hahaha. well, i dunno i should be happy or not about this, but my current lab will stop its operation in 2 months time. hhahaa. we r currently researching and cloning on several spesies of timbers but in actual fact, erm....let me just put that spesies A is our main crop, that is our target. since they do not want to plant A anymore for timber production due to various drawbacks, the company decided to shut down the lab after nearly 4 years of operation. but i m not too sure about this, the company can still direct to clone and research on other species. but they dont. sigh,....could b a reason to shut down the lab since our hq is in sibu and most of the plantations are from sibu, i guess it's a good idea to move us to sibu. yup, u heard me right, they r not going to terminate us, thank god...but they are going to allocate us to other companies base on our expertise. by saying so, we bet that the chances of us being transferred to sibu is almost certain, hahahah. honestly, i dun feel like going to sibu. i have interviewed for a job and m waiting for their reply. i was told that i they accepted me, but still waiting for my job description. hahaha. hmm.............well, wish me luck ^^ or i can go kl to look for job ^^
i will miss this place !!!! too many darn nice food!!! on the bright side, i can get into diet again ^^. but sibu is another horrendous place....not that the place is really bad, it's the food!!! cheap, delicious and big!!! darn.......how to diet. |
At 6:42 PM,
Kesian to hear your story .. like kena campak one :p hu hu
But dont be so sad, I still havent found a job yet... nobody wants me :(
At 9:18 AM,
Ah no worries, that's just work, even if you work with one company your whole life you'll get transferred or relocated.
at least you're not out of a job =D
Plus I mean you don't really want to stay in the exact same place doing the same thing forever....do you?
At 10:01 AM,
Wish you luck buddy.
At 10:11 AM,
no, it's too boring to stay stagnant in a place doing the same thing over and over again. but i dun feel like going to sibu, honestly.
warlock, i heard there are a lot of probably private lab spawn all over kl, lol, but i think it's plant tissue culture. if u r interested, u can try ^^ all da best. eh, u can become a tutor rite? tutor in ukm. actually, unimas is short of tutor atm in plant field. i m thinking of giving it a go.
tq sai.
At 8:26 AM,
Don't worry man, we is all looking for work as it is ^_^
Just make sure you get a stable job before the economic crisis hits T_T
So what did happen with the job Warlock? You not bumi enough?