Okay I was kidding, I just won't be posting for awhile although I will try to make comments from time to time. Will be heading off to Sabah this Friday for a week of fun and excitement!!!
I have a flickr account now and I have posted some of the pics we took when we went out bowling last weekend. Go search for "Magnus the Impaler" in flickr. I hope Warlock is able to show me how to put up the badge since I'm too lazy to go and learn for myself.
Been watching Transformers Galaxy Force. TOH-RANS-SHU-FO-MA!!!!!!! Sigh I wish I could be a super villain like Master Megatron.
But anyway, since this is my big send-off for awhile I guess I'll make this post juicy.
Too many suicide scenes in indian movies and the call for censorship
A second incident of an indian woman taking her kids to the train tracks to commit suicide and succeeding occurred this week and as usual some moron are clamouring for suicide scenes to be censored in indian films/series.
While I've always maintained that Vaanavil is a scourge upon humanity and must be eliminated and all hardcore fans sent for "reconditioning", I feel like this is the stupidest load of bullcrap I've heard for a long time.
Look if people want to kill themselves they are going to, its the reasons why people kill themselves (social inequality, economic problems, lost jobs, asshole family member, they're pussies) that matter. Any person tha decides to end their lives has done so because they've lost all hope and don't want to go on, not because a tamil serial had a character kill themselves.
Anyone who killed themselves because of influence from TV really deserves to be dead. Yes that right. Anyone who thinks that censoring suicide scenes on TV helps should go lie down on the KTM tracks as well.
Lee Kuan Yew say "sorry"
This is another load of cock I had to put up with today. Its on the front page of the Sun. Of course he said he's 'sorry' the remarks made put our 'tak tahu, warming up' PM in an uncomfortable position (as in the doggie style he seems to be in these past few months was much better). Never does he once retract his remarks or apologise for them, only their result over here.
And hy should he. People ARE marginalised based on race. The minute you give special priviledges to ONE race you are marginalising the rest. I do disagree on one point, that its not just the chinese that are being marginalised, its everyone who is not a Prince of the Soil. This is fact. When you put in place a policy of ensuring quotas for jobs, education, government contracts and housing for a particular race, YOU ARE MARGINALISING EVERYONE ELSE!!!
I like the part where Najib denies wholesale that the chinese are being marginalised. Remember all those 16As clowns who couldn't egt into local universities and get scholarships because of quotas. They wen overseas, and if they ever do come back here it would just be ultimate proof that scoring A's is not a sign of intelligence.
Plus there's also that dispute going on about how there's really 45% of the equity in Malaysia that is owned by the Princes versus the 18% that the government claims is owned. Of course we can trust our government (the air quality index is a national secret) to be honest with us what.
DotA: Beyond the Madness
I've noticed that there's a pretty large amount of holidays at the end of this month. We should consider an expanded DotA session. rudecrudedude sends his regards, he can't post anything yet since he can't get net access at home and is too busy studying while he's in college to post using their wifi. Seems that playing the Irish ain't as fun as it used to be since they don't scream, rant and curse the way we do. I know, I'm surprised at this too.
Apparently I have a match with some super ultra good DotA player in Sabah. He supposedly can play a 5 vs 1 game and win. This is the biggest load of donkey turds I ever heard and can only mean that the other people are extremely bad at DotA, no character can survive getting pwned if 5 other guys attack him, plus how the hell would you push? This guys ass is mine, and I'm not bringing the vaseline.
Back to school
It seems extremely likely that I will be taking up the old books again to pursue my Masters or a Doctorate in the United States sometime next year. I'm not looking forward to studying again, but at least I don't have to worry about this Asian obsession with exams and studying for exams. Oh to be graded on attendance and coursework is a dream I've had since being forced into this horrible education system.
In a way its like being forced into prostitution for me. To be forced to go to school and follow the system because "its the only way to get ahead in life". You don't really have a choice and it damages most of our youth to the point that we become unemployable. I'd say most of the people I know turned out good in spite of this horrid system.
The worst part is this lie that our parents and all other adults perpetuate about education being incredibly important and getting A's is this huge thing. Its not in the real world of course, it doesn't mean shit to employers that you got 16As in SPM if you can't communicate or display critical thinking.
Even worse is that college students focus so much of their time on studies that they inadvertantly handicap themselves in the real world. Listen children, its not what you know, its who you know. Socialise, meet people, make friends, the person you're having coffee with today might hold the keys to your dream job 5 years from now. You might become the CEO of a company because you have a friend who will recommend you someday.
