So I finally got around to getting a computer. bought a laptop since it seemed to be easier than having to share the TV for computing and watching TV.
Windows vista isn't as bad as I thought i would be, probably because i'm entering the game so late that they've already patched everything causing problems.
I still don't like internet explorer since that crashes a lot, but I've been using both google chrome and firefox and can't decide which is better. Anyone got a take on this? |
At 10:50 PM,
firefox all the way.. though u have to be careful not to bog it down with too many add ons... or else ur probably better surfing the net wit IE..
At 8:54 AM,
I love chrome simply because it launches so fast. But Firefox is better developed and supports more plugins. Thrash IE. Nuff said
At 8:11 PM,
I'm using chrome at the moment and I'm liking it. I think I might ultimately switch to firefox just because of the plugins.
That and firefox prevents sites from opening new windows/tabs but I can't seem to make chrome do that