hi again, after the report of AoC, I wanna present a full game, Left 4 dead(http://www.l4d.com/home.php). It is a Co-multiplayer FPS in an infected metropolis. Unfortunatelly this game costs 50$. There are 4 survivors, Louis: "Louis had been working up the courage to quit his job as Junior Systems Analyst at his company's IT department when a virus showed up and downsized the world. Now Louis has a new set of goals (live long enough to succeed) and a new set of tools (guns, sharp objects) to help him achieve them. With any luck, he'll figure out how the new management operates before they get a chance to murder him." Francis:"Cocky, loud, and pretty sure he's indestructible, Francis acts like the zombie apocalypse is the world's biggest bar fight. When the virus hit, everybody else stockpiled food and looked for a place to hide. Francis found a gun and had some fun. No cops, no laws, no order—if it wasn't for all the zombies, he could almost get used to life like this." Zoey:"After spending her first semester holed up in a dorm room watching old horror movies, Zoey was given a choice: Stop fooling around and get her grades up, or drop out. Now that the planet's overrun with murderous zombies, and all of her professors are dead, Zoey at least has the cold comfort that she's been studying up on the right subject after all." Bill:"It took two eventful tours in Vietnam, a handful of medals, a knee full of shrapnel, and an honorable discharge before the unthinkable happened: Bill ran out of wars. But now an army of infected undead has declared war on humanity. After decades of aimless drifting and dead-end jobs, Bill's finally gotten back the only thing he ever wanted: an enemy to fight."
In the start of the game we should choose a weapon: shotgun or MAC10/Uzi, and a healthpack. Later we get more effective weapons: M16 assault rifle, Francis SPAS12 combat shotgun and sniper rifle, and we've got a pistol, later we can pick up a secondary pistol---> dual pistol 8)
the enemies are infected citizens, there are a lot of zombie modell, in one area you cannot find two concordant modells, you can find policeman-, soldier-, officer-, littlegirl-, blonde fashion-conscious-, man in grey pullover and jeans-, grey dead body wearing bloody and dirty clothes-, old(wo)man- zombies. Naturally you can find specially mutated creatures: Witch, Boomer, Smoker, Hunter and Tank, more at the game/infected menu in the website.
I tried it's demo out, and I loved it! Enjoyable survival-horror at night, in an abadoned city with several mad zombies (first campaign in Demo, others are locked) If you (and your friends) dont wanna play WC3-DOTA,or the servers are crahed, the weather is bad, lightning and raining; play L4D! I can recommend to you to a dark and thunderous night, hehe. |
At 8:37 AM,
You know, this sounds very interesting .. its' been ages since we played a team based FPS survival game.