So what I've learned so far from these past few posts on Mary Magdalene, The Da Vinci Code, and the possible divinity of Jesus Christ; is that Jesus made out with his male apostles. I'm not sure if this is fact or conjecture, and I don't care about the noble intentions behind doing so etc. etc. Plus I'm still stuck on the whole issue of Adam and Eve's kids humping each other, should be the same for Moses, if it was just his family on the Ark there'd have to be some form of inbreeding going on right.
Let me just come right out and say that I do think the practice of religion is bullshit. Don't get me wrong, the belief in a higher power is fine by me, and it shouldn't matter to belivers if its not. What bakes my chocolate strudel is that religious types feel the need to force their stupid beliefs on the rest of us, and we're supposed to take it. If I stand up and say I think the bible/quran are complete bullshit I'd become the subject of scorn for these people.
Alright let me skip all the ranting. Religion is fine as long as you don't take it too seriously. I rather like ideas, like the idea of god or a higher power, once they become ideals, people start killing and dying for them.
So why aren't homosexuals allowed to marry. Like most heterosexual men, I can't stand watching gay men do stuff to each other, and love lesbians. Truth be told though, I couldn't give a damn if homosexuals were allowed to marry, let them. The way I see it, a million homosexuals getting married does not affect me in any way.
Of course up jump the bible thumpers with their whole 'preserving the sanctity of marriage' crapola. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you vows of marriage are so flimsy and meaningless that two men getting married in the same city as you would somehow invalidate them. We all know this whole thing is about religious zealotry, the bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. So is the only valid marriage the one describe in the bible? What about other religions, are their versions of marriage wrong? What about those of us that don't believe in the bible, are we prohibited from getting married too (after all, since the definition of marriage must follow that contained in scripture well....)
Just recently, a United Nations exhibition on world religions was cancelled in Malaysia because it might raise "sensitive issues". Why the hell are religious types so hyper-sensitive? They believe in a ultimate being whose power and glory are beyond comprehension, but feel the need to get their panties in a know everytime there's some perceived insult to said being. I really do believe that if god is as powerful as you say he is, he can take care of himself, so just shut up and stop trying to 'defend' him, that's just pure arrongance.
Why can't they see their folly. Its so simple. Everytime someone starts preaching to me about some religion I don't believe in, they are in fact dismissing and insulting my own personal beliefs about the nature of god. But aside from the occasional rant, I don't get offended and upset of lose my temper. Yet when I try to talk to these types of folks about their beliefs, when I question them, the result is always offence and anger.
People are weak, they need to dig holes to hide in. People get really pissed off if you pour dirt in their holes. As Genjo Sanzo once said "If you really want to be close to God, just die!!!"
Sidenote: If we humans are really made in the image of god, does that mean that we each have the potential to become gods ourselves? On the basis of human logic (being an image of the logic of god), if I was the ultimate power in the universe, I would want company, I would want equals. Perhaps god did create us to become gods ourselves so that he wouldn't be alone anymore.
Think about it, if we have a spiritual self, a soul, it acts and manipulates our sacks of decomposing meat through one organ, the brain. Yet we only use 15% (think that's the right number) of our brains, effectively limiting ourselves in this world and body. Maybe once we die and are free of the meat that's holding us back, we become gods ourselves. Now if only I could activate 100% of my brain, wonder what would happen. |
At 6:23 PM,
Most problems with religion can be attributed to human nature. Humans tend to put human views into religious contexts, that is they tend to twist religion into something that serves their view. But than, humans do that with everything. From the TV, to internet, to statistics to even science.
At 6:37 PM,
True but you often see the fanatical religious type going overboard , you don't see scientist going around tying up priests and burning them alive.
It can also be argued that instead of humans twisting religion out of context , religion could have just been something made up by other humans. As Karl Marx put it god is mankinds greatest creation. It allows control of people and helps dumb them down so that they don't get too hard to control.
At 7:23 PM,
Actually, scientists do attack priests. Just not in the same manner. Instead, they do things like create anti-matter and try to blow up the vatican with it. They're called the Illumati. Cool bunch if I might say so myself. Lots of pent up anger and resentment. Heh heh!
At 10:40 AM,
I always thought the Illuminati were some satanic cult, then again I guess you can't believe the tabloids. Even certain societies that received the support of the church could be branded devil worshippers if necessary (think the Stonemasons). Still gotta love religious folks, they provide me with hours of entertainment.
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