Long time since I visit the blog. I guess the reason is because i put myself into AO too much. Right now is a perfect time for me to come out just a while :). But unfortunately Final fantasy VIII got into my hand again. So try to finish it the second time. Have to say, It still one my favorite game.
The above Chinese proverb (is ok you can't read it or just some random for u) just describe the feeling of mine right now. If I do a direct translation it mean that if u been to Chang Hai (one of the great ocean near china) and Wu San (one the great mountain in China to look at cloud sea), you won't have any feeling (exciting) when you go to see other sea or cloud sea. As for me, FF8 is just great to me, so don't really care later they come out with other FF series, it will still my favorite FF game.
The proverb is now use by guys or girls to describe their feeling when they miss the other half. Usually miss mean the girl/boy friend is either not with them or passed away. Use it when they can not get any feeling towards other guys/girls. To simply put it, "You were the only one". Use it as past tense though.
Guang Liang's song "Tong Hua" give me the feeling I am playing FF8. Nice song. "Eyes on me" is nice also. Wonder when I will have my mood to do my work again. Haha!
P.s. I know my english is crap, I don't know whether I making any sense here. |
At 7:54 AM,
You know I loved FFVIII as well, I was sold once I got my hands on the Diablos GF. Hang on to your discs or ISO files cos I might get a PSP and that is definitely one game I'm going to be playing. Loved the story. In fact there's only 2 major issues I have with that game:
1. Eden the Final GF was garbage.
2. You couldn't use Griever as your own GF (even with gameshark, I know I tried)
I don't know why that its one of the more poorly rated FFs though, if you ask me the one I hated the most was FFIX, too cutesy.
Can't really say I prefer one FF to another though, but if you ask me what the top 10 games I've played are, most of them will be FFs ^_^
At 2:02 PM,
yo sai!!!
i agree with magnus, i dun like ff9 either, too cutesy, and too simple, i mean like the special effects for limit break (trance) and summon, but the summon looks cool there, well some....Shiva does not however!!
i like FF7, but i did replay FF8 several times, and FF8 is the only FF game that i complete everything near 100%, i forgot if i really met the ET or not, if i did, then 100% lo.
i dun summon Eden a lot, countable times. i prefer to use renzokuken!!!! it's far more powerful then eden. unless eden can hit like nearly 6 digit damage, then sure it's more powerful. but using renzokuken looks a lot cooler. Zell's limit is one of the many that i like, same with Irvine. i somewhat abhor Selphie's limit. hmph.....
oh, btw, i heard there is winxp patch for ff7 and ff8. is it?
i totally love shiva from FFX, she rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 3:09 PM,
I love all my summons from FFX, and lovingly maxed out every single one of them. In every single FF, the greates Summon is Bahamut. I don't give a shit what you say, Bahamut kicks ass.
Especially in FFX, he's so badass and dodges attack. I really like Diablos from FFVIII too though, very devilish, my kinda thing.
Adole...everyone did that, cast Aura, Renzokouken, end of Heart, boss dies. (Repeat one more time for Omega Weapon). I only used Squall, Quistis and Rinoa.
Don't mess with Time Kompression
At 4:50 PM,
hahahah, sometime, i m all too lazy to use Aura, i start with my squall on very low hp and the other two characters with full hp. then squall will be the one using limit breaks.
my party members are irvine and zell, sometime rinoa.
yea, i like Diablo summon also, very gothic. Anyway, Shiva rocks!!!! hahahaha
i like the bahamut in FF9 better. ffX one is a bit mecha already, sorta. leviathen in FF9 also looks way better.
i m disappointed with FF12 summons. looks cool but actualy quite useless, few hits by normal enemies can also die.
At 9:14 AM,
FFIX Bahamut was super cool, I downloaded the summon clip and watch it sometimes ^_^
Then FFVII had like 3 different Bahamuts, but Knights of the Round was the best for that, it was just epic at the time.
My fave Bahamut is the FFX one because he stands upright and keeps his arms crossed, and then when he dodges he just turns his body a little..coolness. I thought I would hate him when I first saw the look, but no it was super wicked.
FFXII espers were all shit. Weak pussies, looked stupid, I got most of them, but just to get the super move was so annying that I just saw all the scenes on youtube and forgot about it
At 10:06 AM,
Well this time i finish FF8 using a different character, I use Squall, Rinoa and Selphie. But at the final boss she go and choose Selphie, Irvine and Quintis for me. Seeing the other 2 has nothing. I just keep using aura on Selphie and use The End on the boss and I win. The animation for The End is funny though.
At 11:03 AM,
ha ha you know I never used Selphie unless I absolutely HAD to. At final boss I just let whoever I don't like die and then get my team.
Rinoa just draw and cast Apocalypse over and over....
I really think FFVIII has the best story out of all the FFs though
At 4:55 PM,
Erm guys, the FF 8 disc i have is for computer version. No need for emulation or clunky patches. If you guys want it just let me know .. it works with XP but not with Vista (VIsta sucks .. if you use it go hang yourself)
At 5:12 PM,
Bah no need!!! PC version is for noobz.
I'd only play FF8 again if I buy a PSP IF I get 4 months bonus....So there's a lot of IFs involved. I'll probably rip a couple of my old PS1 games like Castlevania and FFVII etc to play through.
PC is for DotA and WoW