Woohoo! I'm finally in. Forgot my account password. Been a long time since i last posted. Thought blog died already. Thats my new excuse. Previous one was no internet connection. Heh heh! Anyway, felt kinda left out not knowing all the DOTA social updates. Always though DOTA all about action. Now got drama and stuff. Cool! I like. Must make it a point to mention everyone in this... my mega comeback ultra post. Heh! So let us begin..... Fisrtly , i have to agree, Gopi is being emo. Which is cool. Cause now we have this huge very interesting multi emo posts on our blog. Heh heh. Thanks man. I remember arvin+john= GG. Makes the victory all more GLOOOOORIOUS!! Muahahaha!!! When the teamwork starts rollin... heads just keep fallin. Seriouly dont know how that happen. Must've been in da zone or somethin. But it was cool. I dont really mind the dissin. Its still all fun for me. Like magnus sez... warlock very critical on how i play baratum. But thats just cause he very gay about baratum. Heh. No hard feelings. Think warlock great leader. Even when lead team to imminent death. Still finds a way to make it feel fun to die. Ha ha. Almost as psycho as magnus. Both very suicidal. Kinda predictable and easy to coordinate with. Me getting infected with blood rage. Not good when kardel stand toe to toe wif fuzzy and try to kill him wif handle of rifle. Must learn to keep cool from sai. Just get maelstrom. Ha ha ha. I'm still working on baratum though. Not quite there yet. Still get too much adrenaline rush COD all over the map. ;P As for NOS, I must tell you all a secret. He's not human. He's actually a time traveling alien esper. Nuff said. On a more serious note, NOS owned cause he got good teammates. Us.... ahem!. Actually made it a point to hunt him. But couldn't succeed cause of his teammates. Damn it feels good to pawn him even when its kinda gay since it took 5 people to do it. Heh. Bottom line, if someone buys divine rapier. Its GG. Not cause of rapiers effects, but what it represents. Warlock is old. Ha ha! Never though of it that way. Wait, doesn't that mean that i'm... 'dougtht'!!! Cant really comment on arul. Keep changing nick. Cant keep track. Remember he got kicked out once cause though he was some other cybercafe dude. Ha ha. James is anything but calm. Many spirits of dead mice can confess to that. I was there. It was horrible. The inhumanity. The cruelty. Horror of horrors. To this very day, the mark remains. On that little patch of wood... it lays forever barren... no mouse pad dares take its place. Ripped to shreds... thi's the fate of all mouse pads that fails james' strict performance test. Heh heh. James play style varies a lot. i still cant figure it out. Except when he playing drow. Then got predictable mindset. ;P To shaun, I understand bout the change of plan thing. Poor warlock. By the way, kudos to warlock for all the event organizing. Keep up the good work. Ahem. ;p I for one really appreciate it and would never want to change management. Heh. Ahem. Back to shaun, you've got a unique play style dude. Always fun to have you around. Never would've thought of the jumping in and stealing the aegis plan. Ha ha. A little more coordination and we might have pulled it off. That would've been a memorable achievement. :-) As for me, still feel a bit handicap when AR. Lack of experience. Will catch up and join in on the trash talkin soon. Heh heh. Its all fun. All part of the DOTA experience. I have most fun when teamwork is flowing. Multi ganking. Big kickass group battles. And everyone sacrificing themselves to take out the tower. Adicted to the adrenaline rush. As for tactics, all is valid. Just needs coordination. Who farms, who push, defend, when and where...how. Then it should be fine. Easier said then done though. Good luck warlock. ;p Bad teamwork! Not sure how kugan and shauns invisible tactics work though. I'm all ears. Happy to coordinate wif the tactics. For those instances where saving up for item and dont want to die, please inform team so that can change tactics to accomodate. If survival instinct kicks in during team battles and one runs... team is usually screwed. Personal experience. Kugan, heard about your must return to base survival instinct tranz thing. I know how it feels. Not a hundred percent but close. Sometimes i just go blank and all i see are colourful pixels. Dont even know where i am. Panic attack. Atleast thats what i thought. Now i know its actually bullet time. Its a gift. Very few people can do it. The fraternaty, max payne, neo...etc. (Rambling) As far as doing stupid suicidal gila kill charges, we all do it. Some more than others. Heh. Me included. I really appreciate it when a teammate helps slaps me out of it. Gopi and warlock comes to mind. Thanks dudes. ;P Axe behind razor is just gay. Just as razor leaving axe behind to be raped... is just gay. Now axe and razor covering each others asses and then getting raped is macho... i think. Hmm..... About sai.... weird. Uses strange builds. Got fetish about maelstrom. Ha ha. Just kidding. Very adaptive play style. Great for all teams. Excellent support. One of the hardest rolls for me to play. ;p
Ok, cant think anymore. Ran out of ranting material. Getting sleepy. GG! |
At 2:17 PM,
hehehehehe....EMo gopi. tats me. Good to know at least we have another DOTA(gaming) freak amongst us(ARC), well maybe din,navin,and james knew but now i know. Thanks for all the ass whooping you gave me on saturday, u will pay dearly for tat in the next session. :)
p.s: Dont think i forgot about you navin@magnus@pawn of satan@lucifer. Ur ass is first on my list.(and its nothing GAY)
At 10:45 PM,
At least I am safe :)
At 8:58 AM,
Ah Clown Clown Clown, then you got pwnd by me it was the most painful, heartrending day of your life....for me it was Saturday =P
My Dawn Build Lucifer rises like the flaming sun of hell, forcing you to wake up from your all-night Garena hangover.
Next Saturday we have 10 hours madness and I'm sure you'll get to kill me at some point.
Oh yeah I made a special comment about you in the other post.
At 10:16 PM,
"Next Saturday we have 10 hours madness and I'm sure you'll get to kill me at SOME point"...IC....creating more drama with this challenge.I like...I like. Being a generous guy i guess ill give you abit more then at "some point". Hopefully ill crush ur burning sun and send u back to the dark pit of despair where you havent been for sometime now.
At 8:40 AM,
Guys , its a bit too early in the week to be trash talking .. :p
At 10:49 AM,
You know what they say Gopi, the empty can makes the most noise....when I'm beating the crap out of it. Prepare to be blinded by awesomeness!!!!
If we do make 10 hours I think we'll be close enough to the evening at the end that you may witness my dusk build Lucifer. Just like the night ends the day, I will end you ^_^
At 11:28 PM,
Sigh.... The plumber wanna fix the pipe at Sunday. I can't go back to Seremban. No Dota for me.
Arc! kill u next time with maelstorm then you know. Fetish... Huh!
At 11:32 PM,
No! Diablo 3!!! Everyone get ready the pc when it release.
At 1:39 AM,
hahahaha.....trash talking is good for the soul, warlock. And i guess an empty can is trash after all so wat else can you expect from NAVIN and me.
At 1:40 AM,
DOnt worry bout DIABLO 3. we should be playing it during the time arul has his first grandson. We all know how much we like playing starcraft 2 these past few years afterall
At 9:21 AM,
hehe D3 is plan to release next year March. Much faster then Starcraft 2.