So as most of you know I finally purchased a PSP last week after months of waffling over whether to buy one or not. I must say I'm quite satisfied with it, but haven't taken the time to do much with it aside from playing some games. Its a good thing to have especially since I'm retiring from DotA...until next Saturday when I make my Rocky-like comeback.
Anyway, I would appreciate some advice from Warlock (since I don't want to wait till the weekend to talk to him)
What good applications should I be looking for (not games, but like for other things, say pdf and such)
How does the movie player thing work, can i just copy over my avi files or do I have to reformat them (I know original firmware sucks for this but mines the latest custom one) or perhaps is there a good movie player. I don't really care about space so I just want to copy some movies over and maybe a few tv series episodes to watch on the train/bus.
Could you give me a list of games/programs you have and if there's any I want can you burn them for me (I will supply discs, but I think I have more than enough games for now).
I'm not using the funky casing or anything, just the wrist strap and a screen protector. so far so good. I got the logitech earbuds too. anything I should really consider buying?
Can't think of anything else right now, so maybe I'll update later. |
At 1:02 PM,
adole here, lazy log in.
some of the games i find will lag slightly even though i set the cpu to 333. i m thinking of getting the program from internet, the one that speed up the reading process from memory card. any idea anyone?
magnus, lol, the one game u should try first is FF crisis core. after that, wait for Dissidia FF. other games are mostly sprg and not very creative. might wan to try Brave story (i like the cat girl and the twin blade lady, other than that, the game itself is nothing good).
At 4:54 PM,
Games lag because of the CSO compression of the game. In theory games shouldn't lag when using ISO or CSO with low/no compression .. unless the game itself has a design flaw. Try to re-compress your CSO into lower compression or just use ISO format only.
More to come later, not free to type
At 5:50 PM,
yeah in theory psp games shouldn't lag.
At 10:40 AM,
I'm still waiting for Warlock to come some more ^_^
I haven't noticed any slowdown/lag so far. I might test out the wireless internet over at one of the coffee places this week if i'm free.
I'm way ahead of you adole, I got FF1 (remake), FF7:CC, FF Tactics and some other stuff like God of War and Castlevania. I really like Castlevania since the levels are short so I can definitely get through one boss per LRT ride.
I also got Street Fighter Alpha 3 just so I could unlock and play Shin Bison/Vega, but the controls are a bit off using the PSP, need to look up some way to improve playing those types of games.
Got Megaman X as well another fun game. Hellboy which I haven't tried and Disgaea, Warhammer 40k Strategy game. I think that's it. 1gb left for songs and movies, I might start watching my TV shows while on public transport.
I'm glad i got the 8gb card since I'll probably load up the card with tons of crap (might even delete a few of my games).
Fingers crossed for Dissidia, I'm sure it'll be out by the time i'm done with Crisis Core.
I found super nintendo and sega genesis emulators, but haven't figured out how to run homebrew, do I just run it the same way i run games of the memory card? Plus I need to get the dam n usb cable, it didn't come with the pack (is that normal?) I need to buy it first so I can upload stuff into it. Wonder how much it will cost.
I really prefer the PSP without the crystal case, feels very unweildy with it on, I'm sure I'll wish I used it if i drop my psp but I'm using the wrist strap so let's hope it don't come to that.
At 12:39 PM,
adole here.
i dun have ff1 yet, hahaa, so far i finished several games including FF crisis core, Jeanne Darc in final fight, Tales of Eternia, Brave story and.....cant remember, lol. i m trying to get god of war.
i dun have pc to decompress it, lol, but from the net, even those playing with umd also lags. one of the game is Spectral Soul. others dun really lag but seems like loading. i wanted to try decompressing last time but dun have time, hahaha, will try later. other games works fine.