The Offense of Religion

Faith. I remember reading once that something that is held to be true by virtue of belief, without evidence, can also be disproved without evidence. Such was the strength of this statement that is stayed with me through many years. For those who claim to me that there is a god, and he is the god they worship, I always say that there is not, that their god is not, and I cannot be more right or wrong than they are, because they come to me with nothing, nothing but the ramblings and hallucinations of old Caucasian men from a thousand years ago, whose thoughts and opinions are about as relevant to me as the various strains of bacteria reproducing on the sole of my shoe.

The faithful always do as they must. They cry, lash out in anger, insist that I couldn’t possibly understand. So twisted are their minds that the idea of questioning their faith, or having it questioned makes them angry, upset, vengeful. So much for love and peace.

So "The Da Vinci Code" is playing, and I will be watching it today. I fear that despite all the angst and furore surrounding this cinematic release, it will be a rather lousy movie. Hope springs eternal though, they did manage to land one of the greatest actors of our time, Tom Hanks. There's no denying that the man is a fantastic actor.

Anyone with a hint of brain matter knows that the book is a work of fiction, countless conspiracy theories have been produce on film, published as books. We did not see FBI agents getting upset and protesting over "The X-Files", we didn't see animal rights activists protesting the killing of Mufasa in "The Lion King", we didn't see NASA scientists protesting against "Star Trek".
So what's so special about "The Da Vinci Code"? I will tell you, it's because religion is involved. I am certain of a few things in this world, and one of them is that religious type love to be offended, it makes them feel holier I guess, remember those cartoons.....

The irony of this is that the wise old men in the church (this is just dripping with sarcasm that cannot be seen without the latest 3D Graphics accelerator card), in their wild, zealous need to discredit anything that goes against their holy grain, have lended credence to both the book and film. For now, everyone is starting to wonder if perhaps there is a bit of truth to what was written by Dan Brown. Because of this nonsense.

To add to the stupidity of it all, I just read today that some albino group is upset and launching a protest because the albino monk is portrayed as a villain. When did the world degenerate into a raving bunch of pussies? So let me get this straight, I can't portray a woman as a villain because its sexist, I can't portray a person of any particular race as a villain beause its racist, etc etc etc. Idiots!! All of you who actually get upset about things like this should go look for the deadliest weapon a 2 year old can handle effectively and turn it on yourselves.

Sensitive issues? Why is religion always a sensitive issue? Is god a sensitive guy? Does he cry himself to sleep because I questioned some ridiculous rule about going vegetarian during lent? A rule created by some clown we don't even know who died centuries ago, and we have no way of even verifying if said clown did in fact create the rule.

Sadly, nobody will believe me if I go up to them and say that god spoke to me last night (well he didn't) and said that all of us should enjoy life, eat drink and be merry. They'll believe with great fervour a piece of parchment recording the rantings of a man that may not have existed though.
Maybe someday, a wise king might come across this blog and compile it into some holy scripture to serve as opium for the masses. Till then, I'd rather believe in my own power and not do the whole lamb of god thing. I am my own God, I love to worship Me.

Till then, go watch "The Da Vinci Code" if only to prove that you don't need some old farts in at the Vatican thinking for you.

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -- Stephen Roberts
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