hola! okay siriuz, you're the best!!!!!! i got kinda upset after losing the paper... thanks a bunch man! anyways... gosh i had a bad day..! first of all in the morning, somehow rather i WOKE UP LATE even after sleeping as early as 11.30 pm on sunday... i was supposed to call a friend at 12 to wish her and i totally just slept off... and then in the morning i had to rush my butt to get ready...and i hate getting ready in a rush cos i can never find the proper stuff to match my clothes... (yes,do not roll your eyes... im a girl :P) and then, in college i went for breakfast with a few friends and ordered milo, which tasted as good as shit... not literally but seriously it was awful.. and i was too lazy to change it so i got up and walked to college to meet with some other friends in the cafeteria..and went into chemistry class to get my shit marks my the shit chemistry paper 3.. and i told myself.. "its okay kavi, shit happens"... and during maths teacher kept TALKING about the paper, but DIDNT give it back!!!!!! "many of you ahh...dunno how to read question ahh..so far ive marked and your class marks are very bad ahhh..." okay just shut up and give us the paper alright. make life easier for all of us... sheesh...it got worse when she started writing the answers on the blackboard...and went like "u remember this question, actually you should have got full marks ahh but your working a bit funny" okay so u expect me to remember every little detail from the maths paper? yes it was the last paper and it was only 4 days ago but come on... and then everything was fine until after college when i desperately needed to borrow a physics reference book to solve some questions... AND I SEARCHED HIGH AND LOW FOR IT...and the stupid library didnt have it! okay then moving on, i wanted to blog in college but the keyboard was so screwed okay.. some alphabets, i had to press a kezillion times before it worked.. and once i entered the cocobear80@blogspot.com.... guess what "this site has been banned due to explicit material/pornography" OKAY how much lamer can taylors get! i was as pissed as hell okay.. the only thing holding me together was the fact that i got a 9/10 for my english essay...woohoo! alright this posts is so full of shit.. but i just had to share it.. seriously,taylors college is way over-rated... its really not that cool a place.. i hope my programme director reads this.. :P phew... okay.. have a nice day, guys... :) catch ya'll around sometime |
At 6:58 PM,
Your milo tasted like shit .. I wonder on what authority you made that comparision. On second thought I don't think I wanna hear any coprophagia stories
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprophagia )
Taylors banned this site cause of explicit material/pornography :) lolz
At 9:36 AM,
Well I guess some of the flickr pics are obscene ;)
I've got my own flickrs account as well, its under "Magnus the Impaler" So show me how to make a badge or just link up to it if you want.
At 12:37 PM,
Taylor College isn't that highly rated sorry to say.
But we all know college isn't about education, its about clubbing, partying and living it up.
College is like that last summer of partying before getting shipped off to the concentration camps.
Of course SOME students decide to never leave (look up Grad Students)