I have been wanting to say this for quite but awhile didnt want to as i thought this would coz problems but i think events of last week compel me to do so. I want us to be still playing this game and meeting up for many more sessions so pls listen. (i include myself in this problem too) CAN WE ALL STOP THIS CRAP(title)IN DOTA AND FREAKING HAVE FUN! I have something to say to quite a few of you. Number 1, no one and i mean no one is better than anyone in our team. Some can play a certain character blinfolded while if given a different character with free items also they would be banta fodder. If your team mate doesnt know how to play that certain character and u do then its your fault for not teaching him. Help him alonglar.Vice versa if you have no clue how to play a character then dont pick him(in AP), u are just going to ruin your team mates game and yours too once he starts screwing you(arvin and jon....pls learn up luna and barathum b4 you play coz its been 2 consecutive weeks that you guys screwed up wit those characters). This is the reason we have SD n random,to try new characters without being at fault for the choice you get(and some bozos go and repick). To BEN, remember you said that jon and arvin arent that good, well wat happened in the first game last week? Arvin got triple kills and you got triple killed. Pride comes before a fall. I was razor and ur akasha got fried repeatedly by me but jons silencer farking pawned by ass so tat makes jon better than u doesnt it??Talking crap at ppls face is not the way to go. Dont play with ppls image by degrading them in front of ppl. To DINESH AND NAVIN, you guys lost every game you played againts NoS, even the one we came close to winning i was ur scapegoat for the failure. How is it that Nos wasnt going around whinning "They dont help at all. They just go and farm only". He carried the whole team to victory in every single game. When i was in his team the only thing i ever got from him was a ping NOT "wat the hell u felas doing?",not "You know those fellas rite,they never help(thanks for being so quite when you say this amongst yourself)". wat makes you guys think that your move was the right move?? or wat you are doing is the rite thing?? i have been many in many situations where i was whooping ur asses(so this makes me better than you rite?or not?) but i have never complained about your actions such as DYING in opponents base due to pure stupidity(this is always followed up with a lame excuse) coz who am i to judge, i might do that one day as im not that good either.And i have played with national champs before and i can definitely say we(me included) shouldnt be acting like we know everything about DOTA. To ARUL, if you think that enjoying means just farking around, not farming, hiding, running in and dying for no apparent reason and then you shouldnt be playing dota. come on man! wats up? dont behave like a loserlar.I have known you my whole life and you aint dumb so stop acting like one. To JAMES, Dude besides the "occasional" delay in ur arrival to warzone i think the way you handle this game is cool man. The mouse problems you have are just a small thing. U never really complain, u just get along with the game, u pick characters that are playable by u most of the time and playing in your team is nice,though your not always on da winning side. To SHAUN, i give up man. You say you wanna come then we find out your in FORBIDDEN CITY? 2 times alredy! and we are odd numbers? watsup lar? you have problem with any1 here izit? tats y we nowadays dont mind not calling you if odd,but i personally want you to come coz its cool to have you aroun man. But i have to feel for Dineshlar, he goes all out to call you and you screw him over?Yo know how much trouble it takes to get this dota sessions organised? if it were me i would come there straight to FC and hang you. Buck up dude. Join us back. Make an effort to come. We still want you to. To MYSELF, i will do and have been trying to do all those things i said above. I started doing those since the day i started picking random heroes.Lets just play dota, do some trash talking bout shaun or kugan or james and go back and have a goodnites sleep shall we.Sorry arvin for pushing u to hard that day when u were luna. But we did have fun targetting dinesh(plan 1) hehehe!(jon and arul would understand)(sorry din :). Pls feel free to say watever you want to bout this matter. Im sorry if i offended any1, i REALLY REALLY dont mean to. But its better to say things out amongst good friends(i think of every1 of you like so) then to keep it in rite?
p.s:DIN...dont be affraid to be cruel when you make the odd/even decision.And that new system sounds quite cool, stick to it.
fuh.....the end |
At 7:29 PM,
I agree wit some (just testin to see if i can post first)
At 7:42 PM,
ok yay can post.
You do have valid point man but i think you're overreacting a bit. Sure we bitch about each other, mock each other, criticize etc etc.
But that's in game, I don't think we ever take it outside. I mean its a game and none of us takes it that seriously.
I think if most of us wanted to play wit pro gamers then there's no need to come to the cybercafe, we do it as a fun activity.
Of course we're playing to win, otherwise wy bother playing just go to mamak, and we'll get angry, diss scoled. Sometimes I know it can get annoying and we're all guilty of it at some point.
But I really feel that you can't just say stop doing it because its part of playing also, just don't take it outside and decide you don't like certain people because of ingame stuff.
We all diss, get dissed, own, get owned, its the circle of dota.
BUT, one thing I feel very strongly about is this whole noob noob I don't want to play wit you, you suck at dota, you suck at this character etc etc. We shouldn't do tis, because this is te main reason we dont play with CC people, so we shouldn't become like that.
I don't have anyone among you who I don't want on my team. I used Kugan as an example only because he was incredibly bad wen he first started (who wasnt rite), but never said I don't want to play wit him. He's much better now, but if no one gave him the chance to suck first he wouldn't be pro at his characters now.
At 7:45 PM,
But really the most important thing you need to realise is, that I'm the best out of all oh you!!!!
^_^ ok joke joke. I get pwned too, that's the point isn't it, its not fun to always win anyways.