I hope it's not too late, PS3 was launched in Japan *drool drool drool* on 11th November, 2006, that was 3 days ago. It costs us$420 for basic and us$508 for premium version. In Malaysia, i think we can get it for about RM2000+, it wont be less than that. *sniff sniff* Too expensive lo for me at the time being. I m looking forward to buy the console in a year time, hopefully the price has gone down. FFXIII is a game to die for, and the girl in the screenie is NOT the leading character according to some sources. I m a bit intrigue on how the main character looks like. FFXIII versus is another title due to be released for PS3. There are all together 7 titles for FFVIII, Squareenix is making it like FFVII, a long franchise of 20 years (from what i read, the truth of the news still blurred me, dun blame me pls if wrong info is given :P). One more thing, i checked the back of the original DVD of FFVII Advent Children and i found out that in DVD 2, there is a section called remake of PS3 games, something like that. anyone has the ori DVD, can clarify this for me? Supposedly, there wont be a remake for PS3 FFVII, but if they happen to find time, then the project would probably be continue. I forgot which webbie i found this out, i think i posted it in my frenster's group. Post it sometime later. |
At 12:46 AM,
hei adole b4 u go droolin over d ps3 i mite as well tell u this. sony has come up with a new technology for the ps3 cd reader; blue-ray tech. unfortunately malaysia hasnt come up with a blue-ray converter n burner. so wat i want to say is dat if u want 2 buy ps3 cds u must buy d original. but then again if u got alotof dough then go ahead n buy d ps3 but if u support 'cetak-rompak' i suggest dat u stick to ps2 or wait until we come up wif a blue-ray converter.
At 8:37 AM,
ya, i m planning to wait a year + before getting one, dun wan to burn a hole in my wallet ^^ rather use the money for travelling. Thanks for the info, very much appreciated ^^
But i m really drooling over ps3. Xbox360 got cetak rompak one liao, but no games ler, i dun wan waste money on it lo. PS3 is da best!!
At 11:30 AM,
Yes don't we all want a PS3, but it pays to wait awhile. You guys know how it is, you buy first you pay the highest price, and its not like you'll miss out on tons of games since they'll be available even if you buy 2 years from now.
Since most of us are poor anyway its not like we can afford anything besides cetak rompak. If we didn't buy those we'd probably be hanging around terminal 1 smoking cheap indonesian cerut and racing on our Keris motorcycles at night.
Is the REALLY an Xbox360 that's been hacked? I'd definately buy one but all I see is ori stuff.
At 11:54 AM,
i heard the xbox360 has been hacked. but you can only play offline games. once u try to play online games, the server will try to verify the authenticity (i dunno in what form, could be the consoles serial number or other things or the game itself). it could be a direct link to microsoft site, but once found that it's pirated, ur console will be shut out from playing online games for good.
That is what i heard. still need to check onto it. i m never interested in Xbox360 unless squareenix decided to produce games for it. or other big companies like namco. Games are a big attraction to me. I go with games.
At 1:48 PM,
Nice post , lots of info.
oh wait .. this isn't a forum :P
Wondering if we should make a forum as well .. but with this few people probably ok to just use the comments to discuss. Still some of the discussions are pretty interesting. Maybe there is some way to make links to comments , then I can add them to a big list of memorable comments.
At 1:57 PM,
Heard blueray is also hard to be cetak romapk, izzit? then the hope to play cetak rompak ps3 games is dim. nvm lar, we all buy diff games, then share share ^3^ how good if our currency is on par with US dollar. then i wont mind buying ori games all the time....sigh.....
At 2:34 PM,
Well from what I hear coming from our keris waving pals at UMNO, our currency will never be on par with the US dollar, even if the economy there tanks :(
XboX 360 does have some interesting looking titles. Maybe I'll buy one. Where'd you see it on sale? In Kuching? Maybe Sungai Wang will have.
Not like I care about online games anyway, if I wanted to meet and chat with real live human beings I wouldn't be sitting in front of my TV anyway.
I'm worried about Warlock, all this FF 12 seems to be making him blabber nonsense :P
They will definately find a way to cetak rompak blu-ray. Its just a big DVD, eventually the tech to manufacture them will become cheap and widely available just like DVDs are now.
At 3:21 PM,
yeah adole i hafta admit the one thing dat make us malaysian so unique is our ability to come up with cetak-rompak even though the manufacturers sed its impossible. we will come up wif cetak-rompak blu-ray. jz b patient. hey guys i jz came across this news from the star. it seems dat d PS3 cant play 200 PS n PS2 software titles properly. the audio features do not work on some titles when played on PS3 while d other titles do not work at all. so it seems if we buy d PS3 now we cant play some PS n PS2 games. technical glitch only. they will come up wif an upgrade. the question is, when?
At 4:55 PM,
yea, the backward compatiblity is an issue, which should not happen. But i have nver used my ps2 for ps games, i usually just use pc to play (lent my ps to my cousin). 2 years from now, there wont be any ps2 games or probably less games, so no worries. i like the new function in ps3 which is motion sensor controller like nitendo Wii.
This is the news that i read.
magnus, i will try to ask the shop in kuching here for verification. then i will post somehting here, i wan to know for myself also. Nighty-Nine Nights for Xbox360 is so far my fave, by Mistwalker, whom i think the taukeh is a former squareenix (?)
haha, warlock warlock.....
At 6:40 PM,
True , all this FF is driving me insane .. sigh. It was long due I guess .. soon I'll be popping pills.
One bad thing about the new PS3 controller is that it supposedly wont have dualshock since it inteferes wiht the motion sensor controller.
Keep your fingers crossed that the pirates can figure out how to cetak rompak the games .. remember if someone can make it someone can copy it, it's just a matter of cost vs practicality.