So fellas, since we're all gamers and otaku its only a matter of time before this came about. I though of making this post after listening to the ending credits music of "Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World" okay game, SH: Covenant was way better though.
So I think its about time we all contributed our experiences now by making a list of video game and anime songs and tunes that you absolutely love with the following format:
Name of game: Title of song (at the very least say opening theme, battle theme, boss theme etc)
So I'll start it off by adding my list of favourite tunes and will update as I think of more stuff along with whatever you guys post in the comments and will alphabetize.
Shadow Hearts 3: Spread My Wings(End credits) Final Fantasy 7/Advent Children: One Winged Angel Final Fantasy 7/Advent Children: Jenova Theme Final Fantasy 7/Advent Children: Divinity Slamdunk: Opening Theme Gensomaden Saiyuki: Season One Opening Gensomaden Saiyuki: Still Time (Season 2 Opening) Kingdom Hearts: Simple and Clean (PlanitB Remix) Kingdom Hearts 2: Sanctuary Final Fantasy X: Otherworld Final Fantasy X: Original Sin Final Fantasy VIII: Boss Battle Music X-Men Children of the Atom: Magneto's Theme Marvel vs Capcom: Onslaught's Theme Mi Hime: Final Battle theme Justice League Unlimited: Opening Theme Transformers Superlink: Ending Theme Transformers Galaxy Force: Opening Theme Transformers Galaxy Force: Master Megatron Theme Transformers the Movie: Dare Transformers the Movie: The Touch Transformers the Movie: Opening Them Transformers the Movie: Instruments of Destruction Fushigi Yuuigi: Opening Theme Fushigi Yuuigi: Ending Theme Naruto: Well everything in the series ^_^ Prince of Persia Warrior Within: I Stand Alone Warcraft 3: Power of the Horde Xenosaga 2: Opening Theme Zone of the Enders 2: Opening Theme Ghost in the Shell Innocence: Opening Theme Tenjho Tenge: Bomb Ahead Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Ending Theme Castlevania Symphony of the Night: Bloodlines Castlevania Symphony of the Night: Dracula Boss Fight Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Turtles in time): Super Shredder Theme Lord of the Rings (hey its a video game now!): Nazgul/Sauron Theme |
At 10:49 AM,
Shining Force Neo: Zetsubo to kibo (Opening japanese)
Namco X Capcom: Subarashiki Shin Sekai (opening)
Tales of Destiny 2: Key to my Heart (japanese opening)
Shaman King: Nothern Light (opening)
Grandia series: Any Theme
Wild Arm Series: Any Theme
Kingdom Heats : Hikari (japanese opening and ending)
.Hack//Sign: The World
.Hack//GU: not sure, but it's the theme when first meet Tri Edge
Thousand Arm: Depend on you (simply because it's my beloved goddess, Ayumi Hamasaki ^3^)
Onimusha 4: Startin' it (opening)
Rainy Days (Ending) Same reason as above ^3^
Bleach: Life is like a Boat (ending no ?)
My Pace (Ending no ?)
X (eksu): Ex Dream (opening)
cnat think of any at the moment, will add more later.
At 2:54 PM,
Planescape Torment : Intro Tune
Kingdom Hearts I: Hikari (Both Jap and Eng)
Final Fantasy X : Battle Music
Final Fantasy X-2 : 1000 Words
Naruto : Orochimaru's Theme
Bleach : One of the endings .. the ones with the dogs all sitting and crying together .. so funny
Bleach : The ending with the 3 dolls dancing ..
At 9:42 AM,
YS6-ark of napthism(?) : Mighty Obstacle
Soul calibur 2 - the theme of sakura garden, forgot name
Rave - opening
FF series - Nobuo Uematsu works
Chrono series - most of the themes and openings and endings
Something is missing here. some of the US releases do not have people singing the song ie Shining Force Neo, supposedly .Hack//GU also and some others. Y the heck would they leave that out, they can even use the original jap one, cause they sound so good. But always, the US releases get to have extra features and scenarios, that is a plus.
At 2:05 PM,
Just bought .hack/GU, Dirge of Cerberus, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Justice League Heroes, and Godhand.
Drool drool. I'm gonna go home, sleep and spend the whole night gaming...
At 4:40 PM,
lol, Godhand looks good, Dirge of Cerberus is cool!!! the cgi is just like in advent children, but i think advent children looks a bit better, more lively. I heard DBZ budokai 2 is good too, i dunno, i dun dare to step into game shops for a while, mayb i will break my rule later......