Greetings y'all! Been a long time since I last posted. Been rather busy with work. It seems there's a lot of new mysterious bloggers on board. Ok, maybe mysterious only to me. Either way, welcome to all. Saw all the latest photos on flicker. Cool! Although,... why so much food... and plants? Hmm..... Only one other comment... Magnus, I know what you mean. Heh heh! Checked out encyclopedia dramatica. Man what site. Think its my new favourite site. No word will ever be the same again. Heh heh! Too bad the pictures are kinda slow to load though. Well, they're slow here anyway. Almost got myself an internet line a few days back. Its super fast. Kinda like 400kbps average. One huge problem though. It requires a phone line. And I got no line. It may sound simple. Why not just get a phone line, you might say. Well, over here, there's like a one year waiting period. Crap!!! So close yet so..... Finally got the english version of Dirge of Cerberus. Nice! Love the cut scenes. Then again I've always been a sucker for FF CGI's. Heh heh! Anyway, the action is good but still no where near DMC or GOW. Why don't they make more games like that? Sigh! So, anyone tried DoC yet? How about FF12? I'm still waiting for the english version here. So long............... Just got Xenosaga 3. Finally, gonna end the longest rpg epic ever. Hmm... now to find a way to slip soul sucking rpg time into my busy work schedule. Where there's a will... well, you know the rest. Muahahaha! Hey, anyone watched Dragon Tiger Gate yet? Finally got the clear DVD here. Absolutely loved it. So what if a can't understand chinese and the subtitles here suck so bad I don't actually know what the heck the story was about, I still enjoyed it. Fighting action fan all the way. Ha ha ha! Raya holidays coming soon, but unfortunately I can't go back. Swamped with too much work. Even during holidays. Damn! Hopefully will make it back around christmas. Looking foward to more... DOTA!!! Also looking foward to meet the newest and only female Dota player. Welcome on board Kavi. Can't wait to kil'... uh... I mean... have a nice wholesome healthy friendly non-violent honourable match with you. Ahem! Ok then. That's all for today. Now I must withdraw back to ancient civilization. Cheers y'all!!! |
At 5:02 PM,
Hey Arc!!! Long time no see. Makes my midi-chlorians tingle!
Apparently Warlock suffers from a rare frontal cortex degenerative disease that makes him want to take images of food. The scientists say so, it must be true.
Enclyclopedia Dramatica is my most visited site now, which account for the lack of posts by me lately. The pics don't load because I think they keep exceeding thier server bandwidth. They should sort it out in a bit, after all their problem is that too many people want to go to their site so how bad can it get.
I so feel your pain with the whole internet crap, been waiting for a year and still no bloody phoneline. Had to settle for 150kbps through my cellphone in the end.
DoC looks great!! I tried playing it a bit, but with get into the game once the PS2 is back with me since its in Seremban right now, same thing with Xenosaga. Is it me or do Shion and KOS-MOS show more skin each episode.
Wait no longer because God of War 2 is coming out!!! I forget when but sometime this year. FF XII is coming out next month, which also happens to be the time my social life ends.
We all went to see Dragon Tiger Gate in Jusco, it was hilarious. The fight scenes were coreographed really well. It was just so over the top I loved it to bits. Go see Snakes on a Plane man, best movie of the year.
Our only 'potential' female DotA player is Kavi. Since Warlock doesn't have the nerve to turn her into a killing machine I'm luring her to Seremban under he pretences of going bowling/mamak. At which point I will reveal my Sith identity to her and teach her the ways of the dark side. Bwa ha ha. Then I will unleash my new apprentice upon all of you!!!
December seems so far away...
At 5:12 PM,
Dood , nice to hear from you dood.
Dood, FF 12 will only be officially released on Holloween , don't buy it if you see it earlier dood. Lots of fake DVD being sold , they just repackage the demo version and sell it.
Been playing Disgaea 2 (Which explains the doods. Nice and funny but I long for some God Of War like action or FF like story.
Life gotta suck without net. I pity you dood. Well at least you are surrounded by good friends .. oh wait you aren't. Ooops. Well I am sure you can go to the cinema for fun .. oh wait , the burn down cinemas where you are at. Hmmm... there must be something interesting for you to do there. Try molesting people in the shopping complexes , might be fun.
About the food. Most of the time when we go out for breakfast I end up not eating .. since I have lots of time to be bored I snap pics :P
.. as for the plants. They wanted me to take their photos. They told me themselves .. hold on .. what is that .. oh ok .. wait .. the plants just said that they did not talk to me and I was just imagining it and I shouldnt tell people that I thought I heard plants talk.
I so wanted to take pictures of pretty ladies walking around but I prefer to have the use of my legs and arms thank you. Until I become buffed up enough to scare away angry boyfriends no pics of random girl.
At 5:20 PM,
Just don't let get caught taking pics in the girls bathroom, seems to be the in thing these days.
I am going to go off now to end the dreaded three-way online curse.
At 6:35 PM,
Hey, no molesting in shopping complexes. Just the occasional comforting of lonely female individuals.