Malaysia Boleh!!! (basically means Malaysia can!!)
I think this sort of sums up how I feel right now. Nope its not that I really feel that the country "boleh". It symbolizes to me a people than are more fixated on constantly talking about how they can but never actually doing. We can do it, but were not really that good so lets create our own book of records (seriously how lame is that).
I've been getting extremely pissed off by what I've been seeing happen in my counrty. Yes its my fucking country too!!! But back to the topic at hand. I want to go over some things that have happened in the past few months here:
Police/FRU beat up people in front of KLCC So these folks were demonstrating against the reduction of petrol subsidies by the government. While I do agree with the reduction, the resulting demonstration was a perfectly normal reaction. The police said they didn't have a permit to demostrate/gather, beat up everyone and blasted them with water cannons. There is and investigation going on during which they also showed footage of a woman being knocked down, but all the people involved seem to have "memory loss"
Angry Muslims try to storm a forum There was an Article 11 forum being held a few months back. Its basically a forum to look at the legal implications regarding religion and race in Malaysia which included among other things the status of muslims who convert out of islam and the status of a spouse whose partner converts, or converts their children. So anyway a group of misinformed muslims gathered outside the hotel where the forum was being held. The were demonstrating/ gathering and they didn't have a permit. Now I'm sure that they were trying to storm the hotel to have a quiet and civil discussion...right....right....So there were about 500 people trying to storm the place and 250 policemen. No water cannons, no beatings, no pushing over of women. Instead the forum was cut short by the police for safety concerns. So 250 fucking policemen couldn't handle an unruly mob of religious fanatics and instead cancelled the forum which had a permit!!!! A couple of days later our "Saya tak tahu" Prime Minister announced an indefinite halt to any more discussions on the "sensitive issue" of conversion/religion etc etc.
American couple accosted by JAIS (An organisation of sexually frustrated man-bitches who can't get any and don't want the rest of us to either) This old I repeat old and retired american couple were enjoying a stay in Langkawi and relaxing in their hotel room when JAIS shows up banging on the door and accuses them of committing "khawat" (the outrageous offence of a man and woman being together unsupervised..yup they don't actually have to do anything except be alone together). JAIS demands to see their marriage licence. See it would be obvious to most educated people with partially funcitoning brains that two white folks speaking with an american accent claiming to not be muslim are telling the truth. But of course the people who work for JAIS did their matriculation and graduated from Universiti Malaya so we shouldn't hold this against them. The american couple will probably not be visiting our wonderful country again.
PPIM files police report agains High 5, a bread manufacturer for using non-halal ingredients in their bread. This is something I would be in agreement with in they actually did such a thing. However this proved to be an untrue allegation. Would have been nice if the PPIM dude didn't run around screaming and flinging themselves onto their kerises in public, destroying the High5 reputation and causing staggering loss of profits. I'm sure the foreign investors watching really REALLY want to put their money in this country now.
Mob of agry muslims for outside a church to demonstrate (i.e. beat up) muslims being baptised based on s rumour circulated by SMS I am pleased to note that they did not have a permit but were not beaten up and blasted by water cannons. The rumour turned out to be false and only a group of terrified sunday worshippers were in the church. Of course the police are going after the evil-doers who sent the sms instead of the assholes mobbing outside the church. I mean what fucking kind of fundamental flaw needs to exist in a person for him/her to say "hmmm I got an SMS today saying some muslim folk are converting to christianity....I am really angry and want to demonstrate/beat them up". This clearly smacks of small penis syndrome. GET A FUCKING JOB!!!! Pissing losers!!!
