The Four Horsemen of Magnus
While the tsunami had no effect on me either, a tsunami of paperwork at the office has crippled my ability to post for this week, and driven up my DotA killing urges.

Since its so in vogue right now to comment on the 'war' in the middle-east, I felt I should put in my two cents worth, and maybe a buck or two.

Whenever I read or hear about the middle east (the parts where they spend most of their time and energy killing each other), I am reminded of a line from the movie 'The Beach' a rather crap film starring Leonardo 'I'm King of the World' DiCaprio. In the movie, one of the members of the group stranded on a island was attacked by a shark and left severely wounded. His friends did their best to care for him, but no one could help the guy, he'd just scream and groan in pain, his wounds becoming infected. This went on for many many days, frustrating and depressing everyone in the group. Finally, they couldn't take it anymore and just dragged the wounded man far away from their camp and left him in the jungle, and that was the last we saw of him.

The line I mentioned was "Get better, or die" we don't insist that bad things not happen to you, just that you overcome them we all go on, or you die and we all go on. Its the sitting and waiting and watching that drive people mad.

That's how I feel about our 'friends' in the middle east. I want every last one of them to die. I am so sick of reading about these tit-for-tat attacks everytime I open the papers or turn on the TV. I don't even care who the bad guy is anymore (although I am also of the view that the American stand is biased), I just want it to end.

Kill them all, the men, women, children. Let them kill each other and lets turn a blind eye, send the rabid dogs to the pound to be put down. I'm not saying its right, just that I'm so sick of them I want it to end.

They have been blessed only insofar as I don't not have the power to extinguish their lives. If I did I would annihilate every last one of them, salt the earth, destroy the entire middle east, end it all once and for all. What else can we do? Promote dialogue? Bah, have you ever tried to promote dialogue between rival estate gangs? Try doing it when all they know is being killed by and killing each other. No amount of negotiations can help. One or both sides must be totally removed or it will never end.

*Sigh* You humans and your guns.....

Plus the other thing that pisses me off about all of this is the 'Malaysian University Syndrome' Warlock mentioned. The clowns here want to connect every bloody thing to religion. The Israelis and Palestinians are killing each other because they're both assholes, not because of religious ideology. And the boys and girls in our local universities over here that don't know shit about anything in the world get all excited, curse the infidels and go pray, circulate pamphlets. Children, its a territorial matter (at least it started out that way), not I repeat NOT a religious matter.

I still haven't figured out why the muslims hate the jews. I don't know any jews, but muslim people I ask this question to never seem to be able to come up with a coherent answer to the question 'Why to YOU hate the jews?' They usually just mention some betrayal that happened 1000 plus years ago, but can't actually tell me what this betrayal involved. And that's where you realise that most of our university kids are incapable of rational, intelligent thought, they just swallow anything they are taught, which is just what they were trained to do I guess.

I'm sure everyones realised that the first decade of the millenium has definately shaped out to be a rather crappy one. War, Famine, Pestilence......Death. Make you want to become a Horseman of the Apocalypse, if only to take an active role in events instead of watching from the sidelines (I say take part in active destruction since active conciliation is a wasteful, fruitless endeavour). I've always hoped the world would end in my lifetime, not right away, but say 10-20 years from now. Always felt life would have more meaning with a real threat of death hanging over it. Most people realise what little time they have when its too late, when they're near the end. I really believe people would love one another more if they were made very aware of the end of days, that all the frivolous stuff would be pushed out of life and we would all focus on what realy matters.

Then again we might be swarmed by raving lunatics who've decided that since they're gonna die in 20 years they might as well ensure they get some virgins on the other side by killing infidels now.

Damn mensch!!
posted by Master Magnus on 2:56 PM / there are 0 comments for this post.
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