Here is a little something that evil people do using e-mail. Lets say they hate someone and want to flood their e-mail, all they have to do is ...
1) Make a spiffy looking e-mail complete with picture. Said e-mail will claim to be a promotion of a certain product such as the SONY PSP, IPod and stuff like that.
2) They will claim that "Company {Insert name of heartless evil megacorporation here} is having a promotion of it's product by word of mouth.
3) They will then claim that if you forward this message to 30 people you will receive a free IPOD or PSP or PS3 ..
Too good to be true right ? All you need to do is forward it and you get a cool new toy .. read on ..
4) Of course to keep track of your e-mail, you need to forward the e-mail to one of their staff (Ms STAFF) as well.
So, puffed up by the hopes of getting your new PS3 you quickly open up your address book and tick 30 people to forward to ... you don't forget to add Ms STAFF's e-mail address as well.
Now what really happens is this. The e-mail will be sent to 30 different people and Ms STAFF. Now, each of the 30 people will forward their e-mail to another 30 persons each (Total 900 people, Ms. STAFF gets 31 e-mails) . The next stage will have 900 people sending to 30 people each (Total 27 000 people, Ms STAFF gets 900 mails). The next stage will see Ms STAFF getting 27 000 mails and from then on she will abandon her current e-mail address and start a new one :P
As you can see the amount of mail increases exponentially and this will totally mail-bomb Ms STAFF. So the next time you get amessage like this, don't forward it without thinking about the consenquences of your actions.
Now this message is a chain message, after reading this you must copy the whole text and forward it to 10 people via e-mail or post it in a blog within the hour or a giant dick will grow between your eyes and you'll die a horrible death being raped by donkeys. Do forward it , why take the risk ya ? |
At 9:28 AM,
Donkeys can be gentle lovers too...
I hate people forwarding crap. Look unless its porn or some really funny jokes (not the same lame jokes we've all seen a billion times) you should never forward anything.
Nobody will like you for sending forwards. No one will think you care. No one will be touched that you sent some loser friendship email because you're a retard that gets pwnd by words and can't think of your own way to tell someone you value their friendship. Use that brain and write emails to people, real emails about life and what's going on.
Idiots. Moron. Philistines. If I ever meet chain emailers they will die horribly and their skins will become part of my new clothing line
At 6:27 PM,
why is it PWNED !