Streamyx had been nothing but a big jumble of problems stuck together with spit and glue. Well that is what you get if you contract your Internet provider to a bunch of shapeshifting demons. Well there is this really interesting recording of a "fuckin' pissed" guy calling Streamyx and complaining. Definitely worth the listen .. go on download it .. i know you want to ...;6213199;;/fileinfo.html
I'm gonna leave some space for you to stare at while downloading and pondering the ultimate answer to the universe (it's 42 by the way)
* ooh I know you are digging this dash thingy .. here are more
Man , though I understand why the guy is pissed I can't say I do about his racist attitude though. Have to hand it to the Streamyx Customer Support for keeping their cool, man I would have probably shouted back about how I know where he lives and I'll send some shapeshifting demons to rape him in his sleep (or Magnus) :P |
At 8:58 AM,
Well Streamyx is fucked up, but that's what you get from a monopoly and government owned entity.
I hate Telekom. Stupid fuckers call me 1 year 3 months after I applied for my phone line to tell me that now they can give me one, but I have to go all the way to their TM Point AGAIN and once I do the technicians will come and set it up for me in A FEW WEEKS. Naturally since I don't have that long left anyway what's the point of getting a phone line now....
At 9:15 AM,
supposedly i should get 1.5M line, i think i only get less than that. my download speed is so slow. i cant stream video properly (dunno lar, izzit because of my pc?), i nvr can stream smooth video even a low res one. Try checking with streamyx on my complains records and u probably will find a whole long list by reported by me. They all use the same excuse lar, tired liao, sian call liao, any new broadband provider, i think i subscribe them lo.
At 11:07 AM,
streaming? have check the port is open or not. Sometimes it might effect the speed. We using 1.5M line also. It seems to okay though.
At 11:35 AM,
how to check o? i dunno ler, in my modem settings? but streaming from youtube is ok, others like movie or game trailers sux.