PPIM files a police report against Wall's Ice Cream because of the presence of a cross (mind you it looks like a + sign and does not have Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, unless you're a sinner in which case he will pwn your ass with a flaming sword that comes out of his mouth, hanging from it) Before I forget, PPIM stands for "Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia" roughly translated in english it means "Assholes with nothing better to do except masturbate to porn in their bedrooms while pretending to pray so their mommies won't come in and disturb them, also fucks goats when back in their village". So basically they're getting all hopped up over the plus sign. They're trying to call it a cross, but it so isn't. Go buy yourself a Walls "Moo" ice cream and see for yourself. I gleaned all this from online news and blog sites, will be checking on their preaching christianity ice cream if I can find one on sale today. So next they are going after evil mathematics, watch out all of you evil-does doing additions and multiplications in public and in schoold textbooks for you spread the religion of evil and are destroying society. DESIST!!!!
Central Market to be organised along racial lines Yup. just read in the newspaper that the new management wants to split up the mall into malay, chinese and indian areas for shops (yes lets all forget about all the other races/tribes etc). Don't know if it will come to pass, but this is just random stupidity, or perhaps something more sinister. Sigh.
This is just a small sample of the bullshit that is happening in Malaysia today. All the while it scares off the foreign investments that we desperately need to keep our economy afloat. The people doing this are of course hoping this will happen since high unemployment is ripe ground for growing new extremists. Our politicians don't care since all their money is offshored so they can leave when the shit hits the ceiling.
I am so sick of this crap and when I go overseas I'm never coming back to this shithold of a country. To be fair it really isn't that bad now, we get to go see movies, download shit, go to the cybercafe. But its really naive to think that its going to stay this way if current trends keep up. The nature of fanatics and extremists is that they gain more power the more people just keep quiet and let them do what they do. Most malays/muslims like to think they are accepting and blah blah, so no one stands up. Everytime a non-muslim tries to stand up and speak against in they are silenced either by mobs or by the goverment (you know to satisfy the mobs and stop them from mobbing).
The simple truth of it is in the economics. No one will want to risk investing in an unstable country when they're got China, Singapore, Taiwan etc etc. This is proven simply by the fact that out of the total foreign direct investment Singapore, a country with no natural resources beat us flat.
Once investments start stagnating at this level (they are already at record lows) unemployment will become rampant (does 60,000 unemployed graduates sound familiar?). Naturally the minorities will be blamed. Try to think of what happened to the Chinese in Indonesia (a relatively weathy minority there, very similar to here). Yup the looting, killing and raping of minorities. Ask yourself if you really, truly believe this will not happen here if the economy tanks. Of course most people aren't like this right. WRONG!!! Most people we KNOW aren't like this. Most educated, city dwelling folk aren't like this. The majority or Malaysia is uneducated and metally unstable if the treatment by the government and current events indicate anything. REady to riot at the drop of a hat, all the while being led along by the politicians.
How depressing is this. Well I hope you guys have a backup plan. Where you gonna hide or move to when they start coming after you???
Well besides the usual depressing state of things...I finally gave up killing werewolves in FF12 and decided to proceed with the story. Having fun so far. I'm also playing "Dirge of Cerberus" and am at Chapter 2. Its a pretty good game, simple and easy to get in and out of, I am so going to finish it this week and the play through it once more time to get everything since it is a short game.
I'm going computer parts shopping this weekend and will not be doing DotA, unless we have it on Saturday morning and the have even numbers. Its such a waste when we play odd numbers since we're all pretty decent players. Since we do play for fun and not to go pro we should start meeting up only is we have enough people. I'm pretty much rooted in KL for now to sort out my stuff so Warlock, let me know when we can meet up next.
I'm upgrading my PC as I was saying, but I'm not sure what to upgrade. I've got all the optical drives I need, so probably a new power supply (need dual voltage), hard disk, RAM (should I go for 1 or 2 GB sigh I can't decide), and a new casing. I want to get a super cool looking case, or maybe I'll just spray paint the existing one. Hmmm that's an idea.
Well, I'm out of rage for the day. Time to think happy thoughts. |
At 2:17 PM,
Nice post, do add it to the Choice Post link. Definatly deserves to be there. I'll do it if i can find some free time. Gotta go ..