Cocobear pwning Magnus (after reaching maximum on the 'Bad Teamwork' bar )
Just wanted to test if photobucket pics can be linked to the blog.
I just got the TAG and pasted in. I recommend that the EDIT HTML (on top there , next to Compose mode) be used cause sometimes it can get screwed up. So you change to EDIT HTML mode then paste the code, then when you change to COMPOSE again you can see the pic :)
Just downloaded and watched South Park : Make Love not Warcraft. So damn funny. Must see for every online RPG game lovers !
Can't wait to DOTA later :P , want to kill something else besides stupid wolves and bats (FF 12)
Totally forgot that I promised Chino I'll post here on how to play some Jack Johnson songs on the guitar here. I'm thinking of making a short video and then put up the link here with the tab. Thinking of putting up Better Together and Banana Pancakes. Anyone want to learn any other songs by him ?
To Kavi :
pwn is a gaming word. "Legend" has it that this word originated from the custom maps played in Warcraft (before DotA) . When you kill someone in the game a line of text like this appears "Magnus owns Warlock" for example, this evolved into "owning" and "ownage" to commonly used to describe a sweet kill or a superb victory. On one of the custom maps the maker made a typo, he accidentally used pwn instead of own. So the text read "Warlock pwns Magnus". It became an instant l33t thingy (more on that someday) and everyone uses it widely today. There a many varieties of pwn such as pwnage, pwnster, l33t pwning and such. |
At 9:29 AM,
"Pwn" is basically the gamer/online jargon/internet speak for "Totally Owns"
So when You say "Magnus pwns Warlock" it means that Magnus has basically made Warlock his bitch, nothing more than a sexy slave, symbolizes domination of sorts.