Oh RYL doesn't work out for us. We found a new online game called Anarchy Online. http://www.anarchy-online.com/
Have installed and played it , seems like a very nice game. Based on sci-fi instead of fantasy and if we are going to play WoW later let's not overdo the fantasy setting to death ...
If you are curious about the races and class , here is the manual http://anarchy-online.com/content/downloads/media/pdf/guides/gameguide.pdf , the game requires a LOT of reading and figuring out stuff but fortunately everything is well documented. You can go through the manual slowly as you play. Since the game is pretty well developed 7-8 years old, the graphics don't feel very dated and even though it doesn't have lots of shiny glowing thing popping left and right (there still are , depends on your character class) it has a very nice feel just like classic pen and paper RPG. They recommend that the players actually role play and stay in character and you can be approached by either the game admins or certain volunteer players who cook up individual quests and storyline. For once an actual RPG instead of "run out of city, look for closest monster, hack, rinse, repeat " type RPG that is prevailant :)
Ok, we got the download in hard copy and should pass it to Magnus this weekend.
p/s: We dont have enough people for DotA this Sat so we are rescheduling for Tues ,Chino and Newbie might be able to make it then ...
This game is free for 1 year. |
At 11:12 AM,
so, play this game? then i go get it downloaded.
At 4:09 PM,
Ya. download it. although we might not seeing each other on the noob island. But we can join force after that. So far I am Martial Artist, sirius is adventurer and warlock is agent. The rest is up to u guys.
At 4:10 PM,
The port needed to open is 7000-7600. Open any port within this range or you will lack like hell.
At 2:14 PM,
yup the noob island are all instances so chances are you wont be able to meet up until you leave the island. Recommended island to leave would be at lvl 10 .. no point staying longer than that .. I'll see you guys on the other side .
At 9:22 AM,
Yes!!! I can comment. Dunno why it takes forever for the comment window to load up for me T_T
Ok so the AO experience was a mixed bag for me, mostly just because I found the interface a bit cumbersome. I actually hated the game at first (in no small part due to my idiotic maxing of 1HB skill while using Hammer, which is 2HB. What can I say I didn't know how to view item stats and it didn't take up both hands in the wear window).
After remaking my Atrox Enforcer and setting up the appropriate skills I am quite happy with it, but I still feel a bit lost compared to the others. So I was hoping we could share some knowledge here.
First off, I have no idea about what to do with this massive amount of cash. Warlock says implants but I'm sort of lost, can I only make them or can I just buy usable implants right away. (Guessing I'm going to have to max 'treatment' and 'computer lit' for implants and then towers later)
Also, do we have a dedicated healer? I can't heal anyone unless its with treament packs (must sit) and some healing kits. I figure there's no point maxing 'first aid' anymore so I'm going to focus on 'treatment' for wearing implants
On the nano front, I don't have any I can use (save the 1HB buff, but no point for me since i'm 2HB) I was thinking of the aggro nano but its no real use when I solo. If anyone's got recommendations please post, but I will trawl through the forums eventually to decide.
On looting. I don't really mind letting the other loot, just keep an eye out for 2HB weapons and high Strength and Stamina Armour for me. Attack speed, aggro, body buffing implants too.
I'll probably solo on and off to catch up in levels but it shouldn't take to long and I can take out orange & red mobs alone for the most part. We need to come out with an AO schedule. I'll probably play an hour each weekday, but it will be too early for you guys, and I can't do late nights. So maybe we set a time to team-play. Friday night madness if we don't go to Seremban, otherwise pick 2 other weekdays. I have to stop at 10.
This is more a discipline thing for me rather than not wanting to play with you guys, its just I've got too many games to play and this game WILL suck up my whole life if I let it ^_^
So if possible let's try to play hard and fast on our team-play nights. KILL KILL!!!!
Oh yeah this game works in widescreen. Probably the other reason I hated it while playing in Seremban. My dad's PC sucks, he paid 2k for a P4 2ghz with 256mb of RAM and integrated graphics. Sad eh. Now I can keep all the menus open and still play effectively in widescreen.
On a sidenote, I found a mod for Dungeon Seige 2 that lets you use monster and Demon/Daemon classes too. Gotta avoid all the mods and trainers though, will make it too easy I think (saving Sai's mods/trainers for replay ^_^)
Ok that's all I got for now.