hello..i should be studying..yes yes.. but im so pissed to my brains right now... seriously.. okay this is going to be one heck of an emo post so to those anti-emo..please dont bother reading.. and im following my heart, not my brains..so its bound to be bad.. :P
okay here's the thing.. since the beginning of college i noticed..my friends ALWAYS tell me i have too big a BEHIND for my body size.. its simple..i have curves and i LIKE THEM so back off... but its not that easy okay.. i went through years of feeling like i had to cover myself up just because friends made me feel it was wrong to have curves... and as much as i hated it i somehow belived them.. lucky me i had my parents to talk to..who totally slapped me out of it.. (not literally)...
if people do not like asses..simple ...dont bloody look at mine! and i have friends who are THIN..who come to me and say "ehh kavi im so fat la..my ass damn big la" .. hello woman, turn around and look at mine..then lets talk about asses alright!
its so amazing how people can be so insensitive... im the only coloured person in my current classroom... so obviously anytime colour jokes are brought up... everyone looks at me... and i have some girlfriends/biatches who are very fair but say stuff like "oh no.. im so dark la! i look like an indian" what in this sorry world am i suppose to say to that... "ohh sorry i dont understand how you feel cos im so much whiter than you" ?!!! and im sorry if im not as thin as you want me to be but im happy the way i am..dont hate me because i have an ass and you dont..alright.. and i know some of my 'friends' who read this blog will think this is a direct bomb at them.. heres a secret... IT IS..
and some of my other friends try to be more considerate by saying "i totally understand how you feel" the truth is,they dont.. really.. dont tell me you understand what im going through unless you've lived and breathe it just the way i have! i mean come on la.. ive kept quiet all this while. theres a limit of shit i can take.. and when i speak up people go like "oooo..kavi is becoming a biatch.."
does that mean they have been bitches all life long since they speak up all the time.. i know la i have this "sweet girl" reputation but its not always good.. people tend to think sweet equals weak..
okay i wish i could rant for longer but my alarm just went off which means i have to go study.. i will probably delete this post in a few days because by then i will look back and think "ahhhhh , bother la" ... hehe okay i have returned to groundstate now..after reciding at excited state throughout the duration of me typing this post... |
At 1:00 AM,
First post !
Eh, your assis ok wat. I didn't notice any giant pudge like head sticking out of your jeans :)
Ya, I know what you mean about the whole , " I'm so dark , like an Indian thing " sigh.
Good luck handling pests like this ...
At 5:45 PM,
I have only this to say.....
Crush your enemies.
See them driven before you.
And hear the lamentations of their women.
At 7:23 PM,
i dont notice any..err.. GIANT PUDGE like thing either, darling..
but my friends are so very thin.. so probably they just cannot stand seeing bigger ones..
At 12:13 AM,
Now thats a lot of steam. Phew!
Is it that time of the month already? (please don't answer)
Anyway, don't worry about your behind so much. Personally, they look just fine. Besides, big behinds are kinda hot. Although, big fronts are kinda hotter but hey, thats a whole different story. My point is, its just simple jealousy. Don't let it get the better of you.