More importantly, get a job. Experience is all that counts in the real world. Diplomas and Degrees will not do much for you besides prove that you are able to tie your own shoelaces. Of course you need the paper to even be considered, but unless you're number one in scoring A's its won't matter so much how well you did as long as you passed. Get a job that is related to the industry you want to be in, not Starbucks Barista stuff, but something to build competencies that matter for you and your future.
World Issues
Seriously, who gives a crap anymoreI'm so sick of world events and am convinced that Americans just don't know what they want anymore. Are they for torture? Apparently so since they just passed laws allowing just that.
The perpetually upset muslims are still at it as well. I gave up a long time ago. I truly wish I had te power to just select a few chosen ones and leave this planet forever. I would exterminate the remnants of the human race just for the hell of it though.
In the end though, the world really isn't such a bad place, unless you watch the news. Satistically its all good, but the news always plays up the death, rape and destruction for ratings. Its not their fault of course, they're just doing what they need to, but I think most of us need some perspective on this.
So its all good except when the politicians get involved. But people elect politicians knowing they're idiots. Does this mean that people are idiots?
I believe in the truth of this when I leave the world scene and look at Malaysia. The common man gets fucked in the ass over and over, but keeps voting for the ruling party because the opposition isn't strong. Its like an abused housewife that just makes excuses everytime her husband punches her. Those of you that can vote should take some responsibility here. It doesn't matter if nothing changes, no one's asking you to lay down your life, just act, vote, make a difference, if only for yourself.
Race and Religion
One terrible, unbearable thing that I'm forced to deal with in this country can be best described using the malay term "syiok sendiri". I meet dozens of people (although never befriend them) who are obsessed with their own race, culture, language and religion.
Look. You are you. If you're indian it doesn't mean squat if hinduism is a great ancient religion our that indians play criket well. YOU DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT. If you're chinese and you come and tell me about how great the chinese are because of the Great Wall. YOU DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT!. If you come and talk to me about anything to do with what someone else did and try to make some kind of connection to yourself because you share the same race or religion etc, I will crush you. I will spit on you. I will pee on you.
I hate scum that have so little self worth that the only way they can define themselves is based on their race or religion. Of course you can't always control how other people see you, but you can determine how you see yourself, and I find most people lacking in this department, and this is not limited solely to things like race, or culture.
Its even worse when scum like this expect me or others to comform to their own little petty definitions of what we should do with ourselves and what we should be.
So I'm of indian ethnicity, well I'm a mix of indian and ceylonese ethnicity, but every indian I meet here expects me to be able to speak tamil, and upon hearing I can't they ask me if I'm christian. If I were to say idian people are useless alcoholics that beat their women, suck as parents and can't hold steady job, I'm willing to bet that there are thousand of them who would be terribly offended by this.
Yet they don't make the connection that when they look at me and see my black skin they expect me to be a certain way, not because they know me, but because of my black skin. This is prejudice. It doesn't matter if in your mind its not a horrible thing to be hindu/christian or being able to speak tamil. It is prejudice because you expect people to be a certain way based on your own limited understanding of pre-existing racial stereotype that you are too stupid to analyse and consider objectively.
My innate hatred for what I know term "typical indians" has stemmed from my experiences, although this is in fact not limited to any particular race. The fact that I have been questioned and interrogated about my background so many times has only strengthened my resolve to NEVER EVER learn to speak tamil or go to temples, although I still love my curries. I know most of you on the blog are not like this, but far too many people are, so if you see anyone like this, give them a good kick in the groin for me.
I'd go into religion, but I'm just too drained to rant about that. Let me put it this way, for me, I see devout religiousity as a weakness, as a crutch for those with no inner strength of their own, who need to find it without. Still I do respect the choices people make for themselves, as long as THEY make the choice. I hate weak people who are just too afraid to go against something they don't believe in because of pressure from parents and community. I do like the fact that some people achieve peace and serenity in communion with god.
I myself have never been truly able to surrender to any external deity because when people talk to me about an all powerful god...I have a hard time believing that He is not Me. Plus I suppose I am in a way addicted to the freedom I have achieved by spurning religion so far, not having to fast, not having to go vegetarian, not having to pray at appropriate times, not having to attend houses of worship, not having to sit together with people and watch them cry like little girls over how pathetic they are and how only god and guide them.
