This is bad. This is madness!! I have noticed this for quite sometime but i try to deny it. I guess denial is's getting worse.............
Well, my alter ego starts to manifest itself.................................when u put me behind the wheel. Yes, that is when i m driving. I totally transform into some kind of freak, whom even myself fear myself. I get very easily annoyed but aberrant road users and i sometime may curse. Now, i like to 'curi jalan' in most of the cases even though i know that the road up ahead may be narrow. To note also, i m a speed demon too. from casual 60 km/h, now my normal speed is 100 km/h and sometime more than that. btw, i m driving kancil, and driving kancil at 100 km/h is so not fun. i told myself before when i got my licence that the max speed i would drive will be 60 km/h. and that slowly increase to the speed i m driving now. I know everyone drives fast.
i can really feel the 'me' when i m behind the wheel. i get annoyed easily and i dun feel good when people overtake me. dun like this feeling. it's eating up on me. and i can feel that it worsen everytime. this 2nd personality will gradualy fully manifest itself if i dun do something fast. i cant imagine the next time if i get my dream car.............
But one thing lar, i think i can handle my kancil pretty good. i m confident about it but at the same time,i think i m over confident. i dun drink and drive, by all means, the drink i mean is i get really drunk. ok, sometime i go out to drink just for fun, mayb a can or so, i guess that is pretty much alright. when i m ready to get drunk, i will tumpang someone so that that person can drive me home if i really got drunk real bad.
the funny thing is that, i can only drive kancil at the moment, hahahaha, i dun drive other cars.........i feel very connected to wonders.......... |
At 11:59 PM,
Fast-kancil-drivers are scary..
how on earth do you push your kancil to a hundred.. when i drive the kelisa at 100 i feel like the engine's going to explode..
anyhow, you might be adorable but i certainly dont ever want to bump into you on the sound like a garang punya driver..
once i get slightly more comfortable with the car i might start flashing the finger if i get agitated.. WOOHOO okay la i wont but the thought.. is.. there...
At 2:08 PM,
I totally understand how you feel like Adole but do be careful when driving. I hope you are driving a manual , if you are driving auto you have to be more careful since you can't engine break.
At 4:30 PM,
there are few instances that i nearly skided because i pressed the break so hard in the yellow line area (not yellow box, it's the area where usually before traffic lights or junctions). this kind of area is particularly slippery. i temporary lost control and the front wheel skided a bit to the left. hmm.........scary for the first time.
At 5:16 PM,
haiyo.. dont you ever learn from instances like this ah lanciao..
drive safe la..dont skid around..its scary.. you might run over a poor cat or something.. :@
At 5:33 PM,
Bring your car to some deserted place and practice controlled oversteers and understeers (read:drift) once you slide the car a few times you'll get a better feel for it and will be able to maintain control even when the car slides.
At 6:44 PM,
omg.. is this what you do with your dad's car ,warlock..?
At 8:47 PM,
Ah yes, the personallity change behind the wheel. It happens to the best of us.
Here's my experience. Started driving safely at first. But as time passes by, and the feel of the car and road,... confidence grips you... and adrenaline as well. Heh heh! Things can get a little crazy after that. Both warlock and siriuz are survivors of one of my crazy drift attempts at the highway curve.
PS: Siriuz screams like a japanese schoolgirl when faced with what seems like imminent death. Heh heh!
In a different world(indon), I learned new driving skills. Aggressive driving. It was required in a world without traffic rules. I was on a bike no less. Then I discovered the wonderous experience of vehicular collision, blunt force trauma, state of shock, skin stitching, hydrogen peroxide. Ah yes, the beautiful poetry of agony. After that, I drove like a old half blind nun in a traffic jam right after school. Kinda traumatized. Then I came back home and drove a car.... I.... felt... something........IMMORTALLITY!!! Mwahahahahaha! I'm invincible. Nothing can hurt me!!!!
Seriously, after riding a bike, a car really makes you feel safe. Now I can go around ramming into people with impunity. Mwahahaha!
At 2:19 PM,
ah.......motorbike makes me feel so bloody naked in the road. yes, i feel like i m naked, seriously. i dun ride a motor even as a pillion rider unless deem necessary.
Siriuz screamed? ^^
japanese school girl, that's cute ^3^