OMC, i have gained few pounds since my picnic. Been eating and drinking blissfully without thinking about where the fat may have gone to. Now, i regretted my indulgence and the verdict, the compilation of fat. Been going out for supper far too many times compared to last time, where i can just get over my raging-stomach-hungry-for-something with a chinese tea peng for two. Well, i usually have somewhat quite heavy lunch (mee soup, and believe me, it's big, try counting the calories) and for breakfie, i have maggi mee or 2 slices of bread. No dinner, but take supper, which is not good. For supper, i often take taugeh kueh tiaw or sotong kangkung. Sometime ikan bakar. I m not the type that always let the food go to waste, and because of this, all the food go to waist. I dunno about everyone here, but for me, i remember vividly that when i was small and my parents in order to get us finish our rice, they will always use the same excuse. "if u leave rice on your plate, later when u grow up, ur wife will have pimples all over her face" or "if u leave the plate unfinished, u will have pimples on ur face when u grow up". I dunno how true it is, but since i usually cant finish my rice, now i got pimples on my face!! hmm..........*shrug*
I have one idea, remember when we study biology in the food ingestion topic? We must chew our food slowy so that the food can be broken down easily in our stomach and the nutriets will be more readily absorbed in our intestine. Here is the thing, what if we just gorge our food and swallow our food in bigger chunks? Wont that be good for dieters since less break down of food in stomach and less absorption in the intestine, meaning less compilation of the substance that causes fatness? Or even better, we rear tape worms in our stomach and keep their population under control with antibiotics or whatever so that they can consume our food. Or when u think u eat too much in barbeque, trying consuming some uncook food hoping that u get light diarhea the next day.
Just wan to writing something, that's all. probably wont be writting anything in the weekends. Have a nice weekends everyone!! |
At 2:41 PM,
Well since the super strong acid in your stomach will dissolve bit or chunks the chewing or gorging wont make much of a difference. Only thing is you're more likely to choke if you gorge ;D
Here's the trick to slowing absorption of nutrients. Eat and drink cold. Drinking cold water after eating slows down the digestive process and makes you burn more calories because your body have to heat the water to match your internal temperature.
Still I can't say much since I was a super skinny freak back in the day and packing on the pound now makes me happy.
At 3:21 PM,
lol, i saw ur flickr. ^^ magnus, happy like how? lol. i dunno, cause i was fat up till now, and i still considered myself a bit over, althought my BMI suggests otherwise. need to loose some more, a bit more, then i will be truely happy, mwhahahaha.
At 3:32 PM,
Wei I'm a happy person!!! Don't make me come down to Kuching and show you just how HAPPY I AM!!!!!
Heh I know I always look scary but I'm a happy friendly guy, although some people still seem to be afraid of me for no reason T_T
Well good luck with the weight loss, I'm trying for more weight gain. If I could only reach 80kg I'd be happy.
As for now, I've just started forcing myself to exercise. Just a few types of exercises everyday when I get home no matter what, no execuses, time is irrelevant. Hopefully I'll be on my way soon.
At 3:58 PM,
body building? u must be tall if u opted for 80 kg as ur ideal weight. I was 80kg before, but i try to get it at 60kg, but before i reach 60kg, i have put on weight now. U see, i m a short guy, 80kg or 70kg for will make my stomach balloned. 60kg is ideal for me, seems like my body is not listening to my command.
ok ok, i trust that u r a happy, in fact u guys all are a happy bunch, including the sanbaka. hahaha, can see from the posts, i m the always the depressed one, hahhaha. oh, happy and not "happy"...
At 10:07 PM,
Adole. Magnus is VERY HAPPY (read : GAY) hahahahahaha
I'm extra fat now .. reached 80kg T_T
need to lose lots of weight now ... worst part is that I rarely eat lunch and I'm still packing the pounds .. need to cut down on Coke :P (the drink ..)
One good way to lose weight is to do some light muscle building. Muscles burn fats constantly .. doing weight training will make your muscles into an energy sink which will constantly burn energy ... this makes it easier to lose weight :) Hope this helps ..
At 3:50 PM,
oh, u exercise, u get heavier. muscle is heavier than fat. And i dun like to look bulky.
hahha, lucky u mentioned "the drink", i would have thought otherwise. U drink light Coke? if normal Coke, it contains a lot of calories. i just go for all those diet drinks, taste good though.
At 12:53 AM,
Hmm... guilt over food...
Interesting concept.
At 1:11 AM,
Gorging won't help. Swallowing without chewing is torture. You're better of not eating at all. Besides, it won't make much of a difference. It might matter in the past when people eat raw food and all. Your stomach can barely digest unchewed raw food. Nowadays cooked food is so easy to digest, that chewing is merely a genetic formallity. Ok, so it does help digestion a bit. A bit. :)
Don't eat supper. Ever! Its a sure way to get fat. Almost all the carbs turn to fat right after you eat and... SLEEP. Noooooo!!! If you're hungry at night, drink lots and lots... and I mean lots of water. Till you're bloated. You won't be hungry for a while. Go to sleep. Problem solved.
In the end though, the best way is still exercise. I know. Life sucks. Exercise sucks. Doing repeated stuff over and over again is really boring. Alas, its the only way. Pills are just too expensive and safety not guaranteed.
About the worms......
Have you seen live worms extracted from a living person through surgery? Its absolutely discusting. Your do not want those things in you. Ever. Seriously. Trust me.
Happy dieting man.