During my time serving the insignificantly ill, I have discovered a few enlightening facts about the current status of the human social relations of the local society. Normally, when a patient comes, one is oblidged to respond to their needs and complains in the kindest manner and treat them to the best of their interests. One would not only relief their current agravation, but be caring enough to inform them of other potential risks to their already short and pitiful lives. As a result, they get infuriated at the notion that there's something far more dangerous within them gnawing at the very essence of their life. So... fine. Ignorance is bliss as they say. All is fine. One does as society dictates. Then comes the returning patient that is infuriated for not being informed of other life threatening illnesses deeply seated within them when they came for treatment of some insignificant illness in the ages long since passed. And now it is to late. Doom is upon them. And sorrow creeps all over the one burdened by the imminent loss of another's life. A sorrow so great it threathens to fill ones heart and comsume ones soul entirely. And so one thinks to ones self... But, But, How is this MY Fault? The confusion that lies within society in its entirety is mind boggling. There is no right answer. There is no thruth. All is a shade of grey. All foggy and bewildering. So now what? What does one do? Personally, I turn to the great minds that founded the very basis of reality itself. The creators of the Matrix. Yes, that is right. Your eyes fool you not. What you just read is true. It is the Matrix. The answer lies deep within the very fabric of its creation(oh ok, actually I just picked a few lines from the movie). You see, now when a patient comes along, I would diagnose their condition and then before telling them anything at all, I would ask them a very crucial question. A choice is to be made. I would say..... "Make a choice. The blue pill or the red pill. Take the blue pill and when this is done(meaning when the anesthetics wares off), you'll wake up and everything will be fine. Take the red pill and I'll show you how deep the rabbit holes really goes(meaning I'll tell them how ill they really are and how soon they're gonna die, oh and when's the best time to tell their loved ones goodbye and goodridance)". So then, with that, all problems are solved. Those who wants to know will know. And those who don't will be forever left in the comfort of their dark little corner of the world. Forever oblivious of the coming tragedy and their imminent mortal end. And so the world continues on. The sun continues to rise and set. The flowers continues to bloom and wither. And I continue to feel all warm and fuzzy inside, knowing that I have done wholesome good to both the intelectuals and fools alike. Mua ha ha ha ha ha!!! |
At 6:16 PM,
Dude, is there any terminal dental illness ? Or did you switch your major to medicine ?
Try not to take too much pleasure in tormenting people about their impending mortality.
At 12:24 AM,
Yeah, man. This post is a little disturbing.
At 2:28 PM,
A little disturbing???
Actually I was was hoping for... "OMG IS HE INSANE?"
But... eeehhhh.... its ok. A little disturbing will do just fine... for now. Anyway, there are no direct terminal dental illnesses as of date. However, there are a few indirect ones. Rather rare though. I guess eventually its all in the presentation. Be hysterical enough and one can scare the living crap out of practicallly anyone. Care should be taken when doing this to those with heart conditions though. Wouldn't wanna be actually responsible for shortening someones lifespan from say, 20 years more to like... 'suddendeath'. On a more serious note though, as disturbing as this is, do have a nice day. Heh heh!
At 4:23 PM,
Dude , you scare me.
Now I know why kids are scared of dentists. It's an inbuilt protective mechanism kinda like the gag reflex ...
At 11:04 AM,
I remember I had this psycho christian fanatic girlfriend once who lent me these extremely lame tapes about how Satan embeds himself in modern music (i.e. propagating that all non-christian music is Satanic)
So anyway, the dude narrating was also telling this story about how the minions of Satan tried to do him in to prevent the spread of the word. Seems that his dentist left a drill bit in his tooth before capping it, causing infection etc etc. After a couple of bad headaches an x-ray revealed this and a huge infection that would have spread to his brain and killed him.
This is the only 'attempted murder' by a dentist I know of. And proof that religious freakshows can find God/Devil in ANYTHING. Ooooh ohhh I made it to work alive today, god loves me, I'm the chosen one. I'm mentally unstable an god talks to me ooooh oooh