From my long observances in my uni , I have noted and learnt a lot of things. Now I intend to share these gems of observation and cool deductive reasoning. My first installment deals with :
Things You Can Do To Make You Seem Smarter Than You Really Are
1) Carry large books around .. preferrably books with titles like "Advanced Astro-physics" .. Harry Potter and the Order Of The Pheonix doesn't quite cut it though.
2) Pretend to play blindfold chess (without a board) with your friend .... try to make it logical of course sending your Queen to square Z 17 just gives it away
3) When giving opinions start with , " In my humble opinion ... " .. I noticed that of all the people that I know who use that line , not a single one of them are humble. It makes you sound like a weiner but played properly can make you seem smarter.
4)Use lots of long winded explanations and substitute simple words for complex ones. Memorizing a thesaurus is a must. So : " I am going to the nearest clinic " becomes "I am travelling towards the most proximately located medical establishment"
5) Pretend to be me :) |
At 3:42 PM,
I love #4 - and it really works!
(I did it a little too often at one time, till I was asked to S.T.F.U and use a simpler word - and also one remark from a friend "Linguists must die" hehe!)
At 12:36 PM,
:) He he ... I got the same response once too long ago.