Well I can't make fucking comments because the fucking comments window won't load and I don't fucking know why the fuck it won't load.
Ok, back to the extrememly serious topic of gaming. The personal computer has always been the most potentially powerful gaming rig out there, IF you spend the money to outfit it for that purpose. However one major drawback with computers are that they are not standardized, which is why I've always preferred consoles.
See a computer can be made for various combinations on hardware and software drivers and from my experience they tend to fuck up a whole lot more than consoles do. Crashes, viruses, driver incompatibility, hard disk crashes. I feel that PCs are generally more problem prone than consoles.
Since a PS2 is standardized hardware the problems of running a PS2 game are virtualy non-existent (don't count glitched cetak-rompak discs). Of course if you have the cash I say buy EVERYTHING, but it still is economical to just put all the money into a super PC and run an emulator (won't be possible for the PS3 though T_T)
Like Warlock and Sai were saying, an Xbox 360 is basically a PC, it runs windows and the hardware ain't all that great. Online play won't matter since its the connection that counts. And almost all Xbox games get ported to the PC anyway. However, if you have siblings or friends to play with its worth getting. Online play merits a PC though since you can do so much more with it online than with a video games console.
The PS3 is simply the most advanced bit of hardware you can get right now, but the games are crappy so far. I am certainly getting a PS3, not an Xbox 360, the tempation to buy a 360 is not because I want it, but because I need consolation since i can't get the PS3.
On the PC front, getting SLi is a waste of money unless you can afford to Sli the most expensive cards. From what I've read Sli gives a 60-80% boost in performance (not double i.e. 100%) WITH SUPPORTING APPLICATIONS. Not many games take advantage of Sli, and if you're thinking of buying 2 budget SLi cards you're better off buying 1 expensive card (1 RM1000 card will always outperform 2 RM500 card). I'm oversimplifying, of course you look at the card's specs. There's also a huge chance that as multicore processing becomes more and more common, individual graphics cards will become redundant as 1 or more cores can be devoted to graphics (hey when I shop I do research first ^_^).
All in all I'd say if you can only afford 1 thing, get a good PC. You can download porn.
PS3 can have Linux installed so you could run it like a PC too and that's worth looking into. I'm not going to buy the current crop, will wait for further price drops and hopefully a decent mod (even the first mods for he PS2 were replaced by better mod chips after a few months). That being said, if you want to get something just buy it, the whole waiting for price drops will just mean getting left behind, prices are always dropping for hardware.
I won't be able to post comments while in the office, but I have been thinking that we should try playing some online games together, maybe MMORPGs. So everyone please suggest some FREE online games we can play together and post websites addresses for downloading, registering etc. in your comment.
Most of us are too cheap to pay for Wow (I know I am), but I'm sure there's loads of games we can play together besides DotA. So...suggestions? |
At 12:08 PM,
MMORPGs?? oh yea, i played tonnes. currently the best site is www.mmosite.com or just google mmosite.
i m trying to play a game called Mo Siang, open beta today, i downloaded the game. As for the others, Cabal online is one of the best (spells) and all. Silkroad online is really good also, trading is fun (that is silkroad by the way). I m waiting for RO2. Tales of Eternia online in japan is not getting a lot of support, and i guess it's gone for good. Grandia online is still in planning, and it has been so long. RYL (risk your life) has one of the best spells in online gaming, but that game is laggy now. Let me try Mo Siang first and i will post the result soon. Games like Knight Online should be avoided. For cutesy game, u can try Pirates Online, but it's getting very bored, unless u r the kind that likes to do quests, plethora of quests in this game, like never ending. Maple and the likes should be avoided at all cost, or it's just me, i dun like. Can try play Gunbound, although it looks childish, but u can really got fucked by kid. the fun part is that u have to calculate the strenght and direction of the wind with ur power gauge and angle, so.....4 points to consider, easy u say?
Ok, the best MMORPGs i played were Silkroad, Ragnarok Online (International and Malaysia), Cabal Online, and some other that i have forgotten. >.<
There is this one particularly intersting Trading game called Goonzu online. The objective of the game is to make money, use money to make money. Interesting, but the fighting sux.
At 12:17 PM,
it's almost disheartening to visit this site though, cause most of the new games require very high pc capabilities and my pc is already 6-7 years old, using geforce2 mmx only.
At 2:02 PM,
adole my old pc is using geforce2 mx only. Not so bad. So far Geforce have 2 outstanding card on their time. One is geforce2 and another one is geforce4 ti. just suggest a good online game and then we discuss then we join. I wonder D&D online is still free. Probably not.
At 2:29 PM,
I think for MMORPGs it just has to be something that is FREE and is not in Chinese Language.