I eat what I want, drink what I want, do what I want, and think what I want. I do find it funny though, that people have this almost obsessive need to label things. When people ask me what religion I practice, I tell them nothing and they immediately respond "oh you're a free thinker". People must label you or they will die. What the hell is a free thinker? Here's what Wikipedia says:
Freethought is a philosophical doctrine that holds that beliefs should be formed on the basis of science and logical principles and not be comprised by authority, tradition or any other dogmatic or other belief system that restricts logical reasoning. The cognitive application of freethought is known as freethinking, and practitioners of freethought are known as freethinkers.
I will bet my left testicle that at least half the people who ask if someone is a freethinker has no idea that a freethinker is. Plus I'm not even a freethinker, I'm a Idontgiveaflyingfuckaboutthisbullshiter. I don't requires some sense of meaning, afterlife whatever, all I care about is enjoying my life now, and perhaps in the temporal future. So if you were to ask me if I believe in god or not, I will say neither. I just don't care. I don't care if there is or isn't a god. Its fun to talk about though, but it matters not to me whether the universe was created by the big dude in 7 days or an accident of physics. What matters to me is that I gett food, drink, lots of money and am able to entertain myself.
So since society as a whole is addicted to its labels, I have decided to become an Idontgiveaflyingfuckaboutthisbullshiter and encourage those of you that want to join up to remember only that it was the words of Magnus the Impaler who started this movement.
I guess the part about religion turned out to be a rant as well.
Dragonball Z
I've been watching clips of it on www.Youtube.com after reading about the horrendous Dragonball Z fans in Encyclopedia Dramatica. This anime series absolutely rocks like Aerosmith on extra drugs!!!!
I must see this series and am going to download it. If I can't find any seeds I will buy the DVDs for this. I was salivating over the fight scenes, and Cell is so hot, now I want to cosplay as Cell, Perfect Cell of course.
Anyone who hasn't seen this stuff has to go and at least look at some of the fight scenes.
Yu Yu Hakusho
This series rocks too. I just saw the final battle between Yusuke (the main protagonist) and Toguro (the villain for the current story arc) on Animax this Sunday. I even left Seremban late just so I could see all the episodes.
Its an old anime but its really good. Just don't watch it in english because the voice acting is horrendous, ghastly, awful even. See it in Japanese even though you have to put up with the malay subtitles.
I'd write more about this but anyone who really desires to learn more can just search wikipedia for this series to read about it.
Living and Working/Studying in the United States of America
As most of you know this has been my long term goal for awhile now and this hasn't changed. However I am trying to extend myself in order to pursue all avenues that may exist for me. So if any of you know anyone, has relatives or friends that can help me either acquire or offer jobs in the USA please let me know. I am even willing to go so far as to offer free trips to Wazeer Maju and sexual favours in the event I actually gain something from one of you.
I'm looking at programs right now as I mentioned earlier and I am applying to a few Unis, but I still would prefer full-time employment over there. Most of the recruitment places here are demanding massive payments and not guaranteeing anything (read scams).
I know I've never really spoken about this seriously with most of you besides the cursory "I plan to go" comments. It feels like my time left here is flying by so fast and that bothers me and I do want to be able to spend time with everyone I know here, yet at the same time I'm filled with utter dread that I will not be able to go at all.
Dan Brown
His books are wicked good. Go read them NOW!!!
No stop reading this blog and go buy or borrow copies now.
Why the fuck are you still reading this, get to a bookstore!!!!
Alright I give in, but you should check it out at least. I didn't read "The DaVinci Code" since I saw the movie and wouldn't enjoy it so much with the plot twists exposed, but I've finished "Angels & Demons" and have started reading "Deception Point". They are both excellent books and a welcome change from the fantasy/sci fi stuff I normally read.
The Devil Wears Prada
This is an utterly enjoyable movie and it now bears the Magnus seal of approval. Anne Hathaway runs around, a LOT. And talking about double happiness it also has an excellent story. The dialogue is witty. Glenn Close rocks as Miranda Priestley.
You must watch this movie, but not necessarily in the cinema since there's not major special effects or swarming uruk-hai that will benefit from being seen on the golden screen.
Part of me wants to read the book now, but I generally stay away from all these I'm empowered girly books.
Female Empowerment
I hate feminists (talk about swinging around the topics but I can't help myself).
I'm totally fine with treating women as equals with the same pay, opportunities (although them asking for special treatment really cheeses me off, will get into that one day).
