Greetings everyone! Been missing in action for quite some time. Heh! First thing’s first, an update on what's goin on around here. Been busy with exams lately. Not your usual writen exams, but oral exams. More like interogations to me. As hot as this country is, the interogation booths seems eerily cold. Hmm..... Going for my first operation next week. Real eager to cut people up .Heh heh! Watched a few good series. House is really good. Very technical. Kinda like CSI. And then there's heroes. Kinda like x-men. Highly recommended. Currently watching prince of tennis. man is it long. 182 episodes. Phew! Doesn't seem like i'm gonna finish it anytime soon. Saw death note aswell. Absolutely love it. Its right up there with all the other dark animes which I love so much. (hellsing, soul taker, project arms, basilisk,.... etc). Haven't finished though. The episodes not complete here. Damn! Just finished grandia 3. Quite interesting. Much better than valkyrie profile 2. Didn't really like that one. Gameplay wasn't quite my style. Still, among all the recent games, xenosaga 3 still rules. Thinking of trying .hack after grandia. Haven't played any of the .hack games before. Will jumping straight to the latest one spoil anything for me?
A few days back, I went on a random visit to a book fair. Got a huge suprise. It seems there was a cosplay competition being held there. My very first live cosplay event. It was absolutely hillarious. Had many famous characters. Highlights are as follows...... sasuke and sakura(lesbian partners), inuyasha and kagome (inu got drugged), sailormoon (oversized & miniture version), the whole cast of sakura card captor (winged guy kinda cool), aburame shino(close range combat, kira yamato from gundam seed(ballet dancing idiot.... no kidding), and my personal favourite..... Rinoa(one word... beautiful). Heh heh! Too bad she was kinda underaged though. Almost none of the potrayed characters seem even remotely close to the original. Hence the hillarious part of the whole event. Heh! Anyway, all in all, it was quite an experience.
Ok, that's it. GTG. Til' next time..... |
At 9:25 AM,
I have a soft spot for the theme song of Grandia 3 ;D
Wish Emilious could have joined the party. Did you purposely lose to him to see the Godslayer in action. I guess if Valkyrie Profile is worse than Grandia 3 it goes to the bottom of the pile. Pretty graphics though. The combat just throws me off in that game.
Xenosaga 3 is the bomb!!! Coolest ever, I really wish they had made the full 6 episodes like they originally planned. Too bad I guess, they mucked up episode 2 and that killed the series. There's still hope though if episode 3 sells well.
On .hack//G.U. its a great game and the combat is realtime and fast paced. You will definately enjoy it, but its a bit on the short side, took me about 35 hours with doing everything there is to do in the game. The main character Haseo is so cool, trust me once you start the game and go through the opening you will not be able to put it down.
I just started watching .hack//SIGN the anime and let me say this regarding story. You can play G.U. without playing anything else and you won't miss out, but there are instances that connect it to the previous games (certain characters appearing etc) but it won't take away from G.U. if you don't play the others.
The first four games: Infection, Mutation, Quarantine, I forget one of the names are great and you really should play them. Its better to watch the SIGN anime first storywise.
Also, G.U. is a three parter, volume 2 is out in september this year.
When you coming back to Malaysia man? Get hamachi the program, I don't know if it will lag a lot with you but then we can play dota online.
At 9:42 AM,
Yeah, u can skip the other .hack game, but u wont find urself going 'ooo ahhh so they appear again' sorta things, haha. but in the story, they will tell u what happened before, and there is online news (in da game) to watch. Overall, it's a cool game, and it's GREAT.
I love GRANDIA series. Personally, i still like Grandia Extreme better.
I watched the .hack//sign anime before playing the game even before i got ps2 (in uni life)and i m totally swept by it. I have also watched the cutesy .hack twillight bracelet. But i havent watched .hack root. Must watch the anime, and the music is so cool by Kajiura Yuki or in duo, the See-Saw.
At 12:23 PM,
I like the music in .hack//SIGN so far and the entire series as a whole has pretty good music.
Can't find the tracks to download anywhere though :(
I can't stand the cute cute chibi looking cartoons so I stay away from those.
Ah I get my Terror of Death form and the Flick Scythe in Volume 2 of G.U. september is so far away....
At 5:14 PM,
u can try bluelaguna. i try to find the links at home n post it here sometime this weekend. The OST that i really like are "the World" and "Twillight of....." forgot liao.
At 11:07 AM,
Just started .Hack//G.U.
Terror of death is so cool. Can't wait to regain all 133 levels he's lost. heh heh!
Be back around end of cny. How large is the hamachi program? Cause I'll have to lug it around and reinstall everytime I wanna play. Where to get it?
At 12:05 PM,
Oh Hamachi is really small, you could even get it using a dialup connection, but that wouldn't be ideal for gaming I think. I've got a 300kbps connection and it works fine for DotA (we still lag sometimes though.....blame streamyx).
I just want the flick scythe...
You get that form back in Volume 2 (that is not a spoiler by the way). It's wicked cool. The fight with Tri-Edge was cool, I hope yours didn't hang like mine and Adole's. Its worth watching on youtube if it did (or you can just unlock the final movie which is like a trailer that shows the full fight. If your movie hanged playing the first movie back in the movie viewer will still hang so you have to wait till you finish the game).
I saw the trailer for Volume 2 of G.U. and it is so cool, especially if you know who Balmung and Orca are.
At 7:58 PM,
haha, it's really good. The trailer for vol 3 is out i heard, my bro saw it already, i have to search his pc for the trailers. anyway, i dun want to watch too many, haha, or else i cant contain my excitement.
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