headache..headache.. just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out a maths question and i ended up knocking my cup of orange juice onto the paper...by accident,i swear ;) anyways... the haze is really getting to me now.. fever, sorethroat...argghh..
yesterday night i knocked into my vacuum cleaner and VOILA.. a bruised toe... which meant i was walking half retardedly in college today...
and during lunch i left my handphone up in the library..so i made a quick dash to go get it.. college was 10 minutes away from where we were eating..and i dont know how i forgot my handphone.. and in that 10 minutes, i was whistled at by a bunch of hooligans..seriously.. just across the road there was this chick dressed in a micro mini and a tank top.. GO KACAU HER LA.. dont kacau decently dressed people like me.. isssh! plus i was walking like a half retard... talk about huge turn-offs... and when passing by me the truck slowed down and i got kinda scared so i just turned around and walked away and the truck followed..OKAY I WAS VERY SCARED... then i kept walking and walking and after a while i turned around and they werent there.. *phew*...
next we had physics..which was by far THE most exciting lesson ever!
woohoo...and me and my friends got into our silly cam-whoring fun again..but i cant post any pics yet..havent uploaded any and am too lazy to do it.. :)
oh and after col it started to rain..and it sucked because i was in flip flops and my bandaged toe got all wet and eww-ish.. :(
okay time to get back to maths.. i think the orange juice has dried up.. chao |
At 6:17 PM,
More cam-whoring pics ! Drool ...
Ha ha ha
Physics , the most exciting lesson ever ... were you being sarcastic ?? Freak . I am not related to you .... :p
At 7:23 PM,
I'm hoping that these pics of the girls of Taylor's College involve itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis.
Still in Sabah. I've got pics, coming soon, perhaps tomorrow
At 9:28 PM,
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 9:31 PM,
yuck magnus..what a fantasy...!
polka dots are such a turn off!
and seriously , it was THE best physics lesson EVER...SO MUCH FUN cos we had a quiz...and to answer the quiz you're suppose to run to the centre of the class and grab an eraser that is placed on a stool..and then run to the front in 30 seconds..and answer the question in one minute..
it WAS SO MUCH FUN..and the losing team had to perform Baa Baa Black sheep / Im A Little Teapot..
we laughed our asses off okay seriously.. in the beginning we all thought...ahh easy la run and grab eraser, run to the front,answer..done..
but no... after he was done reading ..20 of us ALL ran for the eraser... it was hilarious!!
my lecturer got frightened and said "okay please..lets not get rough.
the best part being, we didnt learn anything..
this was supposed to be a FUN WAY OF LEARNING, according to my lecturer..
but we were more focused on how to grab the eraser and more focused on who should answer which question..
we didnt even care what the heck other teams were doing..
made it all the more funnier!
just in case you guys didnt know...my physics lecturer is weird..
he is super young, plays dota ,and has VERY weird ways of making classes ecxiting...
At 10:22 PM,
a physics lecturer plays dota?? hmm... i wonder if he can implement d laws of physics into dota like d momentum for reachin godlike status n such... dat will b interesting...
At 1:20 AM,
my physics and math lecturers both play dota..
math teacher is a 30 year old woman who acts like a psycho..
physics lecturer is a 25 year old man who acts like a dumbass..
At 9:22 AM,
MATHS N PHYSICS LECTURERS PLAY DOTA????? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMIN TO?? r they any good? have u seen them play dota b4 kavi?
At 4:11 PM,
i think my physics lecturer is good... after our trials , my guy classmates went to challenge him at dota and i think he wooped their asses..
my math lecturer...i dunno la i assume she's good cos she talks about playing dota so often..
At 6:45 PM,
I wonder what that deleted post was all about ... hmmm, all I know is that it had some reference to "yucky fantasy" and "polka dots" .. why'd you delete it ?? WHYYY ???
At 7:13 PM,
nono its the exact post as the above..the one where i commented on magnus's disgusting fantasy..
but i had lots of typos in it and i didnt know how to edit the comment..so i deleted it and typed it again..hehe
somehow when it comes to typos i think i suffer from OCD