Adole, is RYL free? I thought you had to pay to play.
Sai, D&D is Pay-to-Play now T_T
There's a Lord of the Rings Online and Warhammer Online Beta.
It would be something cool we can do weeknights once or twice a week. unlike DotA we won't need a minimum number of people to show.
Warlock, is your fried graphics card AGP 8x ? If it is do you want my old card, its GeForce MX4000 with 128mB RAM. There are ways you can pay me that don't involve money........
At 3:30 PM,
Magnus, i dun read mandarin also, so, no mandarin games for me though i like them so much. RYL used to be pay to play (i paid), now is free to play with item mall. Silkroad is free with item mall.
MMORPGs once or twice in week nights? hahaha, i play everyday and i grind.
Ok ler, lately the game i m eyeing for are all free to play (i m one cheapo). mmosite is by far the most complete webby that with updates for online games, free or pay, open or close beta. ihavent been to that site for sometime and it seems i just found something out today, cosplay!!! not just any ordinary cosplay, most of them are super cute chicks!!!!
At 3:54 PM,
These are the free games at the moment. ArchLord is so tempting!!!!!damn!!! so many mmo to play.
At 6:45 PM,
the lord of the ring is tempting as well. and magnus, just a info, among us only I will be able to read mandarin. So don't worry.
At 6:46 PM,
I'm checking the site out. Archlord is definately worth trying as long as I GET TO BE THE ARCHLORD :D
Will go look at what is doable, the rest please check Adole's link too, give your take on which game to go with.
At 1:20 AM,
A part of me wants to play a MMORPG but then another part of me criges at the thought of mindless grinding so that you can get .. more grinding missions.
I want to play MMORPG games but being the laggy Malaysian is just no fun. Maybe a locally hosted offline version would be better ..
i just hope that DotA won't suffer though ...
At 8:44 AM,
in all cases, i wan to be the mage or healer.
No ler, grinding alone and grinding in a party is totally different. usually i feel very happy just to be in a party of 3. if got more members and all nice people, i would be super happy. Experienced one in silkroad while doing the trading. very happy ^^
At 5:38 PM,
Dood...DotA has been SUFFERING for awhile already with all these pansies worrying about their studies ^_^
Well the Uni exams are over so things should pick up again the following weekend. rudecrudedude back in a little over a month and is hungering for DotA.
You know Adole....I don't think most of us start a game and then wander over to the closest body of water to check out the rendering...
Oh yeah Adole, its fun to play with people. These guys are all just xenophobes at heart (its ok to get raped by the computer AI, but heaven forbid that a human beats us!!!!). sorry boys, you know its true ^_^
We should still try WoW offline over hamachi. I have no idea how to set up the game or if in needs setting up, but let's try that out for a bit.
I keep reading that WoW only needs a 56kbps connection but a 325kbps connection is more than enough. don't know how true that is.
At 10:26 AM,
ADOLE!!!!!! I'm at the Airport in DDS2. Second last dungeon!!! Finally!!! Oh I am so getting Heat/Agni for final dungeon (make all the right choices and used my old DDS save.
I am overwhelmingly certain that Sera and Serph are going to become Seraph. If you just add their names together with S+S equalling S you get Seraph. Their tear tattoos are on opposite sides of their faces (oooooo Seraph will be crying). But I just can't take is!!! ARGILLA!!!!! ROLAND!!!! Damn Khumbadna!! I could've taken him if I had Serph with me.
I dunno about you but Serph is just the coolest, I think it has something to do with the fact that he doesn' speak. I guess my final party will have to be Serph/Seraph with Heat and Gale (god I hate Ceilo, fucking weakness to ailments SHITE!!!).
Don't tell me anything about the game, I just wanted to rant, will play some more to see if I'm right. Question though, did you kill all the Archangels? Is that side-quest worth doing at all?
We're considering RYL and Sai has already downloaded it. I'm going to attempt my download today and if I can get it done then it might be worth it. We've all seen the game so we know how it looks. But how is the gameplay? I know you've played it Adole so give some advice.
Oh yeah guys, keep an eye our for "Overlord" its a PC strategy game and the spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper (seems to be a lot of spiritual successor games lately aka Supreme Commander).
This weekend we have madness, either same day or split it up into saturday and sunday.
The San Baka have played SilkRoad but never really discussed if its good. Guys? Must purchase Archlord to play so its out, just like Guildwars.
At 11:24 AM,
Guy, also consider Cabal Online unless we need to pay for it. The whole itemmall thing doesn't matter I guess..so what if I have a credit card and am willing to spend a hundred buck to get super equipment ^_^
Adole was right about cabal looking cool but I dunno if his PC can support it. I'm at work and a lot of the Cabal site is blocked, so if Warlock or Sai can take a look it would be great.
At 10:08 PM,
Ok, you guys just got me interested in online games. I'm in! And I am the defending champion of the crappiest computer ever contest so.....
Now I need to find a way to get a good connection. There's a new internet service here that seems to have potential. Will check it out. Anyway, just hope it won't lag too much.
At 10:34 PM,
Dood you're going to be back in Malaysia in like another couple of months, what's the point in getting internet now after all this time. Might as well wait till you get back here, then we'll be level 99 and give you some nice items
At 10:35 PM,
At 10:36 PM,
looks like its going to be RYL in the end. Its free and you can download it. Sai and Warlock got it and testing. Hopefully we can start playing within a week.
At 11:30 PM,
if it doesnt work , trying doing the chacha while being nude..
it helps
At 8:58 AM,
Guys Ram just told me about a free server for WoW. Do a google search for "yamachi + warcraft" or go to this link:
There's free servers for WoW and Lineage 2. I don't quite know how feasible this is so perhaps Sai can make some sense out of it.
Arc, on second though, since your characters will be stored on server you can also play online at cybercafes provided you can find one with the game or they let you install, I know there are RYL players in Indonesia
At 9:09 AM,
For cabal online, i dunno we can still play it or not since it's now only meant to be played in certain region only, as in the europe only for european, and not for others. The US version i dunno if it's out or not. yea, my pc can support this game, but i have to tune everything down to almost minimum (including the water). I did the closed beta but the lv was capped at lv50. So, cant explore much there.
on DDS, i kinda have forgotten already. >.< sorry dude.
i m playing mo siang now, looks ok. when r u guys starting ryl? mine all green now, ready to play.
At 9:33 AM,
Guys I was reading through ragezone again and I don't understand the emulator thing you all are talking about, they actually have a physical server that a lot of people play on for free (but can't port characters though).
I think the emulator is just to connect to it in the same way we would if one of us hosted. Don't know it there's any tangible benefits to having a dedicated server compared to using Sai's PC but it might be worth trying out.
Check it here.
Finally finished downloading RYL and will install and log in tonight. Be on MSN when its playtime, if I'm not online, I'm not at home.
RYL 2 is definately Pay-to-Play. No free free all. But I dunno its the exact same damn classes again, nothing new, I don't even know why we should bother unless its the better graphics (looks the same from the trailers).
Adole, I'm almost to the final dungeon of DDS2!!! One more boss to go, then I can see the major plot twists I'm expecting!!!.
Also playing Rogue Galaxy. Its a great game and I enjoy it tons. FF12 should have been this way. Too bad the spinning camera makes me ill after an hour or two of gaming. That and there's no way to zoom further out with the camera, only a little bit.
Dungeon Seige 2 is fun, but why OH WHY must the characters be so fucking ugly. I mean seriously, ugly chicks, ugly guys, the only things that look good are the monsters.
At 1:22 PM,
oh, ryl2 pay to play? hmm.......but i can still play o with my previous account. i tot they uses the item mall system.
At 2:35 PM,
Hey Adole how does the item mall system work exactly? Is it like you can play the game but if you want killer items/weapons etc you must pay by credit card to buy them?
I wen to the RYL2 and they were selling and talking about using cards to top up your account so playtime isn't interrupted etc etc. Or are you playing on some kind of private server? I found this RYL underground that has a private server running.
Anyway, RYL TONIGHT!!!! Adole a quick question since you're an RYL old timer, if some choose Humans and some choose Ak'kan does it mean that we can't play together at all i.e. enemies forever in the game and cannot party up, or is it just that we spawn in different villages/continents but can meet up after a few hours of play.
At 1:10 PM,
yea, u have to buy the cards and reload it, then only u can buy certain stuffs, i m not quite sure though, cause i used to pay to play, after that i stopped and they bloody hellish put it to free to play with malls. dammit. regarding the itmes, i m not sure if it is transferable or not in ryl, if so, not to worry so much, u can always buy with tthe in game money, which will probably cost A LOT of millions.
ryl1 i m not sure if both the races can party o, but ryl2 can. usually like to party with akkan's mage (dunno name liao) whom can cast att up skills. and the venom att is really good!! guess i go download ryl one de, then we play together lar. ^^
got private server? might as well try that. this server is veyr laggy already.
actually Mo Siang is not too shabby, quite ok hahaha, i like the skill name "yu ni chian fa" or some skill created by "zhang sang feng", hahaha, Sai should know ^^
At 5:09 PM,
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