firstly, i apologize that this tread have to chip in between the other posts (the Dota one) cause if i dun post now, i dun know when i can make the post again. I am now working elsewhere out of my hometown and i dun have any internet access, except for the one in the office, wont be as convinient as before. what i wan to share with everyone is that (to those who r interested and not) are.......
so far, or at least to me, i think xbox360 is kinda promising if anyone here wanna get a console. i know ps3 is still hot on our list, my list too......but i have to admit that by the end of this year or next year, 360 will release an arsenal of promising titles. and some are exclusive to 360 only. I for one like traditional jrpg or perhaps mordernized one, and 360 will have more of them soon.
1. Tales of Vesparia (Namco Bandai) - 360 only 2. Last Remnant (Square Enix) - 360 and ps3 3. Infinite Undiscovery (Square Enix) - 360 only 4. Star ocean 4 :the Last Hope (Square Enix) - 360 only
These r the rpgs that i can not even miss. and most of them r coming to 360 only. but of course, ps3 have final fantasy 13 and might have kingdom hearts. but after ff7, the rest of the ff series r just acquired taste. and since the father of FF has now hail Mistwalker as home, i bet more jrps will come to 360. furthermore, FF13 may look nice now as shown in the trailer, but we r still not too sure of the real game mechanics. i really hope it's not disappointing. some other game that we should look forward to are...
1. Gear of Wars 2 - 360 only 2. Biohazard 5 - both 3. Alone in the Dark 4 (?)- both
on 360 games will mostly be ported to pc, well, i heard from a lot of people, not just from our bloggers mate here, i do not agree entirely. yes, games like fps or 3ps like Halo may be ported to pc, but i doubt games like rpgs will........mayb some, but not most. and to play these games on pc, we need a very very good pc in the first place. it's not to say that i try to stray anyone from getting ps3, i will get one eventually, when there is some games that i m actually interested to play like FF, but since some of the games are released in both consoles, i will just try to get the ciplak one and play on my 360. as for ps3 exclusives games, i will get the ori, that seems the only way. i wouldnt play these kind of games with my pc. my pc for mmorpgs only, hehhee.
well, just my 2 cents worth of opinions. but the games that i sought r mostly in 360 by far, so, i guess i now lean more to 360m, hahahaha, though the console is flawed. and it seems that if the games are being released in both consoles, the 360 one would perform smoother, well, accoridng to my fren who tried this. as now, i m open, just folo the path of the games i adore.
bye for now, take k all. |
At 2:17 PM,
Games ported from the 360 to PC doesn't require a supercomputer to run nowadays. The 360 is actually just a tricked out computer .. if you have a decent graphic card you should be able to play most port. So if your only reason to get the 360 is because you think you need to go out and spend like RM 3500 on a new computer then you might want to rethink your plan.
However, if you can afford it just get both a 360 and a PS3. Relying on games being ported from the 360 to the PC is not a good idea, since not all the games you want to play will be ported over. And even if it is ported over , you still have to wait for 6 months to 1 year before it reaches the PC. It's true that the graphics will be better and they normally add more things to the PC version but do you have the patience to wait ? Sometimes you just want to play a game as soon as it's released.
At 2:46 PM,
adole im so sorry i didnt have time the other day to reply your email but just know im doing fine yeah. will reply asap =)
At 4:51 PM,
adole here, too lazy to log in.
yeah, i cant wait hahhaa, and i think most of the rpg will not be ported to pc. so far, i have only seen ff being ported to pc and is making success. i mean jrpg. the other rpgs r not. actually, i m not too keen on playing ported games on pc, mayb it's just me, but i feel that ported games looks horrible compared to the ori on consoles. just my opinion. just look at ff7, i still feel the movie very pixelleted and such. perhaps i have grown comfortable to tv than monitor, hahaha.
