I nearly bought xbox360 on monday, but sadly no stock. dammit. well, i guess i just wait for the xbox 360 elite to be here. xbox360 is well known for it's over heating problems and once 3 red lights in seen, then send to hospital also cannot cure liao. unless get the unmodified one, which i m planning to get. I can borrow games from my fren and if there is offer in the net, i can grab the game for a cheap price around rm80 or so. Overheating is still the main issue ler. sad....... wii no game lar, and mostly chibified character one, not so my style. PS3 at the moment no games also, the best time to get ps3 is next year, and probably i will get 360 first for this year and ps3 for next year.
Some of the games for 360 is really stunning. Assasin Creed is one for certain, the games is somewhat akin to GTA and it has great graphics and actions (wading through the crowds and push people around). another one soon to be released is Lost Oddesey (spelling?) by Hironobu Sakaguchi (familiar name? the father of final fantasy) whom is working for Mistwalker now, company owned my microsoft. No ff game though. so we can expect good games from this company hopefully. i for one like 99 nights and i think it's an awesome game. oh, and since u all like FPS like CS, War of Gear is definitely the game for all of u, try play online. The game has one of the top notch quaility graphic i have ever seen. since seeing ps3 and xbox360 games, i think ff12 and kh2 (used to be super beautiful graphics to me) graphic now is just a small fragments of what i have seen in the new gen consoles.
The price for xbox360 limited set in my place here is rm1700 comes with 2 original games. i asked around at kl there and there price is rm1800+, i dunno y so expensive and the game for 360 (pirated of coz) is around rm18-20, which is quite taxing compared to rm15 here. any explanation or is ther any cheaper place around?
with xbox360, we can play final fantasy 11 ler. u guys getting it? magnus, heard u planning to get one ^^ from the chatbox. probably i will just wait until early next month then i c what to do lar. ps3 is definitely out for me in this year and wii i only like dragon quest. xbox360 is the best choice for now. |
At 12:31 PM,
Well I was mulling over buying an Xbox360, but I won't even consider doing this until I finish my PS2 games completely, its not like I'm suffering from game shortage ^_^
But 1800 for Xbox 360 is way too high man you should be able to get for 1400 at least. I've seen 1200 at low yat, modded. Let me put it this way a 20gb PS3 goes for RM1800 in sungai wang plaza....
overheating is not a huge problem if you take care of the machine, buy some coolers or use AC, plus the only time it's relevant is during those weekend gaming sprees.
I'll probably just spend keep my money and just buy Burning Crusade, at this point I'd rather play WoW than FF11, especially after the shit that was FF12. FF13 videos look promising though.
Too into .hack//G.U. now. OMG!!! Orca and Balmung!! WTF is going on!!! Second Arena match starting today.
I think I'll still get a PS3 first, that's the machine I really want, Xbox 360 is just something to get if I can't buy PS3, second prize.
Gears of War is a 3rd person shooter that is once of the most awesome games out this year, and I'd wager it won't make me throw up repeatedly while playing. Really cool shit. PS3 has an equivalent game too but I forget the name now T_T
I'm missing DotA!!!!!!
At 2:18 PM,
if i had a choice, i would get ps3 first, no question, but since now ps3 no games and ps2 is running out of games, i think it's time i move forward. ^^
so, 3rd person shooter, sorry about tht >.<
i cant run WoW with my current pc >.< so i guess the best way is to get xbox360 if i really wan to play ff11 too (not WoW). the unmoded wan can be obtained at rm1400 too here. but without games. im still thinking though. if not this month, prob next month, wait for better deal.
At 6:39 PM,
with rm 1400 you can buy 98275897234728947829374892734 donuts
At 9:22 PM,
Kavi you are nuts girl.
I don't see the point in getting a 360 .. better just get a better computer upgrade .. same games more upgrade options and can do more stuff on it. Besides saves you the trouble of playing the game all over again when the special version with extra stuff comes out for the PC :P
Still 1,800 is very expensive for a Xbox .. maybe you got cheated because you weren't streetwise enough ? You know these people will see their own mom if they can make a quick buck ...
