The world is changed, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the air, I feel it in the earth, I feel it in my pants, What once was has now been forgotten,
Now once again we must fight for our independence. For too long we have let our evil employers hold us back! For too long have we placed trivial matters like our studies and futures at the forefront! For too long we have spent time with the miscreants we call our families!! For too long...
Yet we hear whispers. Faint words that stir a fire in our souls that we thought had gone out long ago. Rumours of Merdeka Madness. Rumours that a day would come when we would stand up and declare that we will not go quietly into the night, after clocking a mere 5 hours at the cyber cafe. That we will no longer be held back by the despotic regime that seeks to prevent us from defending our ancients.
So on the 31st of August, Malaysia was given her independence, but we will fight, kill and maim for ours (in cyberspace of course). We shall do this at the Warzone, where we fight all our great battles. For now the roster includes:
Magnus goldenmaskmacha Warlock Salty Peanuts III (MOMMA's mandate required) Siriuz Sai Newbie
We need 3 more and no more. Commence in the morning and break for lunch after 5 hours and resume after that. Assuming a 9am start time, we would break at 2pm for lunch and probably resume around 4pm and go on till 9pm at night. No one fears the Nightstalker during the day....
Just thought I'd make this official. All of you who want to participate of have suggestions on timing or change of location (e.g. the Forbidden cybercafe) please comment here so we can keep track of everything until the big day. We encourage grudge matches and pre/post game brawls.
For the record, I'm not too keen on going to some weird place that may result in me being molested. So we will most likely choose to locate ourselves at Warzone, unless there's a better place that will let us upload our maps.
Our maps should be the latest version of Dota, Dota Extreme, DDay, and X Hero Seige.
Performance enchancing drugs (re: coca cola, coffee, Ali Cafe) are recommended. Avoid sambal and spicy foods at all costs!!!
Those of you that will not stay for the full 10 hours should not attend Merdeka Madness. I cannot stress this enough. While we will break for a meal and chit chat, it is not advisable for those of you that miss your mommies to come along. Although I suppose we can cater to mommas boys if say we can get someone to replace them in the second half after they leave us. We'll just have to see how this plays our when more members start posting comments, but there MUST be at least a 5 hour minimum per person.
Warlock, please add this to the choice posts section until Merdeka Madness has ended.
And so on the 31st of August 2006, we will let the world know that we will not go quietly into the night, on that day we celebrate our Independence DAy (que Independence Day music, the stuff from the movie not the lame RTM crap).
UPDATED!!! We will be hosting Merdeka Madness at Warzone to avoid any potential problems (plus after his last post, I don't want Salty Peanuts III to get any discounts).
What is this feeling? The power of friendship!! As our souls burn bright with the joy of this impending battle, with the support of our friends we will triumph against the evil Unicron!! (oh wait...been watching too must Transformers: Superlink).
It is sad that we can only manage 10 per game. However, if the Ookie clan will participate it is possible to have two games running simultaneously, but we need at least 16 people then. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
The Council of DotA Elders will convene this weekend to discuss the plans for Merdeka Madness and on an appropriate brainwashing strategy to get Chino to skip one day of classes and get his ass to Seremban. For those of you that don't know, Merdeka Madness 31.08.06 falls on a Thursday and is a public holiday in Malaysia, so all Chino has to do is take Friday off. So stop being a girl and come join us.
My Psycho Powers are fading fast this week, so I believe this will be my last update till next week. Keep commenting and watch out for Version 2.0b next week.
PS. To the super-schizo Salty Peanuts III (smokeydesperado/DJSkull666/and all his other personalities): You have got to stop trash talking us boy. Do you really think it will be remotely possible for you to have fun playing if all 5 opponents just want to kill you, regardless of winning or losing the game? Try being humble (you ain't that good). If all else fails, make it a point to attack the center tower at Level 1. |
At 12:27 PM,
why are there 2 chino's?
At 4:59 PM,
Warlock is not allowed to bring any hammers with him.
At 12:47 AM,
If I bring hammers , I can get rid of the second Chino.
Oh yeah Siriuz,Sai and I are in for the whole 10 hrs
At 9:24 AM,
Alright you can bring hammers, but only if I can bring my Maelstrom (I hooked up a car battery to a sledge hammer and am itching to try it out. The things I have to do to protect myself from muggers and women..).
FIRST BLOOD!!! (+100 Gold) Warlock has slain 2nd Chino.
Sai has joined the game.
We should still decide on the timing though, is morning to evening or afternoon till night better? I'm in favour of the latter, but can do both ways (I'm bi that way).
If Kavi is coming for Merdeka Madness its up to you Warlock to ensure that she is properly prepared emotionally and spiritually to handle it. Plus she has to kill you in-game to prove her loyalty to DotA and not unimportant things like family ;)
At 12:29 PM,
Aiyo .. I think 10 hours of DotA is a bit over for a beginner though. I should catch her and make her play in our smaller sessions first.
Once the complete list of people is in I'll separate them into teams and set up the rotation so it's more or less balanced.
The 3 of us plan on coming down on Thursday itself and playing straight so I prefer morning till night. We can have a vote later. I'm still too lazy to change the coding and add a new poll.
At 12:57 PM,
You're right about Kavi, she's too green for Merdeka Madness. Invite her for one of our shorter sessions, but you still gotta teach her though, sucks to play against seasoned player when you're just starting out.