i agree too that 360 is just like pc, but i think ps3 is built in such a way too. but the games for 360 now has varied to great length and the one ported to pc are mostly meant.....well meant to be played on pc, such as Halo, and other shooting games genre. for me, i play rpgs and not really onto shooting except mass effect. so i think getting 360 is very much worth it. The games that i wanted to play badly are not ported to pc now, otherwise, i wont have to buy ori. T.T
to kave : pat pat, mwhahahhaa
At 6:32 AM,
Playing Mass Effect on Pc now. It doesn't look horrible. It is a rpg not fps. And yes if you can effort just get both 360 and PS3. I mean what's wrong with that. 360 is out for long time for us to grap and PS3 is still long way for us to take. So get 360 now and PS3 later when it is available(if you know what i mean). I don't really mind waiting for porting 360 game because I have so many other pc games I can play like neverwinter nights and Kotor. Mass Effect and Jade Empire had come to PC when I dont even realize it is out for PC. Biohazard 4 too. I know they are suppose to be exclusive but then again 360 is microsoft and I don't really want to support the giant too much further. Unfortunately Sony is also walking on the path of evil nowaday.Sigh...
At 6:41 AM,
Played YS:origin and The legend of Heroes VI:SC on PC. Both JRPG although they don't have very good graphic but like usual JRPG the story is great. Both games are suppose to be the 7th games for their series. Waiting for TC now.
At 6:51 AM,
I wonder fallout 3 will be nice.
At 8:08 AM,
adole here. at first YS 7 if not mistaken is for pc only, and it's ported to consoles. i m not shock that biohazard 4 is ported to pc, hahahha, the previous installments did too.
i think i m a bit bias when i make the post, or perhaps overly, hhahaha. i like Mass Effect for the story, actually at first i dun really wan to play the game, but i started out a bit and kinda like it. Jericho is nice, Lost planet is too. and i m not shock if it is ported to pc because i can c that it is meant for pc. however, on games like jrpgs, mostly, and i mean most of it will not be ported to pc. jrpgs boast of complex game mechanics and unique battle which i really m looking forward to.
on which side to choose, well, i cant say i will folo which consoles, i only folo the path the games go. so far, 360 has better games compared to ps3.
this issue nvr ends, hahahha, we all have our likes and dont, so, all just personal opinions, nothing more, nothing less.
lol, just to make something clear, i m not trying to convert anyone getting 360 here, but just wan to highlight a few games that i think is worth for 360. and i think these games will not make it to pc shore, and i have a lil hunch that infinite undiscovery might though....Alone in the dark, biohazard might too, but games like star ocean 4 wont.
At 8:28 AM,
alone in the dark is out for all platform. YS 7 is not YS origin but I get your point. Adole I have yet write anything bad about 360. To hell we should all get 360, ps3 and a good pc and get ori games then play the game online together. That would be fun isn't it. One word of advise, 360 seem to have a lot of good games now cause developer have unlock all the potential for the console. As for PS3 it still take a while, but once they get it. See what happen to Metal Gear Solid 4, 10.0 from gamespot. Don't play play.
At 3:48 PM,
ya, agree with u sai, MGS4 is a must have game!!! MUST!!! hahhaa, but i hope ff13 wont be too disappointing.
ya, agree with the potential things. it seems the ps3 is built with id unno how to call that thing, 7 lv of what, i cant remember what is the name and now developer only managed to unlock some and it's very hard to make games for ps3 because of the complexity. so, i guess most developer are shifting for 360 for a while.
so far, ps3 games that interest me are MGS4 and FF. others not too, even Heavenly Sword is not so special except for the ariel combo where we have to swing the controller upwards. other than that, it's quite regular.
for now, i m content with 360. but who knows about the future, hahhahaa. but for hironobu sakaguchi to leave Square enix because he does not like some of the policies within Sony i think, and because of this, i wont put too much hope on ps3.
At 6:11 PM,
why am i KAVE?!
*whips adole*
At 3:39 PM,
I think the 360 is the only real choice unless to are planning to pay 150-300 per game