I have developed an interest in swimming recently. Not that i go there to wash my eyeballs. As u guys know, i have been pretty tensed up lately, Warlock probably knows the reason, :P, but that's not all to it, there is much trouble brewing here and there, and the previous problems have subsided. New problems emerge after i have settled old one, sigh......what a life. So, i get rather depress these few days. Hollow, very empty. Just like a void vessel of flesh, without soul. Cant seems to find anything to do at home, even going outside for stroll, i also cant find any motive or goal.
I used to have a very good goal, that is to finish every single RPG i can find, and hell yea, i hold true to that goal until just half year ago. I sorta let go of gaming, and now even i i really wan to go back to gaming, it's hard for me to just glue my arse in front of tv or monitor. Shortly, i dun reach my old goal anymore of finishing every single RPGs. Life has been stressful for me, depression (i might suffer from bipolar disorder bleh, just my speculation, could be wrong).
I started swimming. And wow, my mind was so clear after that, i dun feel anymore depressed. i feel great. Though i dun like to broaden my shoulder anymore. Just emotinally, it is good (erm....cant compare with orgasm bleh, totally different case, k back to topic).. Physically, a torment :P. Well, just have to sacrifise one thing. Bet i m going to the pool again tonite, haha.
opps, gtg, catcha all soon, bb. |
At 5:03 PM,
sorry for my terrible and vegetable engrish in this topic, my mind cant think str8, i just type whatever i thought of, too many things to think. life is so damn darn hard.
At 6:00 PM,
Heh, finally found the solitude and joy in the swimming pool ha. I like to go swimming during the weekends .. of course I go alone cause no one else wants to join me ... good luck with your problems. Don't become bipolar ok .. go see a good psychiatrist man :)
At 6:26 PM,
i want to go swimming with you :'(
At 2:27 AM,
Wah Adole allready got girls who wants to go swimming with you ! I'm jealous ..
At 9:38 AM,
Well Adole, I don't think you're life could possibly be that hard. Sometimes it helps to get a little perspective on things. You're not dying of starvation. You not terminally ill. You don't have to watch your children die in front of you from preventable illnesses. You don't have to watch your wife and daughter(s) get gang raped by militants.
The truth is we all have it pretty good. This by no means is a suggestion that you should just sit back and not try to improve your life, you should never stop trying. Sinking into depression about petty things is always self destructive.
This is one very interesting thing I learned about life (from a TV sitcom no less) from Frasier, any one of us, if we stop to find things to be sad about in life will find them and be miserable. The truth is you need to live life and enjoy in. Some of your friends are pricks? Have fun alone, find new friends, or you can sit at home and brood about how mean they are and be sad.
The classic case will be getting spurned by someone you love (either you get rejected outright or the break up with you). Some guys become depressed, drink, ruin their lives, fail exams, get fired from their jobs. And some guys go out with their friends and party, meet new people, play DotA in Seremban ;D
Whatever you're going through will always seem small and petty when you look back at it a few years from now. What YOU need to do is realise this NOW so you don't waste the precious little bit of life you have on earth feeling down and out.
I never went much for swimming, only when I had a six-pack and never again until I get it back
At 11:57 AM,
HEAR THE MASTER SPEAKS!!!!(if u noe wats good 4u) go read ice_princess post. c d good things in bad. have a little perspective in life, b optimistic. life aint all dat bad. it is all up to u wheter u wanna make life worth living or jz sink back into depression. other than dat, go read magnus comments again :p swimming is a damn good idea. its one of d best way to de-stress urself(aint so sure wheter got such word as 'de-stress'). it is oso like hittin 2 birds wif 1 stone. while ur bz de-stressing urself u can oso 'cuci mata' abit. lol 8-B(got dat emoticon from magnus)
At 12:05 PM,
nice emoticon. i like it 8-B workloads......workloads. ai.......today no swim, overtime.......