I say the Forbidden CC is out guys, let's just stick to WarZone. Heck we could just arrange with the owner to have certain PCs reserved for us that day (I'm sure I'm in for a lengthy shoulder squeezing when I talk to him)
Lets just make it morning and we break for lunch then carry on till night, then dinner and head home or just head home straight depending on how frazzled we are. Anyone who can't make it should just make their case here.
At 3:27 PM,
sorry bout the 2nd chino, my manta syle was malfunctioning. i have a 1 week break starting 2nd sept. so i shud be free for 10 hours! ill get gopi n arul to confirm soon.
u guys bringing hammers? can i bring my pillow?
At 3:33 PM,
wait a minute! we playing on that merdeka thursday or the merdeka weekend? i have class on friday. damn!!
At 3:47 PM,
newbie has confirmed his participation for Merdeka Madness!
At 4:34 PM,
Skip class for one day lah Chino!! Tell 'em the haze gave you upper respiratory problems.
Merdeka Madness Version 1.01 released. Changelist:
Removed Chino.
Added Newbie to Scourge Midnight Tavern.
Fixed Manta Style bug when using Chino.
At 10:55 PM,
yalah chino skip class... stupid public universities... merdeka holidays thursday go classes friday then holidays again... sheesh... ok guys im in this so-called low-class amateur 'Merdeka Madness'... 10hrs DOTA.... hahaha i can jz hear myself saying,"Mom i wanna go DOTA in cc." Mom:"how long?"Me:" err, 10 hrs" Mom:(gave 2 tight slaps across me face). neway im in...
At 11:41 AM,
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 11:43 AM,
Everyone who can come for sure please confirm. We've got about 2 and a half weeks to go. None of this maybe if my mommy lets me crap. I only say this because it would suck if only 4 people show up because of last minute cancellations, or worse, if we're stuck with odd numbers.
Warlock, make a poll on whether Chino should skip class on Friday since it should be more interesting. We stick with morning start time for now (9/10am).
Salty Peanuts III, you've got to stop your trash talking binge man. Do you honestly believe that you will have the slightest bit of fun if the rest of us decide to chasten you? Imagine a 5 vs 5 game where all 5 opponents go out of their way to kill you, over and over again. Still, we want you on board this one.
Kavi, you should come play with us when Shaun is around, he screams a lot too. You should try to come on another day as I agree with Warlock that Merdeka Madness 31.08.06 would be a bit much for you. We could use some new blood anyway, but if you come then Warlock isn't allowed to bring any hammers (I don't want him to try Stormbolting anyone if they try to hit on you).
NooBs shouldn't come for Merdeka Madness 31.08.06 as this is veterans only. It wouldn't be fun, trust me. I don't want to have to constantly scream at my team's Abbadon player to cast his Aphotic Shield. Plus the one or two starters would definately wind up getting killed over and over.
Magnus has selected Lucifer the Doombringer.
Magnus casts Level Death and Doom on Salty Peanuts III, then stands around looking cool as Salty makes a mad dash for his fountain.
Combo Whore!!! Magnus has killed Salty Peanuts (+50 Gold).
Version 1.25b released! Changelog:
Fixed the bug that makes Salty Peanuts repeatedly desert his teamates after being killed more than once.
Modified Roshan's AI script to make him patrol the map looking for Salty Peanuts II.
Stigwyr's Rupture modified to play "You've been Ruptured!!! Hold position now!!" soundbite when cast.
Magnus' Black Pagoda has been extended to 8 inches.
Warlock's berserker frenzy shortened to last only 5 seconds.
At 10:51 PM,
gopi said sumthing about being free from the 15th to the 28th when i asked him if he was free on the merdeka weekend. sigh...i lazy to deal with gopi. warlock u try!
-chino gives up on gopi-
At 9:08 AM,
Gopi has left the game (big surprise).
You have been granted control of Gopi's units.
You know Malaysians lah, that's why people that organise trips, dinners, etc wind up dying young from cardivascular diseases or suicide.
At 1:55 AM,
Oh no ... looks like I'm next . Was that a heart palpitation I just felt ....
I'll call up Gopi after his exams , I'll post here when I get more news.
Magnus, don't change the title anymore , or change it and put the version number in the text itself .. it's playing havoc with the pages that links to it. I've been trying to figure out how to put a special page for this post .. haven't made anything work yet ... HTML is not much fun :(
At 10:06 AM,
Oh it does? I didn't realise. Well I'll just update in the comments section until I make a new post on this next week.
Warlock casts Purge on Magnus. Magnus wipes bum with Scottex two-ply tissue (+67% movespeed) and runs back to his tower.
I could actually make a separate Merdeka Madness blog and you could link to it, but I don't think there's any point since it will be only for 2 weeks or so. I'll just put up a new post every week and everyone can post comments and shit.
At 7:48 PM,
Which WarZone is this? In subang? :x
At 10:39 PM,
WarZone seremban!
At 11:32 PM,
well well it seems dat chino got affected by the polls... neway chino, can u FREAKING SKIPS CLASSES N COME 4D MERDEKA MADNESS SHIT? N PLZ UPDATE D FREAKING LIST OF THOSE WHO CAN N CANT COME? TY...
At 11:37 AM,
i feel all warm n fuzzy inside...u made a poll coz of me. i only have a landlaw class on friday mornings 10-12. we wud probably cancel that. about the gay hot dates are with females not males. dont get me wrong la warlock!!!! i dont want any hand on my lap during dota sessions.