hows everybody!
Im just almost done with accomodation.
Stopped by campus to use the computer since the temporary accomodation im at doesnt have a damn thing. no internet no nothing
The weather is so terribly erratic but it actually RAINED today. its summer now but its damn cold at night. so bloody cold i tell you. like a double powered genting highlands.
of course as expected it isnt all smooth sailing. i suppose it'll get much better once i move into the house and set my stuff up because it really sucks living out of a suit case.
otherwise, the people here are really warm. very welcoming and friendly. has made it a lot easier for me to settle down. Classes start on Monday.. and now im thinking.. about.. how im going to carry my damn big luggage across town to my new house. LOL
Apparently during orientation we were told that adelaide water is very safe straight off the tap. So since mineral water is pretty expensive here all we do is go into the bathroom everyday, fill our bottles up and drink the tahi water. ok kidding. it does taste different but i've been to gujarat and after surviving water there, adelaide doesnt even stand close. Still.. sometimes we DO wonder whether it is ALL THAT SAFE but ahhh drink only la. try doing that back home la. mampus terus. =P
travelling here really is pretty convinient. very organised ticketing system plus they have free buses and trems so usually when we want to go shopping we just hop onto the free transportations and behave like hooligans. well, close.
alright i gotta run!! its 6pm. time to get home and err.. look into..this thing called..COOKING.. though we havent started much we just grab roasted chicken and salads from supermarkets and come home and cook up a dish..
Oh by the way since its daylight saving now, until 8.30pm its actually so bright... like 8.30pm here would look like 6.30pm in malaysia. its crazy!!
out. |
At 3:35 PM,
heya gal...hope everything is fine there...take care kavi.
At 12:03 AM,
At 1:42 PM,
yeah im ..well.. alive.
hasnt been too easy but its alright im coping.
classes started yesterday and its straight away as tough as shit.
missing u guys lots laaaa
at least ive stopped crying about it now =P
take care ya'll.