Been a long time since i made a proper entry here. (or a rant at least)
You know how people say uni is the best time of your life and that you should make the best of it. Well ive been trying. but the recent weeks have been a bit difficult.
What do you do when a bunch of people go out of their way to make your life miserable but never bother telling you why? especially when youre so lost with what you could have possibly done.
What do you do when you approach one of them to ask wtf is wrong. she tells you. and you still dont think its your fault but you apologise anyhow. and she just ignores you and goes off. Makes me feel like an idiot for having apologised because i feel like now they have the last laugh.
Everybody makes mistakes. if i can forgive yours and look past why must you hold grudges. i just dont get it. People tell me im too nice and gullible. maybe its time i take that seriously and do something about it.
Ok i raelly want to rant more but none of this will make any sense when i read it tomorrow so i'll shut up here. |
At 9:04 AM,
before you mentioned it I figured it was a girl you were having problems with.
I have no explanations for the mental diseases highschool/college girls seems to suffer but this is just one of those things I guess. Guys will just tell you exactly what pisses them off and you get past it, fight or walk away.
I can honestly say college was the best time of my life and I enjoyed it tremendously.
***I also truly deeply believe that kow towing to tantrum throwers, and apologising when you didn't do anything wrong but just because someone is having their period is definitely the surest route to being respected and appreciated by said people***
The asterisks are the best way I can think of right now to depict incredible sarcasm ^_^
Suck it up, make new friends. I mean do you really want to make your life more difficult by having to deal with mental people.
At 1:52 PM,
At 3:50 PM,
If those friends can get angry over small thing and never get over with it even though you try to make up with them. Then I suggest u forget them.
At 5:47 PM,
its difficult because theyre now trying desperately to talk to all the friends that i have..
gah i dont know la.
im still alive
At 7:51 PM,
people like the 1s mentioned in ur post dont deserved to be your friends... dont bother wasting your breath apologising to them when u know it wont make any diffrence to the outcome... they dont deserve it... make new friends and live life to the max... college is enjoyable... dont let losers bog you down... you deserved to enjoy uni life...
At 1:39 AM,
but im guessing its a ex close your thinking"maybe things will change and become better,back to the old times". It mite, but what happens when this same scenario plays out again, U GONNA SUCK UP AGAIN,U GONNA BE THE LOSER AGAIN? just show this o0o to whoever it is and walk away. Dont add any WAT IF's to your decision....
At 10:22 AM,
I am also in agreement with clown's middle finger method. I mean friends have arguments and misunderstandings, that's normal, you get past it and move on.
But this nonsense about them trying to talk to your other friends sounds like negative campaigning to me, like they're trying to get people to side with them against you.
If I'm correct there should be scheduled for a big fat 'fuck off' by you.
An extra bit of advice on the assumption that these friends are malaysian. Screw them and make more aussie friends (the malaysians will hate you for it, but you didn't go overseas to be sequestered with more m'sians did you?).
This is a perpetual problem with m'sians studying overseas. They form their own m'sian groups and drama ensues ^_^
At 4:15 PM,
yeah magnus youre right.
Malaysians come here and fight with each other. wtf.
Morons wont even properly understand the things that i blog about but still want to assume shit.
anyhow. im getting better.
Warlock you owe me a slap.
At 9:24 PM,
Why must it be that when one of the malaysians gets close to a local, the rest of the malaysians always hate her..
"oh she betrayed us"
wtfwtf WTF.
At 10:33 AM,
There is no hard and fast rule to why malaysians behave like idiots in overseas institutions.
I think the entire notion of banding together with only m'sians while in college is ridiculous.
My best attempt at explaining is that in general malaysians are a highly insecure, introverted and clannish people.
These qualities are amplified when they're placed in a foreign land like UK/Oz. The first step is to band together (usually by race if there's a big enough community but if not by citizenry, since you can't be picky if there aren't enough melayu/india/china in your Uni).
Take National Service camps whever everyone bands by race and the people that mix with the other races are chastised by their own race. Same thing.
Of course once you then create this group of scared, introverted and insecure minorities, it is only natural for it to spiral out of control and have them turn on each other.
I cite examples of ghetto kids murdering each other and people descended from indian origins in KL threatening to disown their kids for wanting to marry a tamil because they are malayali etc etc.
Minorities banding together always seems to be self-destructive to me. In this case the minorities in your group are m'sians as they are the minority iin australia.
Get out while you can. make more australian friends. hanging with these people will poison your uni days which are supposed to be the most fun. They will hate you for it, the malaysians.
But you could broaden your horizons, of huddle together and cook malaysian food everyday ^_^
At 11:29 AM,
Yeah magnus i really know what you mean.. and i truly agree.
but its difficult..
First and foremost they are starting to isolate me and talk to all the friends i talk to..
Before this when we first came here, people kept telling me that my group was very anti social and always kept to themselves..and i felt embaressed being associated as "part of the group" because i know im not like that.
But now that im out of the group im sad?
wtf i dont understand myself sometimes.
Just the way they are isolating me makes me feel like im the lousy one though i know i shouldnt be feeling that way.
gah. maybe the locals dont like to approach the asians because we're so clumped up to each other all the time.
go all the way to aussie to fight with malaysian friends. clapclap.
At 2:23 PM,
As i said b4 and wish to reiterate, show them this and walk away o0o o0o. Talking is a waste,politeness is a waste,tolerance is a waste,thinking about it is a waste,hoping for sumthing better is a waste and most of all having them as "friends" is a waste. SO, just turn your back and walk away. Sticks and stones may break your bones but words cant do a thing. For example magnus can say that you are HOT but it wont affect you if you dont take notice of it and act blur. ;)
At 2:49 PM,
RELAX gurl...enjoy uni....take the best and screw the rest(wink...wink) a year or two you look back and laugh thinking of this would be wondering why on earth you told these bunch of old crows the problem in the first me you will.... :-)
Take a chill pill....grab a corona....(or any local you favour)....and just move along.....
At 3:37 PM,
Its probably not nice because certain people are snubbing you and it never feels nice to be snubbed even if you don't like the people that are snubbing and think they are dickheads.
Still I think your uni is a very big place so you'll make new friends. I really truly believe that you should try to befriend more aussies, but of course don't snub the malaysians that are nice to you.
Friends come and go, I am not even friends with 90% of the people I knew in college because of falling out or plain old lack of contact. By the same token I never really saw Warlock, Siriuz, Arc for years after leaving school but reconnected with them once I started working.
But I know I say extreme stuff regarding dealing with other people, but it boils down to this, you're going to have problems with loads of people going forward in life. Its unavoidable. What you need to do is learn when to compromise, apologise and make amends and when to tell them to go fuck themselves with rusty pipes.
Like clown said take the best and screw the rest (wink wink).
So if I said you are HOT would it affect you?