I just browsing through Wikipedia when I read about an old game for the Atari system. It's called "Custer's Revenge". What I found shocking was the fact that the game features a heavily pixelated Custer trying to get jiggy with a tied up Indian Squaw. Here have a look and laugh your head off :
 Custer approaching tied up American Indian Squaw .. notice the erection ..
Damn, and people actually played this game .. how pathetic.
Been working on my thesis. This is how I feel so you'll excuse me if I don't have anything elso to put up today.
Nice gif huh. Got it from http://blogalice.com/ :) |
At 9:41 AM,
Hey I saw a skit on this game on X-Play!!!!! Talk about politically incorrect (in the American, not Malaysian sense).
The GIF is so how I feel when I'm in the office these days *whimper*