As I was walking down the deserted streets, riding the empty LRT, strolling through a KLCC devoid of life, all I could hear was U2's "Beautiful Day" playing in my head.
I've realised something, I hate people. All it would take to make me happy is for roughly half the population of KL to expire, leaving me with an practically empty city like this one.
I hate KL. I don't know how it came to this. I used to love it so much, but that was in college. Nowadays there's so much to do in KL, the problem is that its unaffordable. Budget outings involve going to the movies at most. I hardly go out with my friends because they're always too busy. Well I can't blame them, as I said going out is expensive business anyway, 100 bucks at least to go clubbing, not counting added expenses, even a simple trip to the mall for dinner/lunch and a movie can set us back 50 bucks. So most of us stay at home watching TV, surfing the net, or playing video games.
I hate the public and private transport here. Its either the sucky buses with chain-smoking drivers and the perpetually breaking down LRT, or sitting in your car for hours in the bloody traffic jams (just think, you pay so much for your own car, yet it changes nothing in the end).
Working in KL isn't all that great either. Everyone thinks you can earn more, but the truth is you're better off working in Seremban or Malacca for 2 thirds of what you might get in KL, its too expensive in the end, trust me.
I really want to leave this blasted city. Sure I'll be abandoning friends here, our relationships devolving to nothing more than the annual "Happy Deepavali" sms. But I just can't take it anymore. If by some horrible fluke I wind up being stuck in Malaysia, I'm just going to move somewhere else and get a job there, maybe as a plantation manager. I mean if I'm going to be surrounded by idiots I might as well be the boss of them.....yes.
4 and 1/2 months until goodbye KL.
So anyway, after numerous attempts to link up with the stray cats in my area to form Liger Magnus and perform "Liger Death Strike" on the population of KL, I've given up on that and decided to focus on my new hobby of watching Season 2 of "Lost" and the entires series of "Transformers Galaxy Force" to pass the time.
Looks like Kavi has spurned all our heartfelt and well thought out advice regarding her porn dress (am I the only one that's noticed she keeps mispelling it? Freudian slip maybe?) Its a well known fact that girls dress up for other girls, its this weird quasi-social phenomena that I do not understand at all.
Basically if girls dressed up for guys all the remotely good looking one would be wearing midriff exposing tops with pluging necklines and mid-thigh high slitted skirts or low rider jeans. They can weak whatever shoes or slippers are most comfortable since most guys won't look that far down anyway ;)
Of course the ghastly ones will have to cover up, no fat girl should ever expose her midriff, same goes for guys too of course but thats another discussion.
However the madness starts when girls dress up for other girls. Take and A and B example. So A wants to dress up for college/work right, and this is to impress B (obviously B is a mass of women that will be observing A throughout her day on the train, at work, at the foodcourt etc, but we will treat her as a single person for ease of explanation).
So anyway its Monday morning and A after spening thousands of dollars on her wardrobe agonises over colour combinations, makeup and high-heels to looks got for herself aka B.
Wait! Wait!! WAIT!!! I have got to get this off my chest. High heels. Those foot mangling, spine distorting torture devices. Seriously, they should only be used in illegal CIA torture centres. Why do girls put themselves through it? To impress guys? No way, no man I've ever met gives a crap. No guy goes "Oh she was so hot in her 3/4 inch heels today man!!!". Oh wait I forgot, its for themselves to "feel good" remind me to staple my ass to feel good.
Back to the example. A dresses up all hot like in her outfit and goes around town with the goal of impressing B. The reality is that when B sees A looking all nicely dressed up, B's immediate reaction would be to pick out and condemn every single flaw in A. B will do this either in her head or by saying stuff to her friends.
Note: Guys would say "Damn she looks fine!!"
B's tirade will sound something like "Her butt is too big for those jeans" or "She's so flat she shouldn't wear that top" or "The dress colour clashes with her skin tone" or "Her hair is out she needs to condition more" or "She has acne but she's using concealer" I could go on.
The "compliments" become harsher if A is popular with the boys "Oh she's such a slut" or "She's dressing like that because she's boy crazy" or "The girl got no shame ah". These comments will flow regardless of how revealing A's outfit actually is.
Note to All girls: There are few instances when a guy will actually call a girl a slut. Basically rejected men call their rejectors sluts (assuming she went with another guy or mixes with a few guys but rejects him) or guys whose girlfriends cheat on them. 99% of the time, its other girls that will call you a slut. Its true. If you're popular with the boys they will call you a slut. If you've had more that one boyfriend they will call you a slut. If you have a boyfriend but you have a few other guy friends they will call you a slut. If they see you dancing with a man you're not married to they will call you a slut. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, irrational insecure guys sometimes call their girlfriends slut too.
So that's dressing. Next is the painting of the nails. Nailcare is very important and I think guys should actually take a page from the girl's handbook on this. Polishing, shaping, filing. Its all good after all, holding hands is a very important part of guy/girl interaction. However, the painting of the nail is again something I don't get. Guys don't care what colour your nails are. Even with exceptions like painting your fingernails allowed (after all everyone will see your fingernails, the painting of toe nails is something I will never get. No one ever looks at your feet (aside from sexually deviant foot fetishists).
