It was with utter and absolute horror that I read the front page of the Star today. In a statement from the PM no less it has been made very clear that the Article 11 Forums will no longer be allowed due to sensitivities blah blah blah!!!!
Let me recap for those of you that might have forgotten. Article 11 is an NGO that was founded to rationally discuss the constitutional problems of non-muslims converting to Islam and the legal issue in relation to their spouses, children etc. It also discusses the issue of muslims that no longer wish to profess islam. There have been a couple of case in Malaysia of husbands converting and keeping it a secret from their wives, and when they pass away the wife discovers she and their children are not entitle to any portion of the husband's estate. Cases of husbands converting and converting their children without the wife's knowledge, and when the husband dies the wife is forced to raise her children in accordance with the tenets of the religion. Cases of people wishing to have islam dropped from their identity cards but are not permitted to do so without being authorised by the national islamic body.
So a few months ago, Article 11 organised a forum in the city of Penang and a mob, claiming to be an anti-inter-faith coalition of sorts (I forget their name) started crowding outside the hotel where the forum was being held. They tried to storm the hotel and were behaving like barbarians. They outnumbered the cops 2 to 1 but thats good odds for the cops. This I will never forget, instead of turning the water cannons on the mod (the forum itself was all proper and legal) the cops told the forum co-ordinators to shut it down. These people (the mod) were behaving violently and they weren't blasted with water cannons like so many other protesters here.
No what happens!?! These buggers are rewarded by having a perfectly legitimate organisation prohibited from discussing a very real and important issue in this country. What crap!!! What kind of message does this send!?! The if you feel sensitive about something, form a mod and you get what you want?? Or perhaps only a particular race or religious community has the right to do so.
Its pathetic! Wait till they start telling us that we shouldn't go clubbing because it offends their senstivities, that we can't drink, that women should cover up more because it sensitive not to (don't want a mob to form and gang rape her). This is how it always starts. Run Run Run!!! Head for the hills!!! There's no light at the end of the tunnel if hypersensitive Malaysians have their way. No holding hands, sensitive lah. No kissing, sensitive lah. No eating pork, sensitive lah. No revealing clothes, sensitive lah. No rock music, sensitive lah. No fashion, sensitive lah. No women drivers, sensitive lah. No video games, sensitive lah. No foreign TV, sensitive lah. No speaking English, sensitive lah. No dancing, sensitive lah. No education, sensitive lah.
*Sigh* Nothing changes, people stupid. Why?? Why?? Why? All I have to do is look at my fellow man to confirm that god cannot exist. |
At 1:47 AM,
No female should work. Imagine it.