its 2.30am.. im wide awake..
i need to be in bed early because ive got to be in full force tmr for the gathering.. dancing/registration work..ahhhh i cant seem to get any shut-eye at all.. i think the caffeine is kicking in..
a little bit confused..a little bit worried..a little bit of everything.. about my future plans.. argh..
Anyways! i cant wait for PD..warlock you MUST wear very extremely sexy trunks okay..
yesterday on my way home from mom took a different path home by accident... so we were on the road for quite some time...and for the first time i actually stayed awake and took notice of the signboards on the road.. (knowing that i had a test today)... i dread long distance trips la.. yes yes Seremban is long distance for me.. :P
i cant wait to start driving!!! im so ultra-semangat now.. i wanna get into a car and whooooom on the highway.. haha!
oh yes..the Doha games will be ending today... now i have nothing much left to watch on tv la..besides my weekly dose of Starworld.. i need to watch some badminton .. neeeeeed... musssstttt... hehe.. alrighty time to retire.. see ya'll!
At 9:27 AM,
Well good luck with all of that. You know I've been reading about how irregular sleeping patterns can really fuck up your health, from weight gain to reductions in mental faculties.
Apparently we should be sleeping at regular times everyday. This need not be really early or anything, just be consistent, like always go to bed at 10 or 11 or whatever. No need to get 8 hours either, follow what your body needs, some need 6 some need 9.
Also you should only use your bed for sleeping...and ONE other activity. Reading and other things condition you to not go into deep sleep quickly when you're on your bed.
The idea of Warlock in sexy trucks is horrific at best, please don't encourage him, and please do not post photos here, we are not ready....
Driving can be a very rewarding experience, provided you don't have an annoying adult driver sitting in the passenger seat giving you grief AFTER getting your licence.
My own experience...I believe that having my licence is enough basis for me to drive around unchaperoned by parents or older relatives, otherwise what's the point of having it.
All my cousins had to endure this crap after getting licenced. And seeing as how me and my dad would most surely have killed each other in such a situation, I got my licence and didn't drive for like a ful year. When I actually started driving no one bugged me. SWEET.
Doha games suck. Doha is a nice place though,you should check it out, or was is Bahrain, or is that a place in Doha. Damn this whole United Arab Emirates has me confused. The Burge in Dubai is cool though.
At 12:07 AM,
my sleeping patterns are anything but regular.. i have been losing a lot of weight though.. i dont know why..
the only thing i liked about the doha games was BADMINTON.. wheeee!