Worst part is I don't get to play with my 360 since its in Seremban and I'm pretty much gone for the next month. Plus my kid brother is hogging it playing Spiderman 3.
Will miss DotA the most...well at least during my flight, after that I'll be with my woman and won't care about you fags anymore ;P
Oh yes...buying Gears of War this week (no stock when I bought) but I saw people playing it and it really looks as good as the reviews say it does. Plus got 2 playes split screen.
At 9:04 AM,
i love 99 nites!!!!
oh, if u r a FPS fan, u ought to get Gears of War, currently, it is one of the game with the best graphic!! watch out for Creed Assasin (or the other way around), it's more lively than GTA.
At 11:13 AM,
Well I wish I could put up pics of Marvel Ultimate Alliance but I can't do it at work sadly and I always forget when I'm home.
Work life has been getting progressively worse for me since the date of the original post. While I am not suicidal at this point, I have certainly become genocidal.
I think I'm entering a state of depression but at least it can only last a maximum of one week ^_^
Just a little reminder to those who might read this, I won't be coming for dotA for the next one month since I'll be travelling. Do enjoy those sessions without me.
Oh and Chino, I have decided to sell off my PS2 but will only do so in September as there's one or two more games that I really need to finish and I can't do all of that now. If you're friend is in a huge hurry to buy one then please tell him to go ahead, but if he's patient he can have mine and my games collection. We'll discuss this when I get back into Malaysia.