Sorry that I hadn't updated the blog for a few days .. had been pretty down and busy as well ... Well I managed to get a few hours of serious DOTAing during the weekend break. Caught up on some reading ... started and finished Memnoch The Devil by Anne Rice last Saturday. Now reading The Vampire Armand. I am slightly troubled with the entire gayness and homoeroticism rampant throughout the book ... It seems very wrong for a guy to kiss another guy. Not that i have anything against gay people, like I always say they can go for gay love anytime and with anyone as long as I am not the object of their affection .... I just get a bit uncomfortable when Anne Rice starts flooding her books with so much gay stuff. My poor cousins sat for the first SPM national examination today. Kavi , Pavi wish you both the best of luck ! Remember the golden rule in the Malaysian education sytem : Memorize and Vomit , don't use your brains to answer the questions. God forbid NEVER EVER give your own honest opinions ESPECIALLY in Moral Education. If the question asks you : " You are in love with a person but your parents have decided to foist you off to some bugger that you have never met before. What should you do ? " I know most of us will write about talking to your parents and discussing things with them but where are the moral values that can be associated with that ? No .. the CORRECT (snigger) answer is that as your parents they know what is best for you so you should MENGHORMATI ORANG TUA ( respect your elders) and marry the bugger .. nevermind if he picks his nose and wipes it on your dog's fur. After all we must listen to our parents and do what they say without question. Lets put this hypothetical situation : Imagine A's parents are greedy slobs who lie, cheat and swindle money like nobody's business .. they teach A that it is ok to cheat your friends , should he MENGHORMATI ORANG TUA and listen to their advice ? When do we draw the line on what to listen to and what not to ? That is where Moral Education is supposed to come in .... It's supposed to establish to us about what is right , wrong or acceptable , of course in Malaysia (in order to complement the entire stupid education system) we DONT do this .. NOOO , we are too busy teaching crap moral values that has to be memorised and plugged into the answers to allow them to get their points... a heartfelt essay that argues the pro's and con's of listening to your parents in both the question will get a 0 unless they happend to have certain " moral values " and their " key words " which MUST be there for points to be awarded ... SIGH Damn, I wonder which idiot came up with the stupid moral values marking system ..... Morals shouldn't be about memorizing values and writing stuff in direct connection to it. It should be about good things that comes from the heart .. Instead of teaching people what is good and what is not , teaching people about tolerance and understanding .. how to cope with rage , jealousy and how to think through to reach a morally and ethically to make a descision what they end up teaching is how to suger coat lies and write them down. " You find a RM 5 note on a bus stand . What would you do ? " The correct answer here would be to go and give the money to the authorities because of nilai ( plug in NILAI MORAL here) . Crap answer i tell you ... like somebody would report a RM 5 loss to the police station ! My answer would be to just drop the money into some donation box somewhere but there is no moral value there so my anwer will be wrong and I won't get any marks . I would probably write on about how logically speaking if we have to take a cab and go to the police station the cost incurred would probably be more than the value of the RM 5 itself ! Of course in Moral there shouldn't be a CORRECT answer . There shouldn't be a MARKING SCHEME which tells us which answers carries how many points . Instead they should consider each and every answer based on the merit of their argument and personal beliefs ... Today the government came up with an official statement that marriage between same sex members would not be condoned even if one of them had a sex change operation. I don't agree with the descision , I believe that if you are uncomfortable with your sex you should be allowed to change it and should be ostracised because of that ! What is so wrong with changing your sex ? So you are unhappy with your body , you are not comfortable or aroused by members of the opposite sex but you have sexual desires for the members of your own sex .. obviously there is something wrong here. The best thing to do is to have a sex change op and try to live out your life as close to normal as you can be right ? It doesn't harm anyone , so WHY is it WRONG ??? I am pretty sure no one changes sex just for the heck of it rite ? It's their body so let them make the desicion damn it ! Sigh ... sometimes I don't understand the reasons behind the policy that policy makers make ... It seems that most of them are politically or religiously motivated rarely for the good of the people ... Yeah I am raving allready .. sorry about that , must be the medicine . Will write something better next time .. sorry again ... gonna go sleep now . Good night world . if i can have one wish it would be that when i wake up tommorow the world would be a better place. Oh yeah, good luck to all SPMers ! Do your best ! Ganbarre kudasai yo ! - Dinesh |
At 7:07 PM,
hei hei i did have an A in moral loh.
At 7:08 PM,
No wonder lah ...