What I can't stand is these 'syiok sendiri' lesbians constantly talking about how strong and empowered they are. Have some class. Be strong and empowered and stop constantly bitching about men. Be it. I can't stand the constant belly-aching and whining about how the evil men keep them down, its just as bad as the african american bitching about how they're suffering so much because white people made their great great grandparents slaves.
Act don't talk. Its like when they have these stupid forums about equality and talk about law. Lets look at facts, 50 percent of our population are women (actually 68 percent I think but I'm sticking with 50). This basically means that if women voted for women candidates half of parliament would be women. They would be in a position of power to actually make a change, instead of belly aching in some forum and a hotel.
The truth is that women are their own worst enemy, they'd rather bitch about how slutty other women are than make a concerted effort to climb to the top and make a change for themselves. Think back to my battered housewife example.
The End!!!!
Nope not the apocalypse or armageddon, I'm just done with this post.
Hope this keeps some of you occupied and I hope to see your comments, especially if you disagree with anything I've said (although it would be best if you just mention how smart I am, otherwise things could get ugly).
Enjoy the next two weeks. Don't play too much DotA without me. Might still come down on Saturday morning (the 14th) for some gaming, will corfirm with Warlock. |
At 1:24 PM,
No wonder you were trashtalking about using only 25% of your powers...
You have been watching Yuyu.
At 2:23 PM,
Bwa ha ha!!! I'm glad somebody noticed.
At 3:56 PM,
i remember asking you if you were a hindu and you said no and i went on and then finally said 'free thinker?'... sheesh... :P
didnt intend to label you at that time though..
do love your post but it doesnt help with the 'oo..navin intimidates me' thing :P
sigh..about the asians being obessed with exams thing... its different for you , now that you're already working and supporting yourself right..
At 5:22 PM,
Hee hee!! Don't feel bad about it. I was just thinking about the freethinker thing after you asked me online, you're not the first to do this and certainly not the last ;P
I hate to tell you this though, but I did SPM, A-Levels and studied for a Law Degree so its actually very much the same if not way harder
I didn't just finish high school and miraculously wind up working :P
At 5:39 PM,
:) i wish i could miraculously end up working..
studying isnt my favouritest past time :P
At 5:41 PM,
oh and by the way... ask warlock... i get teased 24/7 about my inability to speak tamil.. even by relatives..
aksjdhlagdejdbcasd! *growl-ing*
its got to a point where im so immune to it..
i dont give a rat's ass anymore :)
At 1:10 AM,
Yes she does get mercilessly teased. Remind me to tell you guys the story of Kavi and her legendary single Tamil Karaoke song. It's funny
Superb post .. as we have come to expect from you. (You gonna get me Milo Ice the next mamak session right ? )
I totally agree with all your points. I hate ppl who are so proud of themselves cause their ancestors were the first to discover this or build that. It's silly that you need to rely on stuff like that to give you self worth.
I have often thought of history as a way to learn from previous mistakes and as a record of events. It is sad that many people use history to mastrubate their ego.
"My ancestors came here before yours so I have to get 10 % off my housing loans and I need preferential treatment" .. man that just sounds so stupid.
At 9:15 AM,
I figure that most of the time people who are like this are old, fat, balding, ugly, poor, stupid or any other assortment of highly negative qualities. With flacidity thrown into the mix.
The only form of pleasure they can derived is via Mental Masturbation so they fixate on crap like this. Most of them find their way into Parliament but then manage to kick the habit since they can afford hookers after that. A select few hardcore addicts never do (even hookers won't fuck them).
THEY wind up waving their keris' around in a desperate attempt to convince them public that they do not in fact have tiny, shriveled, weak little......brains.
At 9:20 AM,
I also just remembered the other day I was in the food court and this group of old indian "uncles" were ranting about the indian hockey/criket team.
It was all fine actually, even though I care little for either sport. It became instantly annoying when I learned that the reason they were so into it was because its their countrymen and they should support their team (they were hassling another guy at the table for being unsupportive of his countrymen).
These people I really want to deport back to india. The little shits don't so much as have indian citizenship but the way they get turned on by india is stupid.
I suppose there are deeper issues like why they consider themselves more alligned to a foreign nation, but damn man!!
I'm going to tell people that I'm American from now on. Then when the question me about them I'll ask them what they are (won't work on Malays of course, but should be fun to do on everyone else)