Hmmm, wanted to write about Article 11 too but Magnus got to the topic first. I'll just be brief and try not to be too redundant.
It's sad that we are in a country where discussion is forbidden by the Government. So much for intellectual discourse. I don't really understand why this is a 'sensitive issue' , after all this is a discussion and not a parliment motion. What is so wrong with people talking things out ? It sure beats the hell out of rioting to make your opinions heard and is more civilised.
This sucks man. We have no freedom in this country to sit down at a table and talk out our problems. It is a bleeding shame that the discussion was terminated, at the very least they might come with better ideas on improving racial harmony.
I guess our non-muslim opinions means nothing to muslims. I was sure they would at least want to hear our grievences and see if there is anyway to improve racial harmony. After all, true racial harmony is not accomplished by making other races to just shut up and follow another race. I believe that there should be discourses and intelligent discussion every now and then so that problems can be addressed.
As in the case of Nyonya Tahir, M. Moorthy and S.Shamala whose conversion became an issue, maybe there can be better steps which can be taken to address this problem like making it compulsory that new converts tell their relatives about their status to avoid problems later on. I don't see why disccusions about this is considered sensitive by the Islamic community in Malaysia ?
I am not saying that we should let every Tom, Dick and Harry go up and challenge established practices and mentality because they want to. Yes, there should be some form of control but to forbid a discussion ?
I fear that this is one of the worst things that can happen in a country especially in a multi-racial and multi-religious country where tolerence & understanding are not just slogans but are the very foundation of the country's stability.
Maybe going for discussion about Article 11 is jumping the gun. We should go and discuss Article 10 first. Oh in case you didn't know Article 10, of the Federal Constitution is the one that 'guarantees' freedom of speech, assembly and association. Doesn't seem to do heck of a lot. Snigger. |
At 10:00 AM,
All I have left to say about this is, Bah Humbug!!! I keep feeling like I live in a country populated by 12 year old girls who are too emo for their own good.
Sickening and pathetic. Don't worry Warlock, Article 10 was just for show, we stil need to be 'sensitive' when we exercise our freedom of speech (don't try to be like evil westerners now).
Problems always start when dialogue breaks down. Now we will live in the times of Conan..
"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."