At 10:34 PM,
im nuts.. like..doNUTS..
eh all of you just install counter strike la.. end of story..
At 10:35 PM,
this message will self destuct in 48759834785734 seconds..
At 11:01 PM,
Clearly you are retarded and must qualify for some kind of aid from the government..........
You're not entirely correct though, not all games get ported to the PC, most games don't work well with emulators save for much older ones, the 'new' content is usually just bullshit that doesn't matter e.g. Jade Empire PC version.
Of course buying Xbox to play FF11 is probably out.
At 3:33 AM,
i am NOT retarded. i insist!
i just love donuts!
At 10:02 AM,
Keep going Kavi, you're just a riot of laughs, I'm sure repeating the same word over and over passes for humour in Kepong =P
Gonna buy Burning Crusade tomorrow!!! *drool* I can't wait, even with full weekends there's still weekdays right....right....
No Xbox OR PS3, you know how it is lah, even the old PS2 models have problems with Dual Layer DVDs etc, better to buy the later versions, they're more STABLE lol.
Ram keeps bringing the Rappelz client back, for some reason it won't work for me, but now got all the latest patches etc so see how it goes, its giving me the Risk Your Life, won't fucking connect problem.
At 11:29 AM,
Dunno how ler, the one i c in kl so expensive, rm1800 is too much ler. i think i rather get one here for rm1700 and perhpas can go lower than this. i m just scouting the price ahhaha.
the problem is, i wan to get a real good pc, not just some upgrades, and that will take out a lot from me. the current granado is not doing so good with my pc and the upcoming RO2 will definitely be the same.
but i will c first lar and check out price.
BTW, the rm1800 is the limited pack, comes with 2 orignal games, of coz, i can also get the moded one without games for rm1300-1400 also.
At 1:24 PM,
just get a new pc la.. and put donuts as your wallpaper! :)
At 1:40 PM,
>.< donuts ar........i m not really into donuts lar ^^
At 2:45 PM,
Oh yeah, upgrading to a PC that is as powerful as an Xbox360 gameswise will cost you roughly 3-4 times more than the Xbox360.
Get the Xbox 360 Adole, unless you can afford to get a better PC, PC should take priority if you game on it like with MMORPGs, but if you just surf and shit you don't really need to bother.
I don't understand why you want the unmodded one though, do you like paying RM300 for the same games that you can pay RM10 for? Morality of Intellectual Property theft aside (after all I am completely immoral....my Moral test paper says so).
My advice is don't buy unless you can get a modded one for RM1200. If you coming to KL and seriously considering let me know and maybe we can get a group discount. No promises though.
Donuts are quite useful for the single an with needs. I always like the jelly filled one, they feel more....natural. Just warm them up in the microwave to heighten the experience.
At 3:06 PM,
I take it back Adole, get a better PC for the love of god get a better PC.
Two words....
Starcraft 2
At 1:08 PM,
oh, er....i have not played starcraft b4, not totally, but i played less than 1 hour in my whole gaming life. i dunno y, but i love Dota.
i m still thinking if i wan to get xbox360 or just wait for ps3. i will definitely get ps3 even if i get 360.
yea, the unmoded one is expensive, but just for warranty reason and i wan to play in xbox live, probably...anywya, xbox only has some games that i really like.
well, still thnking, i will scourage for the price again in kl in june.
At 2:53 PM,
Never played Starcraft?!?!?!
This is like the gravest PC Gamer sin EVER!!!! Oh well...it was a damn good game. I keep checking to see if Starcraft 2 site is updated now.
Be like me, if you can't get a woman....play World of Warcraft.
At 12:02 PM,
wahh, cant get woman then play WoW, hahhahaha.
i wan to play but ithink my pc cannot handle lar the graphic ^^ need buy new pc first.
no...i m going to get woman and WoW or wow with me.
At 3:30 PM,
Well I could get a woman in theory, but then I'd feel guilty ;P
So I have to content myself with dancing with Blood Elf babes instead. You know how they say elves are flat, they so aren't
I am Navinidan the Blood Knight!!
Magnus was taken T_T