hehehehehhe..okay im blogging from college.. am using the computer web now, since the silly library banned this website for potential explicit material.. -.-
woosh.. magnus your post title did throw me off a little... i was like.. "hmm?last post?" and that was one super long post... its taking ages to load the page here so i'll go home and spend some time reading it.. :) hhmm hmm.. besides getting back more shit marks, we had a double break today...2 hours of freedom..hehe so me and friends went to pizza.. yes , its sad..in this 9 months of being in subang... i havent ever been into the pizza opposite col ,that is, till today...
sigh...today i have to switch on nerding mode again.. finals is in 4 weeks.. and the stress is mounting... sorry if i dont post or leave comments as often anymore.. damn..after finals theres so many things i wish to do.. i need to pick up driving to begin with..then i have to learn dota..and continue badminton...and have a tie breaker with magnus...and aahhh..so many many things... :P
btw, siriuz, did you watch the episode of VH1 which featured the federlines?
alrightey then..i shall head over to the library now to get some studying done.. and magnus, not everybody enjoys college like you did.. :P btw, have a nice trip to sabah :)
hope to catch ya'll soon.. take care tee hee |
At 4:21 PM,
Well, i remember watching one VH1 episode about the 40 worst No. 1 hits.
The only two remember was Ice-ice baby and Macarena.
At 5:09 PM,
The Macarena was an abomination created by the worshippers of Chtulthu (also known as Muhammad) to destroy the minds and souls of club goers everywhere.
It also fueled the use of ecstasy during its release as it was the only was ravers could actually dance to the piece of crap.
The dance moves were inspired by the twitchings of fox cadavers after being shot by British men, proving to the world how macho they are by blasting a tiny little animal with a huge gun. They had to though, if the fox lived past 100 years it would grow its second tail and destroy the empire.
College, how I miss thee. Makes me sad seeing young people throw away the best years of their lives being miserable. :P
At 5:34 PM,
im not leading a miserable college life but im not enjoying it as much as i enjoyed high school either.. :)
and your comment, i had to read it a few times before understanding it...
its so full of ke-canggih-ness... haha!
At 12:22 AM,
How dare you insult my god !
Chtulthu has nothing to do with Muhammad. Chtulthu has less tentacles for one thing and had better taste in wives ( no 9 year old bride for him , nooo .. he prefers big busty blondes)
At 9:07 AM,
Ha ha ha ha!!!
I never thought of the 9 year old bride for ages until just now.
I am "sorry" for the "discomfort" my statement has caused you :P