Ironically the one thing that guys appreciate girls wearing the most and girls hate other girls wearing the most is makeup. I remember in college, we'd have loads of female friends that we'd spend the year hanging out with, but come prom time we'd see them dolled up and go "Holy shit they're babes!!! I want!!". Yet girls are always dissing other girls makeup the most.
Finally, I'd like to looks at the "I do it for myself" rationale (sorry Ice Princess *wink*). Does ANYONE buy that crap??? Look I'm the first person who will stand up for another person's right to do whatever the hell they want as long as they don't hurt anyone else (although its more fun if others get hurt). And everyone should be able to dress however they want. If you were dressing for yourself you'd only wear sneakers or slippers and not 4 inch heels. If you were dressing for yourself you wouldn't coat your face in chemicals you don't even know the names of and whose effect on your body you do not understand. If you were doing it for yourself you wouldn't spend 2 hours blowdrying and styling your hair, you'd just run your fingers through it and be out the door. If you were doing it for yourself you wouldn't fixate on the 5 pounds you need to lose and enjoy the tasty food around you (heart healthy stuff of course).
My point is not to stop doing these things, just be honest about it. When I get dressed up I do it for myself....wait no..I do it so other people will find me attractive. Deodorant, showering etc etc etc. All for other people, of course if I look good and people compliment me I feel good as a byproduct. The truth of it is when someone accuses you of dressing up for other people, no matter how much you spin it its the truth, but that's perfectly fine because we all do it. Ultimately it leads back to us feeling good, that won't happen if you dress up and people laugh at you. See it is all about the other people, they are an integral part of the process.
Anyway, enough of this struggling to come to terms with female behaviour. Whatever they do us boys still like them.
As you can all tell by now I'm very free at work and idle hands are the Devil's bloggers. |
At 10:35 AM,
i love this post!!
to be honest this is one of your only long post which i read from top to bottom..*sue me*
totally agree about the dressing up for others thing..
but then again all of us do it right :)
im not a big fan of heels either.. i like fish mongger boots.
okay kidding , i like flip flops and my sport shoes..HEHEHEHEHE!
but my guy friends seem to think heels are hot la.. seriously.. i think many of my guy friends think im some loser because i always always always wear sport shoes and jeans.. :P
but i think they're losers too because they tend to judge girls solely on physical appearance..tsk tsk tsk..
okay ive got to go watch OTH repeat now..
At 10:39 AM,
and by the way... the ONLY feedback i got from you males on the blog was SHow Cleavage! Show Legs..!
such contrary to subha..
so dont blame me for not taking any of those opinions seriously.. :)
still , i love you guys.. :P
At 12:53 PM,
Well I guess it all depends on who you want to find you hot. If you're planning to go to the prom and have her drool all over you then go ahead ;P
On the other hand, if you were hoping to go there and have all the guys go "OMFG!! Kavi is hot!! I want!!!" Then you should listen to us guys
At 12:54 PM,
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At 1:49 PM,
i just want to enjoy myself .. whoever drools on me , it doesnt matter but im sure as hell going to be drooling on one of the lecturers.. HE IS HOTTT
At 3:01 AM,
magnus where u goin after 4 n a half months?
At 1:16 PM,
Well I'll hopefully be going to the United States. Of course the plan is 4 months but it might be later than that.
At 8:16 PM,
Wow! Is KL really that bad now? Always had... well... higher hopes for KL. Great. There goes my big city dreams. Oh well.
Note: I want transformer series!!!
Ok, now for my 2centz on female dressing.... heh heh....
Basically its all about competition. Amazingly its more about competing with other girls rather than impressing guys. I mean seriously, how many guys actually notice things like nail polish and heels and stuff. Fetishes aside ofcourse.
Truth be told, the most attractive part of the human body is actually the face. Its the most unique. Humans differenciate one another best when they look at the face. It expresses oneself best. Sensual, sweet, grotesque... etc. So naturally make up makes a ton of difference. Although I must say that i've seen my share of girls that look so bad after putting on make up that its actually scary. Girls, beware what you put on your face. It really changes it. For better or worse.
Heels are really really bad for health. Seriously. It ain't worth it. Not many guys appriciate heels anyway. It does change the way you walk however. But here's a tip. Learn to walk with style without the heels. It can be done.
Lastly, honesty. Lets be honest. When someone says I do it for me, it actually means I dress up so that other people sees me in a positive way and inturn makes me feel good. Its vanity, plain and simple. Everyone does it. Its normal. Its also a mortal sin. (Ahh... vanity, my favourite sin.) Heh heh!
In the end, dresses and make up can only get you so far. Whats really important is whats inside. And I ain't talking about your heart. Heh heh! ;p
At 8:49 PM,
arc finally a guy on this blog makes sense.. about girls dressings..
At 3:07 PM,
That just stings Kavi!!! He just repackaged what I said :P
I'm throwing away my peanut butter!!!
Hear Hear on the vanity!! I love this sin and partake whenever I can, although at least I'm honest about it.
Of course its what's inside that counts in the end *grin*
I'd like to add that long term...your personality matters, but when you walk into a room nobody sees your personality.
At 4:06 PM,
yeap you've got a point..
yuck la seriously i hate peanut butter..
At 7:20 PM,
Ah, just as I was beginning to miss your long posts. I agree with you , stray cats can't do combinations attacks for shit.