So the time has come for me to fully customise my rig. I plan to buy a new casing sometime after Chinese New Year along with a decent RAM upgrade (1-2gB).
I can't quite decide what casing to get. The Cooler Master Stacker is nice but its just too expensive (RM770) and too big to carry to the USA. You guys have any ideas? Post links to the casing site if you have any suggestions.
Question for one of the San Baka: I use DDR RAM running at 400mhz. Can I use this RAM in the future if say I upgrade my PC or buy a new one (e.g. Core 2 Duo/FX2) by just slotting it in? Or are there no motherboards that support both DDR and DDR-2 chips. I ask because this will effect how much RAM I buy now. |
At 12:22 PM,
check the mobo spec. It will tell u whether it support both or just either one. Even if u buy ddr or ddr2 sometimes it just mean you have to use one ddr and one ddr2. Like i currently using 1 sata and 1 sata2 hdd. it still work because the mobo support. give me ur mobo model number and I will check for u.
At 12:40 PM,
Cool. My MoBo is some Foxconn model, I can never find it online. I was thinking more along the lines of if I changed my motherboard.
Guess there are models that support both so there's no issue. I figure a major upgrade for me would be to an Intel/AMD dual/quad core processor about a year from now, unless my computer gets fried before that.
Thanks Sai
At 2:41 PM,
Ya! if you can wait than wait for the quadcore to be commercialise then buy that. Now the parallel processing chip technology still under huge developement. The longer you wait the better it get.
At 3:21 PM,
Bah I'd never pay big bucks for multi-core. As it is there's hardly any apps that I use that take advantage of multi-cores. Just like 64 bit. I got a damn Athlon 64 but I can only run 32 bit programs, and XP 64 is a garbage OS with no drivers for almost everything. Plus who needs more than 4gB of memory right now, most of it will be virtual memory anyway, well 3gB RAM 1gB virtual mem actually after that it has to be on the HDD cos no more space on mobo for RAM chips.
So in the end all the tech after Pentium 4 is just jazz for now.
At 3:46 PM,
Haha! I totally agree with you.