Uh... I mean ARC returns.
So, finally, I'm back. Manage to find a place with decent internet connection speed. My previous station was wasted by earthquake, tsunami, bombs... etc. Anyway, hello world!!! Hello visitors!!! I never knew there were actually other people visiting this blog. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Dunno why though.
Sidenote: Girls that play games are soooo sexy. Seriously! Ok, so maybe pouty lips with lipstick playing games is even sexier. Kinda looks like she's **censored** ... foreplay.
Sidernote: Hello CrazeeB!!!
Now then, about article 11 and all..... We do not live in a civilised country. Most people don't actually use their brains that much. Some peoples sensitives are more sensitive than others. There is no justice. Its just an illusion used by the powerful minority to peacefully opress the idiotic majority. The mob's not the problem. Its the matermind behind the mob that's dangerous. For all purpose and intent, the mob is just an expendable tool. Ever heard of the term: Tyranny of the majority? Well, thats just bullshit. There is no such thing. Power has always been with the few who are in every sense of the word, "supperior". He who has the means of peacefully controlling the mases, rules. Before this turns out to be another "power" article, I'll just conclude and say, I AM NOT PLEASED... VERY VERY BITTER. ANGER! HATE! MALICE! It is the age of the barbarians. Come people. Let us draw our swords(I do love huge swords. 2m would do) and cleave through all who stand in our path. Mua ha ha ha ha!
By the way, there is no shame in not caring. Its normal. Very few people actually care about millions of women and children dying of war, famine, bombs, opression, blah.. blah.. blahh..... Ocationally saying "oh, poor thing" doesn't count. I for one care for many things. However the dying mases ain't one of them. Caring is a unique and somewhat personal emotion of sorts. It can extend to family, friends, aqquaintences, countrymen, race, species, the living... etc. It spawns from somesort of similarity between ones self and the subject at hand. Mine stops extending somewhere around friends. Beyond that, I couldn't care less. Who I don't know, I can't care for. Its that simple. Hypocrates aside, thats how it is for most people. Ofcourse there are exceptions. Example: Mother Teressa. But thats very rare. So, there you have it. The cruel truth about the individuallity in human beings. Humanists and all feel free to flame me. I love a good heated argument. Heh heh heh!
PS: Note that I don't post about DOTA much. Thats cause I feel left out. Can't play DOTA. Isolated by galons and galons of water. Separated from my clan by what seems like an infinate amount of space. Aaaargghh!!!!
Ok, nothing left to post. Adios amigos! |
At 9:36 AM,
Arc-o-san!!! You live!! I was starting to wonder if you'd been buried alive in an earthquake and then had a tsunami wash away your remains later.
Since you brought up sword wielding, what would you go for? 2-handed, 1-handed (with or without shield?), Dual Wielding with 1-handed swords, Dual Wielding 2-handed swords (need to have Barbarian class i.e. must have spent some time at Malaysian Universities)?
You must practice DotA using the AI maps or by challenging people over there. Otherwise you'll become weak and soft, and only be able to use sissy range characters like Salty Peanuts does ;)
At 11:37 AM,
HelOoOo Arc :x
At 2:50 PM,
Arc is the only person the can defeat me in Streefighter based games, and all the Capcom Versus titles.
Make sure you come play Marvel vs Capcom 2 with me when you surf back here on the next tsunami.