Just got done with a one hour online UNO spree with Joe.. we were going at it like little kids okay.. we pakat-ed to win the computer and we were cheating like crap!
anyways.. i've been driving around quite a bit lately.. close to an hour a day.. getting much more used to the road holding..
keeping with the music theme, i do hope Britney Spears springs back into action a.s.a.p! though i am no big fan of the whole BRITNEY-MANIA but i do enjoy most of her songs.. almost all actually.. yeap getting married and popping em kids out wasnt the coolest thing to do but heck.. she might just come out with better music for all you know! ^.^
Akon is going to be performing at Ruums KL today.. so sad i only heard about it yesterday..too late to attempt getting tickets.. i don't know.. his trip here seems very low-profile this time.. they should have made a buzz and stuck posters all over the place!
Il Divo is coming down.. and i want to go but i only know 3 of their songs..all three of which i am nuts about BUT its kinda sad isnt it.. at least with Akon, i like all his songs so far.. ALL of em! all his collaborations have worked out perfectly and he rockssss!
oh yea.. i'd probably be going for the driving test on the 23rd of this month.. initially planned for the 30th but since i won't be around might as well bring it forward.. but we had to pay an additional 50 bucks for that...sheesh.. if i go any later its going to clash with Uni.. and i dont think its wise to skip the first few days of it.. and i want to get my license FAST and start driving!! i don't want to be one of those girls that gets the license and is too afraid to drive on her own.. and gets people to drive her around..you know.. that stinks ! i want to drive drive drive !!
by the way..MSN has really been getting on my nerves of late.. it keeps disconnecting when im trying to send files over to friends.. and just when i strike an interesting conversation with Magnus, *BAMM* there goes the connection.. not fair! :(
alrighty i suppose thats enough ramblings for a day! catch ya'll around soon |
At 9:13 PM,
u gave RM50 2 ur instructor jz so 2 apply 4 earlier drive test??? damn dat its like takin advantage ady over a helpless gurl who still doesnt noe her way in the driving world. yeah it sux but wat2do, if u dun gif d money u can kiss ur lessons bye bye.... sad sad
At 9:31 PM,
hahaha yeala shaun..
actually i dont understand why they have to make it a compulsory ONE MONTH wait after getting the L before you get the P.. so annoying!
but oh well.. spoke to my parents and they too want me to get the license asap..
so yea..wish me luck!
At 9:58 AM,
Well looks JPJ is ultimately the civil service so we all no how efficient and what incredibly high values and ethics they have ;D
MSN is starting to be a major piss off. Yahoo is perfect but I don't have anyone on my list except for one 'friend' that I haven't seen or spoken too in years.
I'd tell you not to panic over the test, but I'd be wasting my time ;P