Ok, got some time for a quick post. Anarchy Online rocks !
So far these are the characters we have and are actively running in a party :
Adventurer - Human - Swords Enforcer - Atrox - 2 handed blunt weapon Agent - Optifex - Rifle Martial Artist - Optifex - bare hands
(yes , besides the Agent , everyone else is very 'kampung' with traditional weapon .. even though the game is set in the future :p)
It might be better for anyone else to try out other characters but if you got your heart set on the same characters it's not really a problem.
I recommend that for the sake of speeding up the game, looting is open for all party members but I recommend that you open a custom window to display only all loot items garnered so you can just request for anything that you want. The problem will come when two people specialise in the same weapon or items but that can be settled between them ..
When in the Newbie Island where you start a new character, you will be in an instance out of a few ones so you might not see your friends even if they are on the same island. To meet up you have to go into the teleport tower (non-instanced) party and then go out. Once you leave Noob island you cant come back ..
I recommend not wasting time in Noob Island, just finish all quest then get all the Noob Armour (must !) then get shades from the vendor (if you want) then when you are lvl 8-10 just leave and look for us to help you power level :p Dont bother stacking up the medi-kits and nana-regens by doing the basic missions (it is crap .. i stacked 1000 + for each .. went out of Noob island and saw what they were selling and just threw mine away)
We are all in the CLAN faction . If you join Omni-Tech we can not party .. of course we can meet up , then we kill you and get some PvP points :p
p.s : look for something called clicksaver .. not sure wat it is but it's helpful in getting the right missions for you |
At 11:24 AM,
Stupid server went offline at 7pm for patching so I couldn't play until 10pm.
Managed to log in after patching at about 10:30pm and spent some time trying to figure out more. I've got some nano formulas now that are helpful, but still no luck with implants. The implants on sale at the basic implant shop are all stripped down without enhancements. Only found one waist implant with body and melee initiative pluses.
So I decided to bash some things up in the subway and I came across an Adventurer being beaten up by Stim Junkies and Vandals and decided to be heroic and rescued him by healing him and bashing up the junkies. Later he came back and we teamed up and went quite deep into the subway killing architects and atroxes.
I went up 2 levels, wella almost, I'm a sliver or Exp short of Level 16. And the best part is I got a Support Beam out of it too since my teamates gave me one they found. Now I can bash things up with a steel I-beam. Bwa ha ha!!! Don't know the stats yet so I'll have to check it out later. Wound up playing till 12am. Dangerous stuff these MMORPGs.
All in all it was pretty cool. Guys, don't level up past 24. Once you level to 25 you can't enter the subway. If you level to 25 in the subway you can stay but will be booted out upon hitting Level 30. There's 2 bosses there and one of them is Level 30 and quite tough so we need to team up.
I got living armour helmet which needs intel to equip and is a leveling item, quite good if anyone wants. I need the strength/stamina armour.
Warlock, any idea if there's a trick to that bloody rat mission. There's like 2 rollerats and I can't get tails from them, but the helmet reward is just what I need. Shit.
going to see Spiderman 3 after work so I'll probably show up a bit late tonight.
At 12:54 PM,
Well I will show up a bit late tonight as well. We will meet you after that.
At 2:58 PM,
I figure that tonight probably only around 10pm. We should play a bit of DotA too unless hamachi is PMSing again.
Ram downloaded this free MMORPG called Rapplez and it looks good, nice graphics, but its a Korean game and most of the players no speaka da england. So he says but it could just be his server. I'll try testing it out tomorrow just to see how it is, you can be Asuras, Gaias or Daevas.
Also testing WoW tomorrow.
Check out:
You can get lists and descriptions of all the general and class specific nano formulas
At 3:08 PM,
Rapplez....there is a english server for it.........i played but i dun quite like it........looks good though... and the server is laggy. the skills are somewhat awesome. If u like Rapplez, there is one more called Chaos something, i forgot, i dun quite like the game also, so i just played a bit.
At 3:50 PM,
I think you mean 'Last Chaos'. I probably won't play all these games since most of the users won't speak at all, speak english, or speak in any manner that will be comprehensible to me.
However I will test them out just to see. Most likely I'll stick with WoW if its not laggy or just continue with Anarchy Online.
I think I'm just going to have to camp outside the city and wait for the damn rats to respawn until I get the stupid tail.
At 6:43 PM,
You can get Implants which are ready made in the shops , dont but the empty implants without anything which are sold at the terminal .. look around the shop and there will be a door leading to a special room where there are many implant selling terminal and each is for a class.
At 2:45 PM,
Well I'm not sure about putting together implants at higher levels, but I'm sure someone at the guild can help.