Just reading posts about everyones gaming history brings tears to my eyes. Such wonderful poetic bliss. *sniff*sniff* I was so moved that I just had to share mine. Here goes... T'was a dark and stormy night... Ahem!... ok, actually it was a beautiful christmas morning. I was still a clueless little kid. The morning breeze felt warm on my face.... ah hell, i'll just cut the chase and get to the point. My dad bought me a nintendo. The very first bulky one that could knock a grown man unconsious if it dropped on his feet. I had no idea what a nintendo was back then. Anyway, I played losts of games that I cant remember right now. Played with my dad and sis. Most memorable was Mario! Oh how a despise that game. Curse Mario and his stupid bottemless pits. If you cant tell yet, I suck at platform games. Loss count of how many times I treveled the bottomless pit. Grrrrrrr........... Then I began playing arcade games. At first mainly at a club which I took swimming lessons. Too name a few, Cadillac Dinosaurs, Moon walker, and ofcourse... Street Fighter. Anyway, then came the sega megadrive. Thats when my craze for games began to slowly manifest. Played losts of games with my sis. Mainly the barenuckle series. Finished it over a million times. Heh heh! As for X-men, thank goodness I figured out the reset trick in my first try. Otherwise it would have been so fustrating. Ok, actually magnus told me. He he. Still played lots of street fighter though. Note: I own magnus at street fighter. Countered all his moves. Hah! Although to be fair, he was the only one to provide a certain amount of competitive play. Thats when I first watched street fighter the movie. In japanese. Without subtitles. Ha ha. I was so clueless. Loved it though. Still dream about the Ryu,Ken,Vega/Bison ending fight scene. Sooooooo cooooollllll!!!! During this time, everyone had a pc already. I still don't. Sad! :c Apart from that, began going to arcades a lot. T'was the era of marvel superheroes. Must have spent hundreds on the game trying to..... damn magneto. Lets just say magnus adapted to that game faster than I did. Felt like ages before I finally mastered spiderman and stood a fighting chance. Another memmorable arcade game was D&D shadow of mystara. 4 player madness. Loved the mage. Chain cast spell, die, chain cast spell, die. Ha ha ha! And now, the era of the legendary PS. OMG! That was the bomb. FF7, FF8, Tekken, Soul calibur, Resident evil(opening a door never seemed so scary) ,toshinden(warlock was my fav prey),....etc. Countless games.... countless moments of a well spent life. Aaaahhhhh! During this time was when I got my first computer too. Before that the only computer game I played was warcraft 1 on the school computer. One of the perks of being in the computer club. Heh heh! Anyway, the first game on my computer was warcraft 2. Thats when I first encountered the legendary company.... Blizzard. Man do they create great games. Started multiplayer games then too. I suck though. Get killed all they time. Grrr..... Then came starcraft, greatest game of all time. Finished it in five days. Multiplay for years. Around here. Around this time. A historical moment in time. A divine entity of death incarnate. A manifestation of carnage itself.One that will spell doom for many in years to come. Behold! The ARC was born! The Arc of Aiur! As you can tell, I was a protoss fan back then. Nothing beats a swarm of carriers. Mwahahaha! Owned many games with them. Until one day, the zergs got smart. They rushed. Attacked a deffenceless base. The cruelty. Aaarrggghhhh! T'was then that the great potential of the protoss zealot was discovered. One zealot can takeout tones of zerglings. Heheh! Loss count of the number of victories in five minutes just because of one zealot. Protoss rules! Use to be one half of the protoss sphere of doom. The other was siriuz. Both pure bred protoss warriors. When ours forces combine.... victory was inevitable. After that, siriuz and I was banned from playing in the same team. Oh well. After killing endless amounts of zergs, the sanity of the Arc began to falter. Loyalty dissolved. Like a fallen angel.... I now serve.... the ZERG! Mwahahahaaha! Magnus was still loyal then. He loved his dear baby carriers. So did I. Heh heh! So... did... I... And so I sent my little scourges after them. One after another... after another. BOOOM! Aaahhh... pure bliss! Heh heh! Other memmorables were, Planescape Torment(best storyline in an RPG... ever), Dungeon keeper 2(finally, I get to play the dark side), Baldur's Gate and the like. Other than that, there was Diablo 1&2(corpse explotion rules), Total Annihilation, KKND.....etc. Then came the PS2. God of war, price of persia, devil may cry, metal gear solid, splinter cell, FFX, ..... just to name a few. Kinda like all those 4 player games aswell but i kinda have no one to play with. Oh how I envy warlock, siriuz & sai. Grrrr...... Anyway, gamers for life! Woo hoo!
And that brings this heartfelt story to an end. |
At 10:10 AM,
Bastard!! You did not own me in Street Fighter :P
Oh god the final battle between Ryu & Ken vs. Vega a.k.a. Bison rules!!! Remember how fun it was to reenact it in Street Fighter Zero/Alpha.
The Mage in Mystara is still the best man, all he needs is someone to keep him alive until we reach the boss, then ist BYE BYE!!!
Protoss is still the coolest!! I wish they'd make a sequel. Archons!! Oh my unstoppable Archons!!! At least until them damn humans build research vessels....
Playing God of War 2 now.
How could GoW get any better? It just did
At 2:16 PM,
i like mage and thief in D&D shadow of mystara. Thief obviously for the combo. Elf also, i like her, her combo is good.
As for pc, i m more into online games, i played plethora of closed, opened and even pay to play on9 games. u guys play any online games? the coolest i have seen is.......apart from WOW and FFXI k, it's Cabal. i somehow managed to close beta test the game but i think my pc is at the edge. it's a super cool game, got limit break and it's great.
i played SF too....i like KOF a great deal. i like games with insane comboes like marvel vs capcom.
At 5:11 PM,
ghahhahahhahaha you "grrr" a lot too